Tuesday 18 January 2011

Tuesday January 18th

What a strange day again. Sun shining and had a lovely walk through City centre and the Barbican and Hoe. It started off with my post coming. One letter from my local MP who was passing a letter he had back from Tim Loughton MP who is the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children and Families. Having heard of my hunger strike last year he wanted to write regarding my problems with Cafcass. He recognises that it is an upsetting situation for me! No shit Sherlock. Would that be the situation with the local Cafcass worker being a lying bitch or the situation that my wife was coerced by Cafcass and Nash & Co her solicitors! Or maybe the fact that in August I was told one thing and then 10 minutes later told something completely different. Or maybe the situation that my children have been refused access to their father and my yougest daughter missed her presents for her third birthday and that both girls have their Christmas presents still in my bedroom waiting for them to see me, as last year's present s were mysteriously re-labelled from love from Daddy or Nanny to love from Mummy! Or maybe the situation that Dawn Bishop of Cafcass made a false and inaccurate report and then could not be bothered to turn up for court to defend that piece of fiction! Or perhaps the situation that my ex-wife has been ill on a number of occasions when she should have been in court! Upsetting my arse! It is way past the point of being upsetting! 

On a positive note the letter informed me that......


He then went on to say....

Mr Oliver will be interested to hear that the family justice system is currently being reviewed....Cafcass ' role in proceedings will also be considered. The review panel will report in 2011. 

We live in hope, but I have been saying for months that 2011 is the Year For Change! 

I then had a letter from the solicitor handling the divorce and I was informed that as I had not responded to her letter last September she assumed I did not wish any mediation to take place between my ex-wife and myself in relation to financial matters. I then emailed her right away to inform her that as soon as I got her letter last September I phoned her office to CONFIRM THAT I MOST DEFINITELY DID WANT MEDIATION. I was asked by my ex-wife not to seek mediation regarding the finances but after she pulled her stunt (or her legal team did) last August I was more adamant to make sure that I knew where all of the money had gone over the past few years! 

Then the day turned into another episode from the Twilight Zone! I did my walking into the City Centre and took my camera out for the first time this year. I stopped for my coffee and then made for the Barbican where I bought a nice jumbo sausage and chips for my lunch. I then walked towards the Hoe and stopped to take a few photos of the clouds then the bright sun and a few ships. As I approached the Hoe by the Lighthouse I remembered the new memorial had just been unveiled so I decided to go and have a look and take a few photos of it. it had been proudly erected outside the Citadel which is home to 29 Commando and is there to show the names of it's company that have been killed inaction since the Second World War. 

As I walked toward it a young blonde woman walked past me and although that was not unusual what happened next was. I walked around towards the new memorial and man appeared from nowhere and was clearly watching the woman walking toward the Hoe. he then decided to put his hands in his jeans and then I kind of dismissed the idea of what he was doing and walked on. There is a Gents toilets close by so maybe he was in severe need of them. I went to the memorial and took a few photos and walked back to the cafe on The Hoe to get a cold drink. The man reappeared from behind another memorial closer to the cafe. He then walked to the toilet. I entered the cafe and lost sight of him and then as I came out he was there again walking toward the memorial but turned back and went into the gents toilets yet again. There was something very strange about it all. So after walking around for a few minutes I decided to head back home, but as I got back into the centre of the city I passed by the court and was reminded that recently there had been a rape in Plymouth and so because of the strange behaviour of this man I reported what I saw to the Police. 

I had just got home when the phone rung and the police told me that they had arrested a man and wanted my statement. They arrived a few minutes later. It turns out though that the person they arrested was in custody at the time I saw this other person so it would appear that there were a couple of men behaving strangely by the toilets within hours of each other. 

Then after the police left I checked my emails to find I had received one from my solicitor regarding the case on Monday and I was informed that I was to have the same Barrister that I had in Exeter towards the end of last year. That is good news as far as I am concerned. Still a bit peeved with it all though to be honest. I was asked to provide a letter from my doctor but I asked my solicitor to let me know what he wanted in the letter as I could not understand why nobody asked for medical proof that I was on a hunger strike throughout the 78 days and yet it now appears that they want evidence that I am eating?????? I don't quite get that to be honest! As it happens has anyone tried to get an appointment with a doctor lately? 

This evening MK Dons hosted Argyle in a League One match and the score was 0-3 which lifts Argyle up to 13th place and now three points away from a spot in the play off positions. Still a long way to go but a few wins and panic may be a thing of the past! It was good to know Rory Fallon was back in the Argyle team after a loan spell with Ipswich. Still no Bradley Wright-Phillips though who is suffering an injury along with continued speculation that another side have shown an interest in him. 

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