Tuesday 31 May 2011

Tuesday May 31st

BBC News - Panorama - Castlebeck statement to Panorama
OK maybe I was a little hasty in naming Sepp Blatter as TWAT OF THE WEEK! Actually maybe not because the people featured in this programme tonight are not TWATS that would be too kind a name for them. They are pure scum!

Monday 30 May 2011

Monday May 30th

Bank Holiday Monday and the weather is crap! It does promise to brighten up this afternoon so this morning as I type this I have been watching TV and playing on Facebook. I am amazed that my friends list has grown there over the past few weeks alone. There is a growing number of parents who have been let down by the system worldwide who are finding each other and sharing stories and support. 

I am aware that there is a hate campaign against me too which is spearheaded by an ex. I have doubted her state of mind for a while and certainly by reading her abusive and threatening emails and by the way a few months ago she phoned my elderly parents to hurl abuse at them and scream down the phone at them calling them names and using a foul mouthed barrage. It comes as no big surprise that now I have a new girlfriend this person is back on her warpath again! She loves reliving the past and to be honest some of what she has to say is true but there is a lot of her stories that are based purely on gossip and fabricated evidence and people who do not actually exist! Some of it is quite laughable to be blunt! Using old photos and claiming to be talking to people who know me! Yeah whatever! Make up shit and exaggerate the truth till you are blue in the face. The fact is we both know the truth and the truth is you have a condition that needs treatment!

And I thought my ex was devious!

It's only Monday and already prime candidate for TWAT OF THE WEEK is Sepp Blatter!
"Crisis what crisis! Football is not in a crisis!" Yeah right! That is a bit like saying "Crapcass does the best job for children and families!"  

Sunday 29 May 2011

Sunday May 29th

The man has a point! People use the system and hide behind it so they can lie through their back teeth then threaten you with contempt of court if you try to expose the lying little shits in public.

Found this earlier while being pestered by junk email. I wonder who I am publishing this link for!!!!!

So one of the men at the centre of FIFAgate has withdrawn from the contest to find a new president. How refreshing that someone who is being investigated for irregularities should do the decent thing! Never happen in the real world though will it? Cannot see LC2 going to her boss and saying "Look I lied and I made shit up. I never acted in the best interests of the children but for an aid to prevent the father from getting legitimate rights and contact with his children. Please accept my resignation!" Not a fucking chance of it happening though. 

Saturday 28 May 2011

Saturday May 28th

Spent the day at the National Marine Aquarium with the two girls. Funny when children talk to you and what they say is completely different to what they are supposed to have said to other people! Talk about cherry picking what suits you!AND even bigger surprise to hear that my eldest gave me some information that completely contradicts what LC2 has put in her report! Maybe with arguments at home the children should be stopped from seeing a certain person. 

LC1 told my mum she was upset by the content of this blog as "I don't know why he says the stuff about me as none of this my fault!" No not your fault at all that you say one thing to me and others and then when you go to your solicitor or have contact with LC2 you are told to change your story! Nope cannot see why I blame LC1 for anything!!! If LC1 wants me to stop putting things on this blog then she should stop playing games and be straight and honest! Start standing up to those who are telling you what to say and do. START THINKING OF THE CHILDREN! 

As LC2 is aware of this blog even though she reported to the court she had no knowledge of it but then in a written document handed to the court it clearly states: LC2 has met and spoken with LC1 and daughter separately and together. Her only contact with me is "Via blog!" Let's not forget that in her last report she stated that she had "Interviewed" the youngest who is 3! Note that the wishes of the youngest is no longer mentioned. Well LC2 start doing your fucking job, listen to what the children actually say and do not report complete bollocks in future! Just for the record my youngest was very clingy today and did not want to go back with her mum! CHERRY PICK THAT AND PUT THAT IN YOUR REPORT!

In the world of sport tonight was the Champions League Final. Played at Wembley between Barcelona and Manchester United. I did not watch it, then again I did not have to with all the Manchester United fans on my Facebook I was getting up to minute updates! I predicted a 3-1 win to Barcelona! AND I see that the final score was BARCELONA 3-1 Manchester United. It pains me to say "I told you so!" To be honest I hate being fucking right about things! I really need a new challenge! 

Friday 27 May 2011

Friday May 27th

The Good!
I have said many times (just by watching how some of the referees make decisions) that there is a nasty air of corruption and cheating in the game of football. When it starts at the very top and works it way down it becomes hard to be able to tell children that "cheaters never prosper!" Sad fact is that in walks of life it is those who cheat that get away with most things! 

The Bad!
I always believed that if you were the manager of a department that had been a catastrophic disaster on more than one occasion it would be only right that you were removed from the job. Well this woman was in charge of the team that overlooked the needs of a child who was killed by those who should have protected him. Do not tell me that this country is built on fairness and equality, and do not dare to tell me that we put our children first! At the very least this person was incompetent. Her reward is to go to court and be vindicated by the judges! Hmmmmm now where have I heard that before? Oh yes Judge Shotgun when he told me how much he respected LC2 another incompetent liar! The decision to sack her has been deemed procedurally unfair! Baby P's death not so then? This is the same council responsible for Victoria Climbie who was also killed by those who were supposed to protect her! 

The Ugly!
Well Ok I made this last bit up but hey! Kind of fits the profile of a crapcass worker doesn't it? Come to think of it given the two stories above knowing how corruption and incompetence is rife throughout society, Sepp Blatter or Sharon Shoesmith could make ideal candidates for any crapcass vacancy! Maybe with the level of praise these two twats get they could actually be put in charge of crapcass! 

And speaking of twats......................

This week's TWAT OF THE WEEK AWARD contest has been hotly contested yet again. LC1 and LC2 both prime candidates for their ongoing lying and acts of utter contempt for my children and of course some BIZARRE ideas for hand over and contact. 

However this breaks my heart to have to give the award to........
The Court of Appeal Judges that have decided that Sharon Shoesmith was unfairly dismissed! No doubt this woman will now seek compensation and rake in the money. Shame Peter Connelly won't be able to do the same! The system is a fucking joke! Earlier this week someone said that a social network site was making the law an ass! Hate to burst your bubble but THE LAW IS MAKING ITSELF AN ASS! But for me this is no big surprise! 

