Tuesday 15 February 2011

Tuesday February 15th

So let me get this straight.....I have waited over TWO YEARS now for our case to get to court, despite being promised by EVERYONE that it would be dealt with soon, and that also includes my ex-wife who told me it was her "legal team pressuring her into dragging this out and that she didn't want it to have come this far and it was all a stupid mistake that she wished she had not made!" That's the same person who failed to turn up for a load of the hearings and then at the last one claimed (so I am told) "I cannot let him see me I am scared!" Yeah right scared of what exactly in a court? Scared of being shown up for being a LIAR!

Then in Exeter I am told by the judge there that he did not want hear this case as it was a PLYMOUTH CASE and should not be in EXETER and he was not the right judge for it! (Let's not forget this is the judge that aimed a shotgun at a Father 4 Justice campaigner who climbed on to his roof, although he claimed he thought it was an injured bird but who also claimed it could have been a burglar!) LIAR!

Finally not forgetting the lying twat from crapcass with her false reports and fabrications who cannot get her facts right so has to either make them up or put pressure on other people to make up statements! LIAR!

Now I get a letter saying that the "FINAL HEARING" (yeah like I was not told this before!) is to be in EXETER on MAY 23rd! And people wonder why I am angry with this fucking system. Someone once said that "The law is an ass!" They got it totally wrong. The fact is that THE LAW IS A LOAD OF BOLLOCKS! 

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