Monday 16 May 2011

Monday May 16th

I don't know about you but I am completely pissed off with drivers who speed off exits of roundabouts and do not slow down for pedestrians at crossings! To be fair to the drivers here in Plymouth at the bottom of my road if you are driving a little too fast coming around a blind corner the crossing I use is a bit too close to the corner and sometimes they cannot slow down. Then gain if they were not going so fast in the first place the close calls I have had in the past few years would not have happened. What really pisses me off is the fact that everyone slows down a little further up the road for the speed camera that is located just a few steps from the front of my place! 

So I have decided, seeing as I carry my camera around most of the time that any car that is driving too fast around the corner and does not stop as I am crossing the road or even speeds up as I go to cross, I shall take a photo of them, put them on this blog and also pass the photo to the police. 

As if that was not bad enough, this morning I had to go in and drop a document off to my solicitor. A letter that could be very useful when I attend court later this week. It is a signed letter from someone who met with Tracy who repeated the same old "Oh I am so sorry about all this and I cannot stand all these delays but it is my solicitor's fault this is dragging on" shit! After I dropped that off I walked back home and was about to settle down and watch some riveting TV (or as riveting as daytime TV can be towards the late afternoon) only to have to rush back into town. On my way as I was under the railway bridge a big container truck hit the bridge and ripped part of it's roof off as well a lot of debris from the bridge and also a black car. I had to go into town covered in paintwork from the truck and bridge! Maybe these drivers do not think the height restriction notices apply to them! Not the first time this has happened although it is the first time I have been walking under it at the time! A few years ago a crane took the footbridge out as it passed by underneath it, or in it's case, through it! 

Just to finish off my afternoon, as I got to the Salvation Army hall where I was meeting my parents, I noticed a familiar car parked outside. It was my ex-mother in law. As I walked by the first time she moved her head so not to have to see me but as I came out of the building and had to walk right past the car to get back onto the main pathway she could not really do the same obvious thing again! Or could she? Apparently the ex's sister works in the building opposite the hall as I walked up I saw her coming out and heading towards the car, but not before I called over and waved at the ex mother in law and asked how everyone was. That was when she turned her head for the second time to make out she never saw or heard me! Now I know where the ex gets her ignorance from. Can't wait till she has to go into hospital to give birth with her new partner and he finds out he has the mother in law along with them! Yep, happened with us and our children! Oh there is so much I wish I could warn him about, but then again, why would I when I can sit back and laugh at the knowledge of he don't know what he has let himself in for! Karma is the word i think I am looking for! 

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