Thursday 26 May 2011

Thursday May 26th

Are you not grateful that we have these highly respected people passing judgement on us?

Well there is a newsflash! No MP is above the law. That just leaves judges and crapcass workers then does it?

It has come to my attention yet again that someone connected to this case can only be best described as RETARDED! Not sure who but somebody! If the girls are supposed to be with me and despite LC1 wanting "normality" they cannot be with me and their grandparents at the same time. Yet the hand over this week is scheduled for LC1 to hand the girls over to my mother who then walks around the corner to hand them to me! BUT there is to be no joint contact. Is it me or is this world fucking mentally challenged? Does my mother get to top of one road and send the girls down to me, missing any strangers and traffic? OR is LC1 going to wake the fuck up and grow up and sort her fucking self out? 


I have now written down exactly how the conversation will go between my mother and LC1. I should be a fortune teller. Then again we all know LC1 is an expert in time travel given a number of her time warps in her various statements. No doubt what she says will be denied days later!

So much for putting the needs and the wants of the children first then!

HOW CAN I PROTECT YOU IN THIS............................................CRAZY WORLD?

And what? Does anyone think anything will change? Does anyone think justice will be done and the cheating and corruption inside FIFA will cease? I think the chances of LC1 and LC2 admitting to lying their fucking faces off has more chance of happening before FIFA becomes transparent! And what if these allegations and evidence does show the World Cup bids were fixed. Will they re-hold the selection? Will the people who promised to vote for England actually hold their hands up and declare the voting null and void and then vote as promised? Not a fucking chance. So more money spent on another enquiry which could be spent on more suitable things like referee training! Just saying. 

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Wednesday May 25th

Following from last week's highly publicised and extremely popular and successful state visit of The Queen to the Republic of Ireland, this week President Obama is visiting the UK. In an historic event Obama addressed both Houses of Parliament, something that does not happen that often. So good that these moments in history can take place and that the world in general is a happier place this past two - three weeks. Maybe that is my own personal vision through these tinted glasses! 

A very interesting read! Actually it's as interesting as the crapcass booklet that nobody in crapcass seems to have read themselves and certainly nobody involved in our case has been given a copy! 

Judge arrested for contempt of court and treason! A judge that accepts false reports and documents as evidence? Would never happen would it? OH WAIT YES IT WOULD! YES IT DOES! You can hear at one point, the crowd shouting "Do your job!" The problem for the system is clear, if you did do your job properly these people would not act the way they do to address the situation but those in the system believe that they are above the law. So that gets me thinking......!

How refreshing to receive more threats from a certain person from my past. Sad that they cannot move on and find their own happiness and concentrate on their own family that they have to resort to blackmail, threats and abuse! How is it that people who profess love for you one day do nothing but try to hurt you instead of taking a good hard look at themselves and MOVING ON!!

And speaking of moving on to better and brighter things.....
Does this finally mean that the future of Plymouth Argyle is looking more secure this evening? Let us hope we can all look forward to brighter days ahead.

And finally just to show that those affected by the corruption of the family law system do posses a sense of humour, unlike some who work for it.....

Tuesday May 24th

Happy birthday to my eldest who is 20 today! To celebrate his birthday he came down to spend a few days with me and had actually intended to come with me to court today if it had still gone ahead. As some agreements were met yesterday and there is a postponement until later in the year to accommodate illness and pregnancy we could spend more time together. We had the added bonus of the two girls with us for a little less than 2 hours. Given that we were going to have a meal less than two hours was not enough time to visit any restaurant with the girls so we decided to go on The Wheel which is on Plymouth Hoe. A kind of mini version of the London Eye. I have to say it was a great experience. Some stunning views which were helped by the super weather we had. Both my son and I caught the sun. While we were on the wheel I arranged with my parents to get a small picnic together as it had been arranged for my mum to drop the girls off at 6.00pm. 

My son and I started the day by walking around the city centre and then on to the Hoe and Barbican before heading up to the crapcass office. As soon as I got there I told the person on reception that I was there for my children. I was asked who I was? "Well if they are my children, that would make me "DADDY!" At that I was asked to sit and wait but as I turned to sit down the two girls came running up to me. LC2 said something but if it was directed at me I did not look at her nor acknowledge she was breathing let alone talking. She then said something to the girls which again I could not tell you what it was and I turned to walk out with the girls holding my hand! In fact my eldest was clutching it so hard one of her nails was digging into my skin! We met my son who waiting around the corner with my camera and my eldest daughter ran to him and the pair looked quite emotional. No doubting these two were very very close. Then my youngest let go of my leg to grab on to her big brother who she had not seen since she was tiny. I asked who was walking qith who and my eldest daughter clung to my hand as my youngest daughter pointed to my son's shoulders. Then we went to the Wheel! The girls were very talkative and told me a few things that I had not known previously about certain things and reports! After the ride on the wheel and our little picnic, we walked back through the city centre to the arranged meeting place where mum walked around to hand the girls back to LC1. 

Monday 23 May 2011

Monday May 23rd

And so it did cometh to pass that even though we did expect the case to be reaching a conclusion this week. The only thing we have to celebrate is the fact that a pittance of contact is to be resumed. What I cannot quite get my head around is the fact that LC1 tells anyone who wants to listen how "I feel so sorry for the grandparents, they have done nothing wrong!" Yet tomorrow for a couple of hours even though I can have contact she does not want my mum to have contact BUT wants my mum to hand the children back at a certain place! Make sense of that if you can! 

As I pointed out, I do not have any problem with LC1 as long as she tells the truth, is straight with people and is consistent but above all puts the needs of the children first! Fact is I would not have a problem with LC2 either if she had done her job properly in the first place! 

I note that an incident I was made aware of at the last hearing before this was "investigated" and because LC1 said it did not happen well that is the end of the matter! Whereas an argument that took place under exceptional circumstances last year is still being made to look like a tsunami instead of a ripple in a pond! I suppose CONSISTENCY is just a bridge too far to expect to be able to cross!

