Sunday 29 May 2011

Sunday May 29th
The man has a point! People use the system and hide behind it so they can lie through their back teeth then threaten you with contempt of court if you try to expose the lying little shits in public.
Found this earlier while being pestered by junk email. I wonder who I am publishing this link for!!!!!
So one of the men at the centre of FIFAgate has withdrawn from the contest to find a new president. How refreshing that someone who is being investigated for irregularities should do the decent thing! Never happen in the real world though will it? Cannot see LC2 going to her boss and saying "Look I lied and I made shit up. I never acted in the best interests of the children but for an aid to prevent the father from getting legitimate rights and contact with his children. Please accept my resignation!" Not a fucking chance of it happening though. 

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