Wednesday 8 June 2011

Wednesday June 8th

In the 21st Century we have marvellous gadgets available for our own security. Excuse me while I have a private joke and laugh uncontrollably for a little while..........................OK I am sure all will be revealed at some later date!

It is a disturbing fact of life that while our armed forces personnel put their lives in the line daily and another soldier lost his life last night in Afghanistan, there are floods in China threatening millions, the ongoing conflicts in Libya and Syria claim more lives, the Government spending money on a number of reviews and reports and in the end backing down so therefore wasting that money that could have been spent elsewhere, and numerous other important matters around the world, so we read the headline in The Sun today! Does it touch on any of the big issues? NO! The big story for them is Ryan Giggs and his loss of hair due to stress! Nice to know the important issues do not get missed then!!! Maybe if Mr Giggs had not had an affair with a wannabe celebrity and also his brother's wife and try to cover it all up with gagging orders etc he would not be so stressed! Well fuck me, and there was I being angry about having fight the unjust system for the right to have proper contact with my children! How lucky am I that my hair is not falling out! 

You know what? I am not even going to watch any of the Olympics next year, not even on TV. How fortunate that I did not attempt to buy tickets to watch any of it live though! When it comes to organising big events you have to sit and laugh at the farce that is going on with tickets for the Olympics next year! 1000's of people applied for tickets, TWO PEOPLE actually got tickets to the events that they wanted to see, 1000's have had money deducted from their accounts but have no idea what they are going to be watching. 1000's did not even get any tickets, and 1000's more had their cards declined. So how come there is to be a second round of allocations where those who did not get tickets this time round will be put in priority for the second lot?? Why not just allow people to book what they want to see at a first come first served basis and then if they are not able to get the tickets they want have another choice until all seats for all events are sold? or is that too fucking easy to work out. What a laughing stock London is looking! 

Well here is money well spent on a report that is is to be rethought after all! Is it me or is it that the Government are telling us we have to watch our money and are cutting services but waste money on pathetic referendums and reports and reviews that they end up looking at reporting change and then tear up and make changes that were not part of the original review!!! I got an idea. Look at important issues that do need fucking changing! Look at crapcass and get rid of it and put an organisation in that actually do give a shit about the children they are supposed to be working for. Make those responsible for corruption in family courts accountable! Make it fairer for BOTH PARENTS to have equal access and rights to their children. STOP FUCKING TAKING THE SIDE OF ONE PARENT THAT IS ACTING DUE TO SELFISH REASONS AND ALLOWED TO LIE CONTINUALLY! AND START PUTTING THE CHILDREN FIRST! Now that would be money well worth spending! Although according to another letter from Government offices the review in Family law is currently well under way and we hope that in the Autumn to have a clear outline of the changes needed including the role of crapcass or other agency! 

Sad day today for many people around my age who grew up watching Rainbow and the original Doctor Who series on TV. The voice of George and Zippy and also one of the original voices of the Daleks, Roy Skelton died aged 79. 

And in the world of sport another farce is uncovered after the fiasco of the ticketing system for the Olympics, Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone has insisted that it would not be right for there to be a Grand Prix in Bahrain after all because of the current political climate there. This decision comes just days after he insisted that the race was indeed back on and that everything in Bahrain was calmer now! Not sure if it was the majority of Formula One teams that voiced an overwhelming "NO!" to the race going ahead or if Mr Ecclestone had read my blog entry a few days ago condemning the move to reinstate the race! 

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