Wednesday 2 February 2011

Wednesday February 2nd

To say I am sickened today is a bit of an understatement. I know suffering from an ear infection that makes normal activities feel like you are doing them on a boat that is swaying from side to side but this is crazy. However the sickness does not just come from the health side of things. I watched in horror on the ITV news tonight about how a baby was found dead, strapped into his buggy in front of a gas fire. Accidents happen I know but this was no accident. You can read the story yourself by following the link below because just by thinking about again here is making me angry that despite the death being predictable and preventable, and despite reading how improvements have been made since the Baby P case, it is evident that these people who are supposed to protect these children still do not have a clue what they are supposed to be doing! 

And people tell me I am silly to keep reiterating about my ex throwing my eldest across her bedroom a couple of years ago and recently witnessed by a passer-by, abusing my youngest daughter outside my eldest daughter's school! WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE! Get your arse off your chair, stand up, walk away from your desk and do your fucking job instead of writing false reports and stop protecting the person who is hurting my children! 

The other, more personal reason for my sickness remains this nasty ear infection. I walked into the City centre earlier and had a coffee with a slice of cheesecake at my usual place. Then as I walked around the shops with my mum who was looking for a top to match a skirt she bought a while back, I became very hot and dizzy. A little later I was at the surgery talking to the GP. He printed off a screenshot so that I could take it down to my solicitor for court. It shows the weight I was prior to my hunger strike, the weight I was at the end of my hunger strike and the weight I am now. With my weight now at 80kgs which for people like me is 12 1/2 stone, (that happens to be the weight I would actually like to stay at!) and a signed document from my GP stating so, I wonder if the twat from crapcass can find any other excuse to stop me from being with my girls now! Let's not forget that she spoke to my mother very recently and told her the only reason she could not advise the court to allow me access was 1) I was looking like I was ill and too thin it would scare the children.
2) She thought it best that we wait for the court appointed psychiatrist to make his report and if it said I was OK then there would not be any problem! Then again, the court, my girls, my ex, my mother and myself are not the only person that twat has lied to!  

The turning tide of people power in Egypt, today erupted into violent clashes which is not quite the kind of people power I envisage to change the world! Very sad to see violence taking over and people dying. 

In the football world, tonight as I watch Match Of The Day on BBC showing the highlights of the past couple of days Premier League action, they have announced the immediate retirement of Gary Neville of Manchester United and England. Whilst I never appreciated him as he played for Manchester United, I had to appreciate him as an England player. 

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