Apart from the farce of me arriving on time (actually early) and having to wait until gone 11:00 for LC1 and her legal adviser/companion to finally arrive. They look more like Thelma and Louise each time they walk in together. Then LC1's barrister to walk in and then run to the toilet to continue puking last night's dinner up things went quite well I think! Well apart from sitting around doing nothing for the majority of the morning and going for lunch to come back to NO LC1, barrister or legal companion! So despite the call for adjournment by LC1 last week (although according to my source they didn't want an adjournment! Which calls into question "Why the fuck was I called in yo court last week and then told the hearing had been switched to the other place?" Just who did want the adjournment then?????? 

Money spent on a hearing for an adjournment that NOBODY wanted.
Money spent on a referendum that NOBODY wanted. 

Fuck me this country is in a worse state than I originally thought! 

In the end I got pittance of contact which kind of beggars belief and instead of making steps forward is just a repeat of last year! One good point today was that I picked up copies of a booklet printed by crapcass although I question if anyone there has read the fucking thing! On the very front of the book it states....


Obviously LC1 had never been given a copy by LC2! Some very good quotes from parents and children! Wonder if they would like quotes from my children and LC1 and myself for the next edition???

I did find out that my crapcass logo t-shirt could actually make a good money spinner! Might give me a good idea for setting up a real support group for those who have been mistreated by crapcass! Available now in pink, white and black for a nominal fee to cover printing etc what shall we start the bidding at? Can I say £9.99 including postage and packaging!? Other colours can be ordered in advance and bulk orders can negotiate a discounted rate "BUY 9 GET 10th FREE!" Anyone interested just leave a comment below and also the Fatherless Day card which will be posted out the week leading up to "Father's Day!" £1? bargains if you ask me!

It was stated that some of my blog entries have been less than complimentary towards LC1 and LC2! I need to look at ones which are not and correct them accordingly! Seriously, I have to concede that some have not been particularly nice BUT were as a direct result of lies and falsehoods. My point is that if you don't want to read the truth here don't fucking lie in the first place! That being said I do understand that LC1 has been coerced by her team at Trash & Co and LC2 and as I have said countless times something needs to be done in respect of their behaviour.

Also looking on the funnier side of life, and believe me getting involved in family law in this country you really get to experience the funnier side of life! An MP has "OUTED" the footballer who is embroiled in the super injunction and while I was wasting time in court today apparently Sky also reported who it was! There is a priceless photo going around with said footballer sitting next to and advert which says "No More Getting Your Dongle Out!"

Sunday 22 May 2011

Sunday May 22nd


When people who work for the system act like this in public then you know this country is fucked! Judges threaten protesters and injured birds on their roofs with shot guns, police batter defenceless members of the public resulting in their deaths, CSA workers assault protesters in the street, social workers fabricate stories to enable them to destroy families lives and remove children from loving parents and then place them in the care of people that abuse or kill them, crapcass workers falsify reports to aid a parent and their solicitor to enable Parental Alienation. 


Speaking of "There will come a day!" I firmly believe that in my family's case the day is already speeding towards us as I mentioned in a previous blog entry. The fact that being denied her father's love is turning my eldest daughter into a bully is evidence enough that the tide is turning. If the court does not recognise the failings and sort this mess out this week then I can accept no responsibility for what happens next. The people who need to should the blame are LC1 and LC2 and the judges and solicitors that have been involved in this shambles. Just so nothing is left to the imagination the photo shows every piece of paper I have had to read through the past three years that this has been allowed to drag on. Funny how I have written evidence that shows LC1 is "upset that her solicitors have mishandled this whole thing and it should never have come to this!" Then of course we have LC1 wanting to delay the proceedings even more and not attend court this week! Hmmmmmm not that LC1 is in anyway inconsistent right?

Anyway as I stated previously, you can see every note, report and letter I have accumulated for the past three years. Should the judge decide that LC1 and LC2 are correct and have not lied in any way shape or form and I do not get my right to be the father to my two children. These documents will be available for my children when they are old enough to know what they are about. Although I think my eldest is only too well aware that her mother and the person who keeps talking to her for court are lying twats! Hence the change in her personality and behaviour. Apparently she blames her mother for her not being able to see me! HELLO people what is that saying "Out of the mouths of babes!" Fact is that it is her mother's fault! Hers and LC2's together! LC2 is a disgrace to her profession. In medieval times the likes of her would have been burned at the stake or drowned whilst being tied to to a ducking stool! You think life is hard now and you live in hell! Not even close to have both put me and my children through for the past three years with your lies and deceit. Then again LC1, it is nothing close to what your life will be like in a few years time when your daughters find out what a poor excuse for a mother you really are. I don't need to do anything now but sit and wait and either trust that the system will finally see through this charade or wait till my children have grown up and plan a party when they want to be with me and alienate the liar of a mother they have!

And the winner is..............................
Well Vettel won the Spanish Grand Prix ahead of Hamilton. Manchester Utd collected the Premier League trophy. This evening is the BAFTA TV Awards. More importantly though after careful consideration the TWAT OF THE WEEK AWARD this week is a three way tie. I was actually thinking that LC1 and LC2 would not be in the running following a few major howlers elsewhere but after getting LC2's report in the post on Saturday morning they both went back to the top of the list. However they have to share the prize with Harold Camping who predicted that yesterday would be the end of the world! Seriously these three recipients should spend time on holiday together preferably as far away as is humanly possible from the real world!

Baby P's mum fights to see her daughters - UK & World News - News
Great news! Fact is that the screwed up system will probably give this woman the right to see her children after the death of her son than it will give me the right to be a real father to my children! Funny how no matter what some women do they have more rights to their children than any father does. The world is not crazy is is fucking broken! Perhaps I would have been better off murdering my ex wife or one of the children! How sick is this world going to be before the system realises that enough really is ENOUGH!

And finally.....................The storm over the super injunction just goes on and on and to be honest, given the amount of traffic on Twitter and the fact that the player has his photo (a black stip covering his eyes like that stops us all knowing who it is) on the front page of a Scottish newspaper this morning! Judging by his wife's face following his team's match today it doesn't look if he will be scoring off the pitch either! 

Saturday 21 May 2011

Saturday May 21st

Plymouth had it's Lord Mayor's Parade today. I say parade and I use the word very loosely! It was more like a walk through town (No floats and just a splash of colour!) accompanied by a couple or marching bands. The Lord Mayor was driven around, which again showed a bit of injustice as anyone else driving through a pedestrian zone would have been stopped by police and arrested!

