Monday 23 May 2011

Monday May 23rd

And so it did cometh to pass that even though we did expect the case to be reaching a conclusion this week. The only thing we have to celebrate is the fact that a pittance of contact is to be resumed. What I cannot quite get my head around is the fact that LC1 tells anyone who wants to listen how "I feel so sorry for the grandparents, they have done nothing wrong!" Yet tomorrow for a couple of hours even though I can have contact she does not want my mum to have contact BUT wants my mum to hand the children back at a certain place! Make sense of that if you can! 

As I pointed out, I do not have any problem with LC1 as long as she tells the truth, is straight with people and is consistent but above all puts the needs of the children first! Fact is I would not have a problem with LC2 either if she had done her job properly in the first place! 

I note that an incident I was made aware of at the last hearing before this was "investigated" and because LC1 said it did not happen well that is the end of the matter! Whereas an argument that took place under exceptional circumstances last year is still being made to look like a tsunami instead of a ripple in a pond! I suppose CONSISTENCY is just a bridge too far to expect to be able to cross!

Apart from the farce of me arriving on time (actually early) and having to wait until gone 11:00 for LC1 and her legal adviser/companion to finally arrive. They look more like Thelma and Louise each time they walk in together. Then LC1's barrister to walk in and then run to the toilet to continue puking last night's dinner up things went quite well I think! Well apart from sitting around doing nothing for the majority of the morning and going for lunch to come back to NO LC1, barrister or legal companion! So despite the call for adjournment by LC1 last week (although according to my source they didn't want an adjournment! Which calls into question "Why the fuck was I called in yo court last week and then told the hearing had been switched to the other place?" Just who did want the adjournment then?????? 

Money spent on a hearing for an adjournment that NOBODY wanted.
Money spent on a referendum that NOBODY wanted. 

Fuck me this country is in a worse state than I originally thought! 

In the end I got pittance of contact which kind of beggars belief and instead of making steps forward is just a repeat of last year! One good point today was that I picked up copies of a booklet printed by crapcass although I question if anyone there has read the fucking thing! On the very front of the book it states....


Obviously LC1 had never been given a copy by LC2! Some very good quotes from parents and children! Wonder if they would like quotes from my children and LC1 and myself for the next edition???

I did find out that my crapcass logo t-shirt could actually make a good money spinner! Might give me a good idea for setting up a real support group for those who have been mistreated by crapcass! Available now in pink, white and black for a nominal fee to cover printing etc what shall we start the bidding at? Can I say £9.99 including postage and packaging!? Other colours can be ordered in advance and bulk orders can negotiate a discounted rate "BUY 9 GET 10th FREE!" Anyone interested just leave a comment below and also the Fatherless Day card which will be posted out the week leading up to "Father's Day!" £1? bargains if you ask me!

It was stated that some of my blog entries have been less than complimentary towards LC1 and LC2! I need to look at ones which are not and correct them accordingly! Seriously, I have to concede that some have not been particularly nice BUT were as a direct result of lies and falsehoods. My point is that if you don't want to read the truth here don't fucking lie in the first place! That being said I do understand that LC1 has been coerced by her team at Trash & Co and LC2 and as I have said countless times something needs to be done in respect of their behaviour.

Also looking on the funnier side of life, and believe me getting involved in family law in this country you really get to experience the funnier side of life! An MP has "OUTED" the footballer who is embroiled in the super injunction and while I was wasting time in court today apparently Sky also reported who it was! There is a priceless photo going around with said footballer sitting next to and advert which says "No More Getting Your Dongle Out!"

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