Saturday 7 May 2011

Saturday May 7th

Ladies and gentlemen this week has been a tough week for Twat Of The Week Award nominations. I have narrowed it down to a handful but in fact a few more people could have made the shorltist! So in no particular order the nominations for Twat Of The Week are:

My ex for wanting to use an unborn baby as an excuse for neglecting the needs of our children! (Some people actually think I am angry and jealous at the fact that she is pregnant by her new partner but that could not be further from the truth! I am happy for them both. The problem is that she intends to use her unborn baby as an excuse for delaying the case that is important to OUR CHILDREN! Then again would not be the first time she has never thought of their needs would it? 
Dawn Bishop of crapcass for...well to be honest as long as she is still in her post at crapcass she will always be nominated!
David Whitestone who is apparently a football referee!
The person who came up with the idea of a referendum for Alternative Voting! 

To be fair to the first two contenders they have won the award so many times in the past year I feel it only right to hand this week's award to David Whitestone (alleged referee!) To say I would doubt his parentage would be an understatement. The real shame is that with the howler of a game this guy had it would have been best for football if his father had been a wanker! All four nominees could have won it was that close. I am sure the first two as previous weeks, will be leading contenders in the not too distant future! 

At the end of the last game of the season the players and staff all did a lap of honour and thanked the supporters for all they had done for the club over a very traumatic season. Fact is that if it were not for the 10 point deduction handed to Argyle for going into administration then they would have been safe. Funny how then that in the Championship the winners of the league were actually found guilty of breaking the laws of the game BUT no points deduction was given out that would have meant they would not have been promoted. How strange that we teach our children that cheaters never prosper and yet we watch week in and week out the cheaters are the ones who take all the glory! 

In a world of injustice why should sport be any different?

Again in the world of sport it is sad that today we learn of the death of one of the greatest sportsmen Severiano Ballesteros the Spanish golfer who had been suffering from a brain tumour for a few years. 

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