To be honest, watching a group of people dressed up and walking and then stopping and walking and then stopping and standing around while the procession starts up again just did not do it for me this year! Truth is that it is just not the same anymore is it? The days of bright colourful floats and huge processions with lots of music and crowds cheering are long gone. A sign of the times or just the fact that insurance costs for real good old fashioned floats and processions is now way too expensive. Funny how they can manage it in London though and other places still have their carnivals!

On the Barbican, however things are slightly different today and there were crowds queuing to get on The Bounty and enjoy the Pirate activities there. Story telling, muskets and sword fighting, mixed with music from a live band and many more activities for all the family is well worth a visit this weekend.

Now back to the shitty side of life!

There comes a time when you have to say enough is enough. This week will be that time for me. I am telling you all here and now that should the court decide not to award me joint residence and the rights of a father to make sure his children are safe and well then I am walking away from their lives until they are old enough to come and get me! I have read a report today that quite frankly makes for better Jackanory storyland than it does for a court report. 

The crapcass worker involved in the case is not making any change in her stance that the lying bitch of an ex should have sole residence. Her report does not make any sense! Apparently my eldest daughter is accused of bullying at school. Funny how when she was having contact with me she was chosen to act as a special mediator at school and everyone was proud of her! Yet now when she has had no contact me she is a bully at school! Funny how the youngest has had problems too while I have not been around for them both! Now I am no rocket scientist but if the court does not recognise that there is something fucking wrong at home with my girls then I have no option next week but to walk out of court and ignore it's legitimacy. Legitimacy? More like lunacy if you ask me. 

There are more holes in her report than in a fucking colander! It is so sad. The lies from my ex just pile up. She now reckons I am more obsessed with this hearing than I am on getting my girls back? And I get called stupid sometimes! DUH! It is because of the fucking court case that you are dragging out that I do not get to see the girls! Jesus Christ the more I have to do with family law the more I think the fucking world is MAD! 

Sad to hear that the ex and her partner have had an on off affair and that I have been accused of getting in the way of them! Like to know how the fuck I can do that when I do not have any contact with them nor wish to! 

Funny too how this new "father figure" is on and off the scene and back on again and my children are accused of being naughty etc. Wonder of it has anything to do with the fact that the examples they have to go by are the ones they have living with them at the moment??? Always thought something was strange about him from the first time I met him and even then there was no "Relationship" between them! Well then again in court that is what she said and yet I have seen photos of them together months before as I have said previously on this blog or it's predecessor. There was the time that I was asked to go to the school for a fun day and then as I arrived a man kept looking at me and wherever I went and whatever I did if I turned around he would be looking at me! Then the fact that his boy kept running up to my ex and asking for money and things! Funny how this happened prior to the divorce and the minute the divorce came through this guy and her announced they were in a relationship. I wonder who is under the thumb in that one! Thing is that she was talking about a friend she knew from school even when I was living in the same house prior to leaving. She had met him a few times before I had even moved out. Then again she had also had someone in our bed that she had met online and stayed in a hotel in London with! 

My ex is upset by the content of my blog! Stop fucking lying and put your children first and you won't have to read about your lying will you? Simple solution! 

Crapcass was offended by my blog! Stop the fucking work for my ex's solicitors, start working in the interests of my children and not your fucking career and you won't have to read about your failings will you? Simple solution! 

Fact is seeing as I now know I have another two regular readers, if I had not had to endure three years of utter shit reading and listing to your lies and watching the corruption of this system I would not be writing this blog! You reap what you sow! SO SUCK IT UP! What amazes me is the "fact" that my ex insists that she does not have access to a computer anymore and that is one of the reasons my daughter cannot talk to me on skype even though I bought her a skype enabled phone! YET all of a sudden she is reading my blog! Maybe the fact that I am not afraid to let people know what a lying piece of crap she is is what offends her as in her world she can hide behind her lies and deceit! 

I said some time ago that I would walk away and when the children are old enough they could come and get me and then would be able to read every document and this blog so that they could make their minds up about what their mother and that lying bitch from crapcass had done! Looks like the symptoms are already there for what I predicted would happen when they got older. The clear fact is that if you deny a child access to a loving parent and you keep changing your story and make up more lies to suit your case in the end when the child is old enough to understand they will turn on you. I said a short while back that I had endured three years of hell following on from the lies I had to listen but could not defend and in time Karma would come back and not only bite those people but consume them up and spit them back out again covered in the shit that they had bred for themselves. I am no fortune teller but I think what is happening now is just a sign of things to come. 

Want my daughter to join the statistics of children from a broken home becoming troublemakers and delinquents? Just carry on the way you have done and I will not need to do a thing or say a word against anyone to see how KARMA is going to reap what you have sown! I will be patient and there to pick up the pieces when you are shown to have failed. AND FAIL YOU MOST CERTAINLY WILL DO!

Just in case you want to print this off for court purposes I have made sure you use up a fair bit of ink in doing so today by adding a few more photos than usual from today's activities!

Following on from recent high profile cases concerning injunctions and rumours of who certain un-named celebrities are I have decided to refer to those involved in my particular case simply as LC1 and LC2. You can make up your own minds what the letters mean. I am highly amused at the gossip that surrounds these cases that are becoming as widespread as flu! Facts are simple. People do silly things and people do stupid things. People make mistakes and instead of coming out and earning more respect by admitting their faults they try to hide behind a curtain of legal bollocks! Get with the programme people. That being said I really do not give a shit about what footballer has slept with who or what actor has a secret love child. Life is life and these things happen. If you have an affair fucking have it and if it goes wrong get over it and move on. If you have an affair it is obvious that something is not right at home. Maybe your wife had an abortion and you could not get over it, who knows! If you are not happy walk the fuck away and instead of spending your time in a court trying to get an injunction to stop someone talking. Save your money for the family law circus that you are going to end up having to go through anyway! At least that way you only have to spend out once and hire one solicitor!

