Wednesday 9 February 2011

Tuesday February 8th

Two years ago this shit started for me. My ex told me that the landlord was coming to beat me up and that I needed to stay at my parents overnight while she could move the things over to the new house. As I could not drive and she could I was to look after the children while she brought the belongings over to the new place. This followed on from the fact (as I later found out) the rent was not being paid!!! I later discovered that my ex had taken my name off the joint bank account and had not paid the rent for a few months. Matters were made worse by the fact that the landlord was a friend of mine. The ex then told everyone I had been taken money from the account without her knowledge, which as can be proved by bank records, was impossible as my cashpoint card had been corrupted for a year before and unless I physically walked into a bank and withdrew the money I could not use the card at any cashpoint! 

It was on February 8th 2009 that I last saw my eldest daughter as her live in father. My eldest spent the evening with me and had tea and then afterwards, my parents drove her back to the house. Since then I have gone through two years of the injustice of the family law court system and listened to complete shit being spewed from my ex and later the cafcass worker who instead of working on the children's behalf, has done nothing but cover up my ex's lies and work for her and her legal team. I did not believe that corruption existed within family law and as I have said countless times before, I really could not understand why some fathers dressed up in silly costumes and did stupid stunts to get noticed. Then I found out the reality of the Family Law system in this country. It is unjust, it is corrupt and it is not there for the benefit of fathers or children, It is there to protect whoever gets to solicitor first following the breakdown of a marriage. After that there is no fairness or equality. Whoever gets in first can tell lie after lie and be protected by the system. Sometimes (like in my own case) the truth does not surface until it is too late and the damage to the children is already done. 

such a shame that the people whose job it is to protect the children, are too busy protecting their own jobs and their own pride to think of them and do what is right. 

Two years down the line and do I still have faith in the British legal system? No fucking way!  Do I have any faith in the services that are there to look after the interests of the children? No fucking way! Do I believe that in the end justice will be done and the children will have the love of both parents again? I would like to, and if I didn't think that sometime in the future this will be resolved in the children's interests rather than two evil bitches and a bunch of lying solicitors, then I like many other parents may as well just walk away and die. 

So what is happening now? Well maybe those who read this that are doing so to hold it against me would like to comment and let the world know because right now I don't have a fucking clue! I just have the empty promises and lies of my ex to think about. She wants this resolved so badly! And I should not blame her for all this! Yeah right, it was not me that got the court involved in the first place was it? So yes I do blame her! 

One day my children will know what a liar their mother is and what a liar the person supposed to have their best interests is. I won't tell them. I won't have to. I am keeping every piece of paper connected with my case and will keep it safe until they are both old enough to read it all for themselves. Then they will be able to read what their mother has said about their father and what that evil lying cafcass worker did. I won't tell them a thing, but I know when the truth is finally out, my children will know exactly what their mother is like and then by her own words and actions they will turn against her and then she will know how much she hurt her children! 

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