Tuesday 7 June 2011

Tuesday June 7th

Wonder why we never hear of this in the media too much??? Funny how LC2 told me to "Forget about it as it was all in the past!" When I divulged I was assaulted on a number of occasions in front of my children. Funny how also an argument at my parent's home which was blown out of all proportion by LC2 is still the main factor why I cannot have overnight stays with my girls. So much for fairness and equality!

Get your Crapcass t-shirts here. Available in most colours other than white! sizes to order s, m, l, xl. at the bargain price of £5.99each plus p&p. As I have been asked about my t-shirt and where to get one I thought I might start supplying those who are interested. Any profit can be donated to a charity later on. If you are interested then send me an email with colour and size you would prefer. 

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