Friday 20 May 2011

Friday May 20th

Why is it that some people have nothing better to do but to spread dirt and try to rake up a history that in some parts does not exist (only in their minds and the mouths of gossip-mongers!) and instead of looking at themselves and their own faults they choose to point out everyone else's. Some people are so sad and bitter that they thrive on gossip and rumour as it is much fancier than their own real lives.

I have received a number of emails over the past 24 hours threatening to expose me! The person threatens to disclose my past. Well nothing I have done has not been covered in this or my previous blog. So write about how after events two years ago I got angry. Think they were covered not only on my blog but also in a public note on facebook in which I apologised for my own actions but to this date I have never received an apology from them for their actions prior and after these events.

I am the type of person who lets a lot of crap float by before I stand up and let me feelings known and two years ago I was provoked to the maximum acceptable level, however it is something I am well and truly over and I suggest the person who is trying to relight old fires needs to get over it too! Maybe that person should spend their time sorting out their own problems and family rather than trying to deflect their issues onto me! At least I turned up for my appointments and didn't run behind excuse after excuse to get out of them because of fear of finding I would have to take a real hard good look at myself. 

This blog has always been about my fight with the legal system and it is factual! I try to keep a certain sense of humour going through it when events permit. I have not lied in any of this posts and if someone wants to call me a liar they are welcome to take me to court. FACTS ARE FACTS and it is about time people started acting on them instead of the vile shit they like to think up!

Facts are:
I had an affair and my marriage broke up. Tough shit I am not the only one who has done this and ended up getting divorced.
The affair lasted a few years and was not all wine and roses and both of us were to blame although I always ended up apologising for my actions. Tough shit, it happens all the time.
At one point after being provoked to breaking point I let rip and shouted so much I made myself sick later. I apologised at the time and again a few times later. I have yet to receive any apology for other people's actions, but when you look at it from a perspective that "Life is too short!" I don't give a shit about getting anything because the affair is dead and confined to the past which is where the other person tends to spend most of their time!
Apparently they have photos of me which may embarrass me. I too have photos so go ahead. Then again they could actually grow the fuck up and move on and put it all down to experience! We didn't make it and we both let each other down. Tough shit, it happens all the time.
I could mention about how my ex and this person both made up a lot of shit about each other and tried to make things worse for everyone between them and how both have found it easy to blame everyone else for their own failings and meddled in things they need't even be concerned about, but I won't because it is all HISTORY!

I refer to my favourite quote which I made up a few years ago......Live for TODAY, Hope for TOMORROW, and Leave the PAST to the archaeologists!

So for the person who is threatening and blackmailing me. May I suggest you call The Samaritans. The fact is that they care I on the other hand do not.

And speaking about getting back to the real world......
Media should have the chance to context injuctions! Maybe parents should also be given the right to have cases brought out into open court so that the fucking truth gets heard and the lies of crapcass workers, solicitors and lying ex's don't get away with their cover ups!

So I have just been officially informed that the ex failed to get an adjournment of the case and stopped from having any more delays! Maybe at last the truth will be finally allowed to be heard and I am reunited with the girls again. So maybe it will be a Happy Birthday for my eldest son, who will be down with me for Mon-Weds and wants to come to court with me on Tuesday to look the ex in the face!

No matter what happens next week, good or bad. The fight for justice will not stop until EVERY PARENT has equal rights and EVERY CHILD has the right to both parents! One way or another my personal fight ends next week, but my fight against this shit corrupt system that has brought me this far continues!

Oh dear! Well according to some crack pot in America my two days in court are not to be! Apparently the world is going to end Saturday 21st! Does this man not realise that it is the final week of the Premier League season? Does this man not realise that it is the Plymouth Lord Mayor's Day on Saturday 21st? I stopped short of announcing the "parade" It is hardly a parade, more like a stroll through the city centre! London has a big day of it and it is shown live for a few hours on the day with hundreds of floats and thousands of people taking part. Plymouth offers a stroll through town with one or two marching bands! Photos will follow tomorrow. OH SHIT no they won't because the world will end..........................................!

Maybe that is why the judge did not grant my ex her adjournment (even though of course she does not want any more delays in this and wants "normality" back,) because he knew the world was going to end tomorrow anyway!

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