Thursday 30 June 2011

Thursday June 30th

I read on Facebook today someone's status that read....

"But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea!"

Not the words of a mother or father but the words of Jesus Christ! I wonder if the next time I go on a boat trip around Plymouth Sound I will see anyone of those connected to this case who have caused my daughters to lie or have lied using their names they will be seen at the bottom of a the Sound with a heavy weight around their neck! 

I am preparing myself for a month from now when the school breaks up for summer holidays. For three years I have been fighting this unjust system and the lies of LC1 and LC2's corruption. I have made it well known that this summer will be the make or break for us all. I do not believe that LC1 will step out of her lies and deceit in fear of the consequences. Her family and her legal team of con merchants would pounce on her if she should dare contemplate doing the right and honest thing as it would expose their evilness. 

With that in mind these next few weeks leading up to the end of July will be spent solely on spending the precious time I have with my children and preparing to move away until they are old enough to come and seek the truth. This country is broken beyond repair. I put faith in a government along with many others to be let down and promises made in the past have been broken. LC1 would make a fucking great MP! 

Many more children will lose the right to have their father in their lives as they grow up because this country is scared to face up to the fact that the system it has in place now is FUCKED and needs to change! While it allows people like LC2 to do the jobs they are doing and destroy the lives of children because of their own greed and contempt for fathers this country will never be equal and will never offer a decent future.
More proof the world is fucked up! This will give liars like my ex even more excuses to hide behind the system. I have been arrested twice for allegedly assaulting my ex when the plain facts were that I was the one who was assaulted. Even given the fact that on two separate occasions when I was assaulted in front of my children and whilst talking to someone on WEBCAM who saw both assaults I was told to "FORGET IT! by those LC1 is currently hiding behind. It is time for the the law makers of this country to grow some balls!  

I said 2011 would be the year for change. it should also be the year that the system hung it's head in shame and in some cases those inside it have a millstone around their necks and be thrown into the sea! This country is no longer a place to be proud to be part of it is place to be ashamed of.

On a happier and lighter note Maria Sharapova made it through to the Wimbledon women's final! I switched a bit of the tennis on earlier and had to turn the volume down. In the other semi final one of the women was either practising for some very noisy sex session later or there was a banshee in the crowd. The noise really is disgustingly pornographic at Wimbledon this year. Surely something could be done to cut that out. 

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