By the way I would love someone to challenge one of these injunctions or maybe even in my own case challenge me. Thing is that as soon as they do every piece of paper and all the evidence becomes PUBLIC and in court the press can get involved and then names can be brought into the open! So LC1 and LC2 want to challenge me? Bring it on! I would love to name and shame you in open court and show you up for the fucking liars you really are! Try hiding then!

Wooohooooo Arsenal won the FA Cup! To be fair both sides played like women. Then again this is the Women's FA Cup we are talking about! The result was never really in doubt with the Arsenal ladies team being the best of the English teams as much as that team from Manchester seem to dominate the men's game! Arsenal 2-0 Bristol Academy.

Tomorrow the final places of the Premier League are decided, with Arsenal needing to win and for Manchester City to lose so that Arsenal gain third spot and therefore automatically qualify for Champions League football next season. Whilst down at the bottom, any one of five teams could join West Ham in the relegation battles to decide who goes down to the Championship league next season.

Friday 20 May 2011

Friday May 20th

Why is it that some people have nothing better to do but to spread dirt and try to rake up a history that in some parts does not exist (only in their minds and the mouths of gossip-mongers!) and instead of looking at themselves and their own faults they choose to point out everyone else's. Some people are so sad and bitter that they thrive on gossip and rumour as it is much fancier than their own real lives.

I have received a number of emails over the past 24 hours threatening to expose me! The person threatens to disclose my past. Well nothing I have done has not been covered in this or my previous blog. So write about how after events two years ago I got angry. Think they were covered not only on my blog but also in a public note on facebook in which I apologised for my own actions but to this date I have never received an apology from them for their actions prior and after these events.

I am the type of person who lets a lot of crap float by before I stand up and let me feelings known and two years ago I was provoked to the maximum acceptable level, however it is something I am well and truly over and I suggest the person who is trying to relight old fires needs to get over it too! Maybe that person should spend their time sorting out their own problems and family rather than trying to deflect their issues onto me! At least I turned up for my appointments and didn't run behind excuse after excuse to get out of them because of fear of finding I would have to take a real hard good look at myself. 

This blog has always been about my fight with the legal system and it is factual! I try to keep a certain sense of humour going through it when events permit. I have not lied in any of this posts and if someone wants to call me a liar they are welcome to take me to court. FACTS ARE FACTS and it is about time people started acting on them instead of the vile shit they like to think up!

Facts are:
I had an affair and my marriage broke up. Tough shit I am not the only one who has done this and ended up getting divorced.
The affair lasted a few years and was not all wine and roses and both of us were to blame although I always ended up apologising for my actions. Tough shit, it happens all the time.
At one point after being provoked to breaking point I let rip and shouted so much I made myself sick later. I apologised at the time and again a few times later. I have yet to receive any apology for other people's actions, but when you look at it from a perspective that "Life is too short!" I don't give a shit about getting anything because the affair is dead and confined to the past which is where the other person tends to spend most of their time!
Apparently they have photos of me which may embarrass me. I too have photos so go ahead. Then again they could actually grow the fuck up and move on and put it all down to experience! We didn't make it and we both let each other down. Tough shit, it happens all the time.
I could mention about how my ex and this person both made up a lot of shit about each other and tried to make things worse for everyone between them and how both have found it easy to blame everyone else for their own failings and meddled in things they need't even be concerned about, but I won't because it is all HISTORY!

I refer to my favourite quote which I made up a few years ago......Live for TODAY, Hope for TOMORROW, and Leave the PAST to the archaeologists!

So for the person who is threatening and blackmailing me. May I suggest you call The Samaritans. The fact is that they care I on the other hand do not.

And speaking about getting back to the real world......

Media should have the chance to context injuctions! Maybe parents should also be given the right to have cases brought out into open court so that the fucking truth gets heard and the lies of crapcass workers, solicitors and lying ex's don't get away with their cover ups!

So I have just been officially informed that the ex failed to get an adjournment of the case and stopped from having any more delays! Maybe at last the truth will be finally allowed to be heard and I am reunited with the girls again. So maybe it will be a Happy Birthday for my eldest son, who will be down with me for Mon-Weds and wants to come to court with me on Tuesday to look the ex in the face!

No matter what happens next week, good or bad. The fight for justice will not stop until EVERY PARENT has equal rights and EVERY CHILD has the right to both parents! One way or another my personal fight ends next week, but my fight against this shit corrupt system that has brought me this far continues!

Oh dear! Well according to some crack pot in America my two days in court are not to be! Apparently the world is going to end Saturday 21st! Does this man not realise that it is the final week of the Premier League season? Does this man not realise that it is the Plymouth Lord Mayor's Day on Saturday 21st? I stopped short of announcing the "parade" It is hardly a parade, more like a stroll through the city centre! London has a big day of it and it is shown live for a few hours on the day with hundreds of floats and thousands of people taking part. Plymouth offers a stroll through town with one or two marching bands! Photos will follow tomorrow. OH SHIT no they won't because the world will end..........................................!

Maybe that is why the judge did not grant my ex her adjournment (even though of course she does not want any more delays in this and wants "normality" back,) because he knew the world was going to end tomorrow anyway!

Thursday 19 May 2011

Thursday May 19th

A leading child law QC has said “the ball is in the media’s court” after a ruling by Sir Nicholas Wall, president of the Family Division, that the names of experts and their reports should be “routinely disclosed”.

I have to seriously think of the most deserving recipient of Twat Of The Week Award this week. The person who decided at the last moment to change the court hearing from Plymouth to Exeter and forgot to let me know! The drivers who constantly speed up as they go around the roundabout at the bottom of my road and then cannot stop in time to let you cross the road or swerve to speed by you! OR (believe me a few others could have made the list this week) the moron who designed the new layout for the Tesco store in the middle of the city centre. It is a death trap. I am certain if a fire or similar event took place in or around that store someone will killed or seriously injured just trying to get out of the fucking place. I went in today and walked around and straight out again without buying a thing. It is a disaster waiting to happen. Complaint sent this afternoon and I await a reply.

