Friday 6 May 2011

Friday May 6th

So I get a letter this morning from my solicitor saying that my ex is pregnant and therefore wants to get the case adjourned. Funny that! This is the woman who tells everyone that she does not want it to drag on anymore! This is the woman who pleaded with me when we split NOT TO HAVE ANOTHER CHILD WITH ANYONE ELSE! Lying piece of trash! How strange that she kept bumping into my mother for a few weeks looking bigger and yet told someone else that she was being treated for diabetes. And the lies just keep coming! What also strikes me is the fact that apparently (according to court documents produced in divorce and the residence hearings) she was not in a relationship until after July last year! Fucking quick getting pregnant then or is that just me being cynical? Sorry but any sympathy I have for her died the moment she aborted our last child!

I do wish her all the very best and of course I hope that her baby is very healthy but if she thinks she is going to use being pregnant to get out of or prolong the court case any longer then she has been severely misguided by those that have "Mishandled her case so badly" her words not mine!

Oh and the troll from crapcass also says that she feels the case should be brought to a conclusion apparently! Kiss my arse! It should never have been dragged out this long in the first fucking place should it? 


Apparently the counting is still going on in relation to the Alternative Vote Referendum and even though it is early stages for the result of that indications show that the NO vote are running away with the votes needed. Maybe now so much money has been wasted on this pointless exercise the government will start to look at matters that really need looking at. Family Law being one of the top priorities! 

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