Sunday 19 June 2011

Sunday June 19th Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all dads out there!

I am drinking my morning coffee out of my Father's Day gift that my girls gave me yesterday. very nice it tastes too. Not like the bitter taste of the past three years. Well OK not strictly true but you know what I mean. Shortly I will be going to crapcass to decorate their building as I have done on previous special dates. no doubt they will just remove the articles and carry on as corrupt and biased as usual in the morning.

The cause for fathers has not been helped today by an article in the Sunday Telegraph by the Prime Minister himself who states that absent fathers should be stigmatised just as drunk drivers are. What a fucking wasted opportunity. Yes I absolutely agree that absent fathers who do nothing and don't want to spend time with their children should be ashamed of themselves and dealt with accordingly. HOWEVER, I also believe that absent fathers who are kept from doing their duty as a father by a mother who lies and hides behind the corrupt family law system, should also be recognised and dealt with accordingly and given a chance to do what they have always wanted to. On Father's Day it is not very wise to slag off fathers. I bet bitter and twisted, lying and deceitful mums who hide behind the system and keep the fathers away from their children are not picked on next Mother's Day! 

Do not fucking sit there in your cosy house with your lovely family knowing that there are thousands upon thousands of fathers fighting this corrupt and outdated system to be treated as equals in the lives of their children and then slag off absent fathers. Mr Cameron you just lost a lifelong Conservative. Yeah sure one vote won't make a difference to you. Then again it only takes one to start something!

For that reason alone I am naming David Cameron TWAT OF THE WEEK!

Having walked around Plymouth today and putting up my posters in protest at the corruption of crapcass outside their office, I headed for a number of solicitor's offices and even the court to post cards through the doors so they can get them tomorrow when they go into work. Then I remembered that earlier today The Race For Life event took place in Plymouth and a few other places up and down the country! A few other places had organised their Race For Life Events for other days. As a promoter of equality I am astounded that a WOMEN ONLY event was organised for FATHER'S DAY! There are how many Sundays in a year and yet FATHER'S DAY takes place on the same Sunday in June every year. It should not be too hard to organise a women's only event for a Sunday that is not specifically for DAD's. More proof that this world is definitely becoming sexist in favour of women and men are getting left behind. The Suffragettes have certainly got lot to fucking answer for.

Tonight's sky lantern for all fathers and children separated on FATHER'S DAY because of the injustice of the family law farce and corruption of judges, solicitors, crapcass workers and lying deceitful mothers who hide behind the flawed outdated system. 

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