I rarely watch the TV soaps everyday and would much prefer to watch a film or any of the CSI episodes that are on the various other channels when the normal soaps are on. However I did catch Eastenders tonight, which I have not really taken any notice of since they started a story featuring a baby's death and then a baby swap story. In tonight's episode two of the characters are either going through the early stages of separation or have actually separated already. During the episode a child stood in the middle of the couple and an argument soon filtered out and calmness returned. The woman was in the process of leaving the house but assured the child that BOTH PARENTS LOVED HIM AND THAT NOTHING WOULD STOP HIM FROM HAVING A MUMMY AND A DADDY! Yes I admit I had a little lump in my throat at the thought that at last this soap had taken a real subject and gave it a fairytale ending in the way that the children of a separated couple do not have to miss out on one or other parent's love! Again like the storyline surrounding the baby these script writers obviously do not live in the real world. In the real world it ends with one parent saying.....


Fuck me, I should be a screenwriter! (And I should point out that it is not always the mother who holds the aces and hides behind the law and the lies. Sometimes the dads are guilty of it too but I am just using my own case to illustrate the point.)

Isn't it funny how in real life, when people get hurt they forget how much they hurt someone else and then turn all the blame on the other person! Sometimes it is not even the other person who has hurt them that sparks off the retaliation and yet it is everyone else who suffers! I know I have done it myself and had it done to me too! Then again it has been happening for the past four years really and the tit for tat games go on and on without anyone realising it would take one word to stop it and let "normality" be reborn! I think the name of the song we are all looking for here is "Sorry seems to be the hardest word!"

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Wednesday May 18th

Yep this really is the theme song to The Muppets! 

Yes folks! I bid you a warm welcome to THE MUPPET SHOW! Picture this if you will. I get up early, I shower, I shave and I wash my hair. I make myself a cup of coffee and dress in my nice smart suit, white shirt and pink tie! I did toy with wearing my crapcass t-shirt but thought I would keep it for a later date! 

I arrive as advised by my letter from my solicitor early enough to look at the court listings. It was about this time that the theme tune to The Muppet Show popped into my head and to be honest it has remained ever since! So I read the list again and not mention of my case anywhere, although a few blank spaces were on a couple of the lists there. Could be one of those I suppose. Anyway I spot my solicitor in a room but not my barrister and no sign of the ex (nothing new there though anyway!) or her team, or for that matter any of the crapcass troll and her solicitor! Oh well, maybe they are all in conference planning another extravagant story to get a delay on this hearing that is seeking to delay next weeks hearing! You get my drift. ANYWAY, it gets better. So I am there and my solicitor is there and he comes out and approaches me. I congratulate him on his football team being promoted to the Championship (through gritted teeth and looking away from him!) 

So anyway, he advises me to sit down. To which I ask is it good or bad. Before he answers I jump in "NO WAIT, LET ME GUESS! SHE IS NOT HERE!" 

The reply just reminded me how shit this system really is! "You are right! Actually you are only partly right. She is not here and neither is anyone else! You see it's like this.....The court decided to change venues! Without going too much more into details, as I am seriously considering putting this all into a play in the West End, as they have a long history of long running farces, it would appear that the only people who did not know in time were my side! Hmmmm Has anyone ever written a comedy set around conspiracy, tragedy, lies and deceit, and the obviously hilarious topic of FAMILY LAW?? 

Today I discovered that I have a growing number of readers for my blog, I note that there have been over 2000 readers of this one and many of them I assume followed my hunger strike one before I deactivated it some time ago. I am also surprised by the feedback I received. It is so nice to be appreciated and also good to know that people do see the funny side in my news as I do try to make light of certain things, not only in my own personal circumstances but in daily events too! I am seriously thinking of mass producing my crapcass t-shirt for the wider members of the public! Again I reiterate that this blog is based on actual events but no animals have been mistreated in anyway during the making of it! I have to say that although it is making a document for the future of current events I rarely go back and read any of the past myself. It is done and cannot be undone! It is my hope that my children will read this when they are old enough, and along with the growing number of documents I continue to save in my ever-growing number of files concerning this case, and as I have mentioned previously somewhere I know they will then judge for themselves who let them down. I am just glad it won't be me who suffers the backlash when that particular volcano erupts! And they thought I was bad..............................................

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Tuesday May 17th

Big news today is the Queen's first official visit to Ireland. It has taken up a lot of the news on BBC throughout the day. Despite the threat from dissident Republicans to disrupt the visit there has been little if any impact at all and it would seem that the vast majority of Irish folk are looking forward to it. Of course there will always be a stubborn few that will be ready to voice their disgust. There will always be those who are so afraid of letting go of the past and eager to blame one side or the other for past troubles that they fail to move on and enjoy the present. I recently heard a song in which one of the verses says....."For what's done is done and what's won is won and what's lost is lost and gone forever!"

Time to let go of the history folks and time to start living for today and building for tomorrow! Maybe this should apply to those I have to face in court tomorrow and possibly next week too! Live in the past and die in it as far as I am concerned!

Today is the birthday of the my daughter's half brother. Happy birthday! Sorry our trips to Argyle were stopped but the invite is always there to come along some time.

I have to feel sorry for him in all this. He had to go through this when his father and his mother separated and went from home to home without knowing where he belonged. Finally when his mother was pregnant he went back to his dads and that is where the bitterness in my ex started! Funny how I insisted he never called me "Daddy" and it was never expected he would do so! Funny how the ex's new partner is already known as "Daddy J!" Hmmmmmm? Don't suppose this has been pointed out to the girls that this man is not their daddy and never will be! 

As I am sitting here now I am bursting my guts laughing at Eastenders. Looks like Ian's wife, Jane may have chosen Trash & Co for her case. The guy there seems to be bullying her into making decisions she does not want to make! Hmmmm seems familiar to me! I wonder if my ex wife gave her their number!! And I thought the solicitor was supposed to do what you wanted and not the other way around. OH wait that is with ethical non-lying, bastard ones that actually give a shit about what is right or wrong! Just saying!



Monday 16 May 2011

Monday May 16th

I don't know about you but I am completely pissed off with drivers who speed off exits of roundabouts and do not slow down for pedestrians at crossings! To be fair to the drivers here in Plymouth at the bottom of my road if you are driving a little too fast coming around a blind corner the crossing I use is a bit too close to the corner and sometimes they cannot slow down. Then gain if they were not going so fast in the first place the close calls I have had in the past few years would not have happened. What really pisses me off is the fact that everyone slows down a little further up the road for the speed camera that is located just a few steps from the front of my place! 

