Tuesday 10 May 2011

Tuesday May 10th

Was so sad yesterday to hear that Kelly Brook and her partner had lost their baby. It brought back so many memories of the events of 2005. Whilst there is a difference in the "loss" through stillbirth, miscarriage etc the fact is that in the 21st Century these things should not be happening on the scale they still do! It seems criminal to me that the governments of this world can spend obscene amounts of money on irrelevant referendums and needless armed conflicts and yet do not put money into REAL research into saving the future of mankind! We can cure many previously deadly illnesses and yet we cannot prevent babies dying! Something is wrong somewhere.

I woke this morning and was greeted by the local paper and inside was a photo and article relating to my eldest daughter's school and the fact that they had done particularly well in something. As I looked at my daughter and her classmates it came to me that this is something I should have been informed about and even invited to attend! No doubt my ex's new partner "Daddy J!" would have taken all the glory for my daughter's success. Not bad seeing as they have not been in a relationship a year yet, according to my ex!! I hope the troll from crapcass and the ex's legal team and her are really proud of themselves this morning. Talk about a system failing our children! 

Well let's see how it goes next week before they find out a few more things that are going to happen in the future if this group of people do not wake the fuck up to the needs of my children!

So at long last someone has actually declared that FIFA is corrupt and that the World Cup voting was bought! Well done to Lord Triesman but will it mean that the decision to give Russia the World Cup be overturned? No! I said at the time the voting was corrupt and yet again it appears I was right in this too! When you deal with corruption on a day to day basis through family law and those who work in it you tend to be able to sniff out other forms of corruption.

Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to be treated fairly, equally and justly! Yes it would but in this corrupt society it will not happen. My campaign to see change on a grand scale continues. Plans are being made that will get people's attention and start them thinking that there is a better way.

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