Wednesday 9 February 2011

Wednesday February 9th

I think that this is a very apt song for tonight by Paul Simon called Father and Daughter, used in the animated film of the cartoon series The Wild Thornberrys.

So it was two years ago today that I last saw my youngest daughter before the lengthy and as yet unsettled court case! My ex wife's last words to me as she walked out of my parent's home was "I would be better off driving the car into a lampost and doing you all a favour!" A few days later I was arrested for breaching a non-molestation order that I never received after trying to make contact with her and getting very upset and sick thinking that was what she had done! Her lies had already been put into action! 

At least now, after two years of this shit, my petition for joint residence has been formally handed in to the court and we now wait for the next hearing. Why it was never put in before is beyond me, but as I have no  idea how this shit system we have in this country works, I never questioned it until after the last hearing! I just want my day in court and to finally be able to show my ex and her solicitors up for the liars they really are. Reading the crapcass website I notice that it clearly states that cafcass "Putting the children first in family courts!" I wonder why the twat we have for our case has never done that and has only had the agenda of protecting her own job and doing her very best to build up a case in favour of my ex. I have waited patiently and not so patiently for two years now and it stops now! I have been relatively quiet as the two year anniversary of this shit was approaching and let people get on thinking I was going away quietly. Sorry that ain't happening, and it's time that those involved woke the fuck up and started smelling the coffee. I am not going to rest now until those who have wronged my children are shown up for the evil scum that they are, and it starts right now! 

Tonight I lit two lanterns and released them into the sky over in Central Park. The first one lit fairly easy enough and took off and headed over towards Home Park the Plymouth Argyle stadium. If they are still living in the same area as they were last year then the lantern was heading towards them! The second one was a bit more troublesome and I actually had to take a spare with me and use it. 

After lighting the lanterns I went back home to watch the International friendly match between Denmark and England. Final score Denmark 1-2 England. I have to admit that after lighting the lantern I was not that bothered about the football! 

It is the final Dream Number Draw tonight and I have won!!!! £2. Unfortunately I did not win the main Lottery draw and my dream of being able to buy Plymouth Argyle and get them out of their financial crisis is put on hold for yet another few days! Saying that, the winding up orders issued in the High Court against the club were dismissed today, which is a good thing. 

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