Friday 17 June 2011

Friday June 17th
I think a few people involved in my case should see this series of documentaries on Youtube! I have been relatively quiet for the past few weeks with the occasional verbal outburst when noticeable news items have prompted me to be so and certain actions by LC1 and LC2. It is Father's Day this week and those who keep their children from fathers on any fucking day should be completely ashamed of their sick actions. Times are changing and it is time to wake the fuck up to what is important for the children instead of your fucking selves! You make me sick and ashamed to even know you.
This is such a sad story too. It would appear that after a lengthy divorce and custody battle this guy just gave up! Is this what our world has become? This has got to stop! PUT THE CHILDREN FIRST! Stop being fucking selfish bitter twats and PUT THE CHILDREN FIRST! Another reason to be ashamed of ourselves.

It is estimated that SIX fathers a day in the U.S. alone commit suicide every day because of the loss of their children in custody battles! What will it take before the family courts the world over stop this fucking madness? It is Father's Day this week and 250,000,000 children will not be with their father for the day or send a card or gift or even make a phone call and all because if the unjust family law system and bitterness of the custodial parent! The world is a sick place!
Not sure about some things this guy says but the majority of it is spot on. Are you watching LC2 this guy knows what you do? Falsified reports and perjury! Ring any bells you lying twat.

Do I have to go back on my hunger strike before people start giving a fuck again and start calling for change? 

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