So I have decided, seeing as I carry my camera around most of the time that any car that is driving too fast around the corner and does not stop as I am crossing the road or even speeds up as I go to cross, I shall take a photo of them, put them on this blog and also pass the photo to the police. 

As if that was not bad enough, this morning I had to go in and drop a document off to my solicitor. A letter that could be very useful when I attend court later this week. It is a signed letter from someone who met with Tracy who repeated the same old "Oh I am so sorry about all this and I cannot stand all these delays but it is my solicitor's fault this is dragging on" shit! After I dropped that off I walked back home and was about to settle down and watch some riveting TV (or as riveting as daytime TV can be towards the late afternoon) only to have to rush back into town. On my way as I was under the railway bridge a big container truck hit the bridge and ripped part of it's roof off as well a lot of debris from the bridge and also a black car. I had to go into town covered in paintwork from the truck and bridge! Maybe these drivers do not think the height restriction notices apply to them! Not the first time this has happened although it is the first time I have been walking under it at the time! A few years ago a crane took the footbridge out as it passed by underneath it, or in it's case, through it! 

Just to finish off my afternoon, as I got to the Salvation Army hall where I was meeting my parents, I noticed a familiar car parked outside. It was my ex-mother in law. As I walked by the first time she moved her head so not to have to see me but as I came out of the building and had to walk right past the car to get back onto the main pathway she could not really do the same obvious thing again! Or could she? Apparently the ex's sister works in the building opposite the hall as I walked up I saw her coming out and heading towards the car, but not before I called over and waved at the ex mother in law and asked how everyone was. That was when she turned her head for the second time to make out she never saw or heard me! Now I know where the ex gets her ignorance from. Can't wait till she has to go into hospital to give birth with her new partner and he finds out he has the mother in law along with them! Yep, happened with us and our children! Oh there is so much I wish I could warn him about, but then again, why would I when I can sit back and laugh at the knowledge of he don't know what he has let himself in for! Karma is the word i think I am looking for! 

Sunday May 15th


Are you reading this in Plymouth and Exeter you judges that don't seem to see what the fuck is wrong with YOUR system!

On a lighter note.....Sadly Arsenal lacklustre season by their own standards seems to be flickering out with just another game left. They lost at home to Aston Villa and I understand that they got booed off the pitch. Manchester City who finished off a great weekend for Manchester by winning the FA Cup could actually beat Arsenal to third spot if they win their game in hand and then it will depend on the final game of the season. Oddly enough the season finale is usually the FA Cup Final which comes a week after the season is finished but this year it came the week before. 

I went for a stroll around the Barbican this afternoon as there was an announcement that prior to next weekend's Pirate theme there, the tall ship used to film the Mutiny on The Bounty starring Marlon Brando was moored up. When I got there there were a number of people lining up to see it and a few men on board were preparing it for visitors. Next weekend visitors can actually go on board and walk around the decks. May have to visit it myself. Would be nice to be able to take the girls but somehow I don't think my ex is going to do the decent thing before the hearing on the 23rd and in fact I can only surmise, despite me having evidence she has told various people it is her solicitors who are delaying the hearings and not her, that we could possible have an adjournment in the case. After all she is pregnant! Then again we have had "I cannot attend as I have a cold!" I cannot attend as I cannot get childcare for 4 months time!" "I cannot attend as one of my children and I are not very well!" Not being funny but I think the only excuse she has not come up with so far is that a relative has died. Then again she may think I would find that highly suspicious as the young people I used to work with tried that excuse so many times I banned it from the training room! One person was either the unluckiest young person alive, came from the most ill family in the city or had such a big family they broke all records for deaths in the family! Although I have to say the young girl who claimed that she could not attend training the week before due to being abducted by a spaceship did beat all other excuses. 

The idea behind Pirate Week on the Barbican is I assume to coincide with the release of the new episode in  the Pirates Of The Caribbean films which is released this week. As I write this I am actually watching the first film in the series which is being shown on BBC One this evening. Keeping within the theme I have also changed my language settings to English Pirate on Facebook. it is very funny watching the homepage feed going through in pirate talk. 

Saturday 14 May 2011

Saturday May 14th

Oh the delights of FA Cup Final day (without Arsenal or Argyle featuring) and Eurovision Song Contest evening (which usually results in neighbourly countries voting for those next door and nothing to do with music!) We will have Ireland voting for UK and UK voting for Ireland and Greece voting for Cyprus and Russia voting for Latvia .....you get my drift! So the day is clearly going to be a complete dead one! 

So let me ask you a question...Would you go to a supermarket, fill up a trolley, pay the cashier, then walk out without any of the shopping because you were told you could not take it with you? NO! Nor would I? So why is it that I would get a letter from the CSA today explaining how much I will be paying for my two children even though for the past three years I have had little or no contact!!! Hmmmmm and my ex is not a money grabbing lazy gold digger! Obviously her income will have dropped as she will be resting for the rest of her pregnancy! She should not over do it of course. Remember all the fainting spells she had with the previous pregnancies and the red blotchy face and greasy hair, oh wait the last two things were there all the time now I think about it! Sure twelve years ago she was a bit of a babe but when you see the real person behind the nail extensions and hair dos you kind if get turned off in the end! Then when  they kill your baby well that kind of puts the nail in the coffin of romance to be honest! 

Friday 13 May 2011

Friday May 13th

Now I don't know if it is because it is Friday the 13th today or if it has anything to do with the BBC Watchdog programme reporting yesterday that this week's Euromillions draw is already known not to have a winner as posters are in stores across the country promoting the next Euromillions draw as rollover! Fact is that thw numbers are on the lottery website already and the draw has been shown on the TV in the past 5 minutes and I already know by looking at the website that there are no winners!

It would appear that something is not quite right here. Then again, cheating and corruption in Europe??? Haven't we heard that before! No doubt the trend will continue with the Eurovision Song Contest which is tomorrow evening! Need I say more!

According to media reports, David Cameron, the UK Prime Minister has asked the police to investigate the disappearance of Madeleine McCann who disappeared in mysterious circumstances whilst on holiday with her family in 2007. Whilst I have every sympathy for the family and wish that the little girl could be found and returned safely to her parents, I too am a father of two girls who have been missing from my life for almost three years. Perhaps the government could start spending money on balancing out the dreadful corruption of the family law system and return the 1000's of children who are missing from one or both parent's lives! 

