Monday 24 January 2011

Monday January 24th

So today I arrived at court at 09:30. I saw the lying troll from Cafcass and just turned around and went back through the swing doors to wait for my team to arrive. I waited and waited and although I was by the main entrance I did not see the ex arrive. Then again according to my barrister she was in a little side room because she was "afraid" of me! Those were his words that he had been given, no doubt by her team. She was "AFRAID" of me! If ever there was an award for twat of the year there would surely be a dead heat! Dawn Bishop for her blatant bullying of the ex and lying in her report continually, the ex's legal team - Nash & Co for apparently coercing her to change to her statement and position and of course the ex herself for her complete acting abilities. Yes she was so "Afraid" of me that she sat in court and LAUGHED! Then again I guess given that she threw my daughter across the bedroom just over two years ago in front of a witness on webcam, later assaulted me in front of the children and again witnessed on webcam, broke my mother's rib, stole money from my mother and me and had me arrested for "assaulting" her after she beat me up, she has cause to be afraid of me!

To be honest it did not surprise me how this would go today. They want to see a letter from my GP to say I was no longer on hunger strike!! The fact that if I were still on it I would be dead by now and that the GP was never involved during my 78 days of non-eating seems to have slipped everyone's notice! The fact that I now weigh almost as much as I did before I started and ended my 78 day hunger strike! The fact that it was said the children would be upset to see my think looks and yet my ex had apparently lost vast amounts of weight and they were not scared of her (although she has really put it all back on now!) The fact that I now have to wait until 2nd February to ask my GP to write a letter about something he had no knowledge of seems to have bypassed everyone.

Then to top it all. The judge herself stated that the case should be heard by Judge Tysack who himself told the last hearing that he did not see the need for him to hear the case as it was clearly a case for the judge we ended up before today! FFS I think these judges could actually make it as Premier League referees as neither seem to have any consistency! It seems more like a case of Pilate washing his hands of the case and passing the buck! I just want consistency and a fucking decision so I and my children can start getting on with our lives again. By the time it comes to court again it will be two years since the ex and I split up and she started this "Rollercoaster ride" that she "did not want to be on but that others were not letting her get off!" Now if that were me, and I was being pressured into making decisions that affected my children and myself I would stand up and take control back and tell those who were bullying me that they act under my instructions not make them up for me!

Oh well we now have to wait for a few weeks and then spend two whole days in court to discuss a hearing that should not have got this far! I am also pissed off that according to the court today I have never made an application for joint residence??? Don't know what the fuck I have been fighting for over the past two years and was discussed at great length in previous hearings! What is even more amazing is the fact that it was my ex who was the one who seemed so convinced that she wanted shared residence prior to August 2010! Don't take my word for it though read her psych report! Oh wait if I put that on here then I am in contempt of court and I would have to appear before an open court and the whole truth exposing the lies of Dawn Bishop and my ex and her legal team from Nash & Co would be out in the open and even reporters would be able to report on the story! Maybe if I wait till we see what happens in February before I risk that I will not have to expose the lies and corruption.

Just a thought here but if I were to publish court papers and be held in contempt and brought to open court, if the findings of that trial then show that my ex and the Cafcass worker have in fact committed perjury would that open up a whole new can of worms and lead to another trial in open court for my ex and Dawn Bishop?  As I read with interest what perjury entails....

1.perjury - criminal offence of making false statements under oath

Just saying! 


  1. My ex has a vile Drug addiction is an alcoholic and to add insult to injury beat me with child in arms and he gets unsupervised contact OVERNIGHT, so why the fuck cant you??? And yes he admitted the abuse, they drug tested him and saw his high level of drugs and yes they knew he had a drink problem but STILL he got what he wanted??????

    It makes me so bloody cross (sorry for language but i am seething!!) that there is no rhyme nor reason to CRAPCASS's decisions? WTF???? AND YES YOU CAN QUOTE ME (even though I will be deeply ashamed of grammar later but temper overrides)!!! Think about it and you think deeply enough you will realise who I am!

    You get a Dad like you who obviously gives a crap, no drug history, no alcohol history and you cant see your babies??? They need sacking the lot of them!!!

  2. CRAPCASS! I like that! Thank you may have to adopt that here for future blogs. Don't ask me why I cannot have proper access or shared residence after my ex was the one who said she wanted it!!! Then again, one of the assaults on me which was witnessed on webcam happened in front of the two older children and with the baby in her arms as she punched me in the face! Oh I forgot to say when we first met she told me her first boyfriend used to beat her up and so if I even sneezed wrongly she knew what to say and do to have me arrested! Ten years later I found out she was not joking!

    As for CRAPCASS! I was told by Dawn Bishop that those assaults on me in front of my children were HISTORY and that I should forget about them. Funny as the week we were supposed to be in court just before Christmas, and the ex had "FLU!" she was seen abusing the youngest daughter outside our eldest's school! I reported it to CRAPCASS and as yet have not had any response! Maybe she will wait until next year then tell me to forget about it as it is HISTORY and we need to move on!
