Thursday 17 February 2011

Thursday February 17th

My parents have been complaining about the state of their place for a while now and to be fair the place has not been decorated since they moved in there quite a number of years ago. It certainly has not helped that there is a leak in the ceiling and that this has had an effect on some of the walls. I have promised to do some decorating for them and this week they have been emptying the front room of the many pictures and ornaments, dvds and cds, books and videos that they have accumulated over the years! For my mother's part the majority of these would be Daniel O'Donnell or Salvation Army related!! While they were both out today I attempted to pull the wallpaper off the wall and treat the area that has damage on it. To my amazement the paper just peeled away very easily in my hand! So easy in fact that the area could be treated in minutes and all I need to do is wait until it has had time to dry to see if it is likely to come back in the near future. I did say I would start working on it at the weekend but as the paper appears to come off very easily I shall start it in earnest tomorrow and possibly even get around to painting part of the room by the weekend. 

I don't know exactly what triggered it off but as I was pulling the strip of paper away from the wall I suddenly thought that somewhere in the distant past I remembered seeing a story on the news about the government making dramatic changes to the family law court system and making it more open and transparent! When I finished pulling the paper off the wall I started trawling through the BBC news site and I knew I was not losing the plot when I found the article linked below. So the next question is.....Where is this openness? When will the family law court system finally become open and fairer to all instead of the unjust and corrupt monster that it is?

It seems the whole world is ready for change and one of the most modern and forward countries of them all is stuck in the dark ages! Do we have to all march on Downing Street and Buckingham Palace before this country embraces the change we are all looking for? 

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