Wednesday 1 June 2011

Wednesday June 1st

Well it would seem that the BBC do not condone me calling Sepp Blatter and FIFA a corrupt organisation although they do condone someone else wishing Sepp Blatter dead! There is a fine organisation that exposes abuse and corruption in it's Panorama programmes and yet allows someone to wish Mr Blatter dead! NICE! 

For the record this was my comment that got removed because of breaking BBC House Rules! Follow the link to read the other comments that the BBC do allow! The results may shock you. 

"FIFA? More like FIFARCE! There is corruption right to the top and there is nothing anyone will ever do to stop this. You only have to look at the dubious decisions and refusal to move into the 21st century with technology and the way the World Cup bids were processed to see how bad it is, look at the France v Ireland match for more evidence! The English FA should break away from FIFA and set up a more transparent organisation and invite other members to join them. Let the corrupt ones play their own game! Time for Change everywhere!"
Not saying another thing about this article it speaks for itself! 

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