Wednesday 25 May 2011

Tuesday May 24th

Happy birthday to my eldest who is 20 today! To celebrate his birthday he came down to spend a few days with me and had actually intended to come with me to court today if it had still gone ahead. As some agreements were met yesterday and there is a postponement until later in the year to accommodate illness and pregnancy we could spend more time together. We had the added bonus of the two girls with us for a little less than 2 hours. Given that we were going to have a meal less than two hours was not enough time to visit any restaurant with the girls so we decided to go on The Wheel which is on Plymouth Hoe. A kind of mini version of the London Eye. I have to say it was a great experience. Some stunning views which were helped by the super weather we had. Both my son and I caught the sun. While we were on the wheel I arranged with my parents to get a small picnic together as it had been arranged for my mum to drop the girls off at 6.00pm. 

My son and I started the day by walking around the city centre and then on to the Hoe and Barbican before heading up to the crapcass office. As soon as I got there I told the person on reception that I was there for my children. I was asked who I was? "Well if they are my children, that would make me "DADDY!" At that I was asked to sit and wait but as I turned to sit down the two girls came running up to me. LC2 said something but if it was directed at me I did not look at her nor acknowledge she was breathing let alone talking. She then said something to the girls which again I could not tell you what it was and I turned to walk out with the girls holding my hand! In fact my eldest was clutching it so hard one of her nails was digging into my skin! We met my son who waiting around the corner with my camera and my eldest daughter ran to him and the pair looked quite emotional. No doubting these two were very very close. Then my youngest let go of my leg to grab on to her big brother who she had not seen since she was tiny. I asked who was walking qith who and my eldest daughter clung to my hand as my youngest daughter pointed to my son's shoulders. Then we went to the Wheel! The girls were very talkative and told me a few things that I had not known previously about certain things and reports! After the ride on the wheel and our little picnic, we walked back through the city centre to the arranged meeting place where mum walked around to hand the girls back to LC1. 

1 comment:

  1. Nick I'm glad you got to spend some times with your girls is this going to be a regular thing i hope so for all of you keep fighting and stay strong you can win this x
