Saturday 21 May 2011

Saturday May 21st

Plymouth had it's Lord Mayor's Parade today. I say parade and I use the word very loosely! It was more like a walk through town (No floats and just a splash of colour!) accompanied by a couple or marching bands. The Lord Mayor was driven around, which again showed a bit of injustice as anyone else driving through a pedestrian zone would have been stopped by police and arrested!

To be honest, watching a group of people dressed up and walking and then stopping and walking and then stopping and standing around while the procession starts up again just did not do it for me this year! Truth is that it is just not the same anymore is it? The days of bright colourful floats and huge processions with lots of music and crowds cheering are long gone. A sign of the times or just the fact that insurance costs for real good old fashioned floats and processions is now way too expensive. Funny how they can manage it in London though and other places still have their carnivals!

On the Barbican, however things are slightly different today and there were crowds queuing to get on The Bounty and enjoy the Pirate activities there. Story telling, muskets and sword fighting, mixed with music from a live band and many more activities for all the family is well worth a visit this weekend.

Now back to the shitty side of life!

There comes a time when you have to say enough is enough. This week will be that time for me. I am telling you all here and now that should the court decide not to award me joint residence and the rights of a father to make sure his children are safe and well then I am walking away from their lives until they are old enough to come and get me! I have read a report today that quite frankly makes for better Jackanory storyland than it does for a court report. 

The crapcass worker involved in the case is not making any change in her stance that the lying bitch of an ex should have sole residence. Her report does not make any sense! Apparently my eldest daughter is accused of bullying at school. Funny how when she was having contact with me she was chosen to act as a special mediator at school and everyone was proud of her! Yet now when she has had no contact me she is a bully at school! Funny how the youngest has had problems too while I have not been around for them both! Now I am no rocket scientist but if the court does not recognise that there is something fucking wrong at home with my girls then I have no option next week but to walk out of court and ignore it's legitimacy. Legitimacy? More like lunacy if you ask me. 

There are more holes in her report than in a fucking colander! It is so sad. The lies from my ex just pile up. She now reckons I am more obsessed with this hearing than I am on getting my girls back? And I get called stupid sometimes! DUH! It is because of the fucking court case that you are dragging out that I do not get to see the girls! Jesus Christ the more I have to do with family law the more I think the fucking world is MAD! 

Sad to hear that the ex and her partner have had an on off affair and that I have been accused of getting in the way of them! Like to know how the fuck I can do that when I do not have any contact with them nor wish to! 

Funny too how this new "father figure" is on and off the scene and back on again and my children are accused of being naughty etc. Wonder of it has anything to do with the fact that the examples they have to go by are the ones they have living with them at the moment??? Always thought something was strange about him from the first time I met him and even then there was no "Relationship" between them! Well then again in court that is what she said and yet I have seen photos of them together months before as I have said previously on this blog or it's predecessor. There was the time that I was asked to go to the school for a fun day and then as I arrived a man kept looking at me and wherever I went and whatever I did if I turned around he would be looking at me! Then the fact that his boy kept running up to my ex and asking for money and things! Funny how this happened prior to the divorce and the minute the divorce came through this guy and her announced they were in a relationship. I wonder who is under the thumb in that one! Thing is that she was talking about a friend she knew from school even when I was living in the same house prior to leaving. She had met him a few times before I had even moved out. Then again she had also had someone in our bed that she had met online and stayed in a hotel in London with! 

My ex is upset by the content of my blog! Stop fucking lying and put your children first and you won't have to read about your lying will you? Simple solution! 

Crapcass was offended by my blog! Stop the fucking work for my ex's solicitors, start working in the interests of my children and not your fucking career and you won't have to read about your failings will you? Simple solution! 

Fact is seeing as I now know I have another two regular readers, if I had not had to endure three years of utter shit reading and listing to your lies and watching the corruption of this system I would not be writing this blog! You reap what you sow! SO SUCK IT UP! What amazes me is the "fact" that my ex insists that she does not have access to a computer anymore and that is one of the reasons my daughter cannot talk to me on skype even though I bought her a skype enabled phone! YET all of a sudden she is reading my blog! Maybe the fact that I am not afraid to let people know what a lying piece of crap she is is what offends her as in her world she can hide behind her lies and deceit! 

I said some time ago that I would walk away and when the children are old enough they could come and get me and then would be able to read every document and this blog so that they could make their minds up about what their mother and that lying bitch from crapcass had done! Looks like the symptoms are already there for what I predicted would happen when they got older. The clear fact is that if you deny a child access to a loving parent and you keep changing your story and make up more lies to suit your case in the end when the child is old enough to understand they will turn on you. I said a short while back that I had endured three years of hell following on from the lies I had to listen but could not defend and in time Karma would come back and not only bite those people but consume them up and spit them back out again covered in the shit that they had bred for themselves. I am no fortune teller but I think what is happening now is just a sign of things to come. 

Want my daughter to join the statistics of children from a broken home becoming troublemakers and delinquents? Just carry on the way you have done and I will not need to do a thing or say a word against anyone to see how KARMA is going to reap what you have sown! I will be patient and there to pick up the pieces when you are shown to have failed. AND FAIL YOU MOST CERTAINLY WILL DO!

Just in case you want to print this off for court purposes I have made sure you use up a fair bit of ink in doing so today by adding a few more photos than usual from today's activities!
Following on from recent high profile cases concerning injunctions and rumours of who certain un-named celebrities are I have decided to refer to those involved in my particular case simply as LC1 and LC2. You can make up your own minds what the letters mean. I am highly amused at the gossip that surrounds these cases that are becoming as widespread as flu! Facts are simple. People do silly things and people do stupid things. People make mistakes and instead of coming out and earning more respect by admitting their faults they try to hide behind a curtain of legal bollocks! Get with the programme people. That being said I really do not give a shit about what footballer has slept with who or what actor has a secret love child. Life is life and these things happen. If you have an affair fucking have it and if it goes wrong get over it and move on. If you have an affair it is obvious that something is not right at home. Maybe your wife had an abortion and you could not get over it, who knows! If you are not happy walk the fuck away and instead of spending your time in a court trying to get an injunction to stop someone talking. Save your money for the family law circus that you are going to end up having to go through anyway! At least that way you only have to spend out once and hire one solicitor!

By the way I would love someone to challenge one of these injunctions or maybe even in my own case challenge me. Thing is that as soon as they do every piece of paper and all the evidence becomes PUBLIC and in court the press can get involved and then names can be brought into the open! So LC1 and LC2 want to challenge me? Bring it on! I would love to name and shame you in open court and show you up for the fucking liars you really are! Try hiding then!

Wooohooooo Arsenal won the FA Cup! To be fair both sides played like women. Then again this is the Women's FA Cup we are talking about! The result was never really in doubt with the Arsenal ladies team being the best of the English teams as much as that team from Manchester seem to dominate the men's game! Arsenal 2-0 Bristol Academy.

Tomorrow the final places of the Premier League are decided, with Arsenal needing to win and for Manchester City to lose so that Arsenal gain third spot and therefore automatically qualify for Champions League football next season. Whilst down at the bottom, any one of five teams could join West Ham in the relegation battles to decide who goes down to the Championship league next season.

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