Thursday 12 May 2011

Thursday May 12th

So there I was just minding my own business sitting in the centre of town, eating a pasty and listening to a duo playing and singing some good old Irish tunes and songs. Imagine my surprise when I was tapped on the shoulder and when I look around it is a friend of my ex! Maybe it would be best if I just write the best contents of our conversation....

"Hi Nick. Good to see you. Not been good has it? Is there any developments yet with court?" 

Before I get a chance to respond...."Did you know she is pregnant again? Not really a shock though is it? 

At last I get to respond, "Hi how are you doing? How come it is not such a big shock to you then? I asked

"Nick think about it! How old is the youngest? Soon be in school full time! She won't have any excuse to stay at home now. Have you not worked out that she has never done a proper job since she had your eldest girl?"

I stood there opened mouthed by this person who happens to be a good friend (or maybe was a good friend!) of my ex. Perhaps a fall out has occurred somewhere!!! 

And I thought I was cynical BUT they had a fucking good point! Whenever my ex was due to go back to work she would herself pregnant! I am sure that it is purely a coincidence on each count but this friend of hers did get me thinking! I know through redundancy and illness I have been out of work now for about three years myself and a lot of this started when our daughter died to be very honest, but thinking back, apart from a few part time posts that she could work around school time and a few in which she worked in the same school as my eldest daughter this person was spot on! For the past 11-12 years my ex has not had a proper job and given real support in the home! Sure she did the washing but I went to work got the money in that she spent, mainly on herself and then went begging to my parents behind my back lending money and then telling me there were problems with the bank accounts, Then showing off her new hair and nails! Hmmmmm Now this has slammed a cricket bat against a bee hive! No doubt things will have changed now and she is happy and the new partner won't be so blind and perhaps stand up to her! Then again......! I wonder if history is repeating itself! 

This also got me thinking regarding where she is living! My children must think they are children of someone in the armed forces as they moved so many times in the past 9 years. That really shows stability does it not? No doubt last year they moved because she could not afford the three bedroom house she had (presumably the new partner was living with her then (maybe housing benefit should check that a fraud has or isn't being committed there!) So they shall have to move yet again to account for the new baby! Again just me being cynical!! 

So not only is the ex playing the legal system she has been playing the benefit system for almost 12 years too! Oh but we must not forget that she does have ongoing health issues! Hmmmmmm! Maybe I should call Jeremy Kyle, he could have an episode dedicated especially for her! 

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Tuesday May 10th

Was so sad yesterday to hear that Kelly Brook and her partner had lost their baby. It brought back so many memories of the events of 2005. Whilst there is a difference in the "loss" through stillbirth, miscarriage etc the fact is that in the 21st Century these things should not be happening on the scale they still do! It seems criminal to me that the governments of this world can spend obscene amounts of money on irrelevant referendums and needless armed conflicts and yet do not put money into REAL research into saving the future of mankind! We can cure many previously deadly illnesses and yet we cannot prevent babies dying! Something is wrong somewhere.

I woke this morning and was greeted by the local paper and inside was a photo and article relating to my eldest daughter's school and the fact that they had done particularly well in something. As I looked at my daughter and her classmates it came to me that this is something I should have been informed about and even invited to attend! No doubt my ex's new partner "Daddy J!" would have taken all the glory for my daughter's success. Not bad seeing as they have not been in a relationship a year yet, according to my ex!! I hope the troll from crapcass and the ex's legal team and her are really proud of themselves this morning. Talk about a system failing our children! 

Well let's see how it goes next week before they find out a few more things that are going to happen in the future if this group of people do not wake the fuck up to the needs of my children!

So at long last someone has actually declared that FIFA is corrupt and that the World Cup voting was bought! Well done to Lord Triesman but will it mean that the decision to give Russia the World Cup be overturned? No! I said at the time the voting was corrupt and yet again it appears I was right in this too! When you deal with corruption on a day to day basis through family law and those who work in it you tend to be able to sniff out other forms of corruption.

Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to be treated fairly, equally and justly! Yes it would but in this corrupt society it will not happen. My campaign to see change on a grand scale continues. Plans are being made that will get people's attention and start them thinking that there is a better way.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Saturday May 7th

Ladies and gentlemen this week has been a tough week for Twat Of The Week Award nominations. I have narrowed it down to a handful but in fact a few more people could have made the shorltist! So in no particular order the nominations for Twat Of The Week are:

My ex for wanting to use an unborn baby as an excuse for neglecting the needs of our children! (Some people actually think I am angry and jealous at the fact that she is pregnant by her new partner but that could not be further from the truth! I am happy for them both. The problem is that she intends to use her unborn baby as an excuse for delaying the case that is important to OUR CHILDREN! Then again would not be the first time she has never thought of their needs would it? 
Dawn Bishop of crapcass for...well to be honest as long as she is still in her post at crapcass she will always be nominated!
David Whitestone who is apparently a football referee!
The person who came up with the idea of a referendum for Alternative Voting! 

To be fair to the first two contenders they have won the award so many times in the past year I feel it only right to hand this week's award to David Whitestone (alleged referee!) To say I would doubt his parentage would be an understatement. The real shame is that with the howler of a game this guy had it would have been best for football if his father had been a wanker! All four nominees could have won it was that close. I am sure the first two as previous weeks, will be leading contenders in the not too distant future! 

At the end of the last game of the season the players and staff all did a lap of honour and thanked the supporters for all they had done for the club over a very traumatic season. Fact is that if it were not for the 10 point deduction handed to Argyle for going into administration then they would have been safe. Funny how then that in the Championship the winners of the league were actually found guilty of breaking the laws of the game BUT no points deduction was given out that would have meant they would not have been promoted. How strange that we teach our children that cheaters never prosper and yet we watch week in and week out the cheaters are the ones who take all the glory! 

In a world of injustice why should sport be any different?

Again in the world of sport it is sad that today we learn of the death of one of the greatest sportsmen Severiano Ballesteros the Spanish golfer who had been suffering from a brain tumour for a few years.