Saturday 11 June 2011

Friday June 10th

At last we have been promised heavy rain, which is welcome for the grass around Plymouth! Oh and the distinct possibility of a thunderstorm. So I waited as long as I could to go out today. It got dark a few times and there were a few showers. I have got the chance to France for the day in a few weeks time for £12 so I walked down to the ferryport to find out more. It looks like a great day out to be honest and given the places I have travelled to over the past few years a day trip to France for £12 is the bargain of them all! That works out about £50 cheaper than a day up to London and a lot less than the other places I have been. As I was coming out with a timetable and information leaflet, the sky got even darker than before and I got my camera ready for the promised thunderstorm. There was a shower that lasted about 10 minutes and by the time I got to the Hoe the ground was dry again. Although the grass around did look a much healthier shade. I also picked up a few leaflets that give me a few ideas for the girls on Saturday. No doubt LC1 will plant the idea in their heads that daddy has lots of money and will love to spend lots of it on them! They arrived in swimming costumes under their clothes last week! Maybe as she has all the child benefit she might want to hand over some to pay for their treats! No I didn't think so either. She has always been a bit money orientated. I was warned before we got married that she was a little gold digger at heart but I fobbed that off. Then again I fobbed off her warning right early on in our relationship when she told me how she had been beaten up by her first boyfriend and all she had to do was cry a little tear and people would believe her story so I had better watch my step! Strange how these things come back to us at weird times! 

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