Monday 17 January 2011

Monday January 17th

I know the weather has been dreadful for the past week virtually and maybe that has something to do with my feeling pretty crappy lately. I have made the effort to get out even in the rain but there have a been a couple of days that just have not filled me with much energy or desire to do much. There was a thunderstorm forecast for today but that did not materialise, but I did get pretty wet. 

Even the TV has been boring today. I ended up watching an old black and white film with John Wayne and Oliver Hardy starring in it. I used to watch Laurel and Hardy when I was much younger and it felt strange watching Hardy in a speaking role without his usual co-star. I kept on thinking he would turn to John Wayne and slap him on the cheeks and say "Well that's another fine mess.......!" 

Tonight I cooked chicken curry and even that did not appeal to me very much although I forced myself to eat it all. There was no passion in cooking it and none in eating it either. However both of my parents thoroughly enjoyed it, and my father does not like spicy foods! Not sure how they will both cope in June when they go off to Brazil to spend time with my brother. I know dad has been before a few years ago but mother has never been that adventurous and this will be quite an adventure for her for sure. 

This evening I heard my friend Russell Grant talking about this "new Zodiac sign" that seems to have everyone talking and saying that they have always thought and believed they were some sign or other and now they are supposed to be something else. Well thanks to Russell people can sleep again in the knowledge that whatever they believed they were, they still are as this new sign has no bearing on our Zodiac in the slightest form! In actual fact this so called "New Sign!" has been around for thousands of years and nor been part of our Astrological charts! In case you are interested, the constellation responsible for all the hype and concern is called OPHIUCHUS! Oh and apparently it has been around for quite some time but today it is being blamed for an American NFL team, The New Orleans Saints for their recent loss against The Seattle Seahawks! Nothing to do with the Seahawks actually being the better team then obviously! If only Argyle had known this on Saturday!!!!

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