Wednesday 15 December 2010

Wednesday December 15th

Powderham Castle as passed on my journey to Exeter 

OK so having attended court earlier today and bringing my hunger strike blog to a conclusion and deleting it from here I have had time to digest what has been going on, not only today but for the past two years. What amazes me as I sit here now is the craziness of it all.

For 78 days I starved myself and yet nobody from anywhere asked for proof of it. Although the Cafcass worker did ask a couple of people if they had seen me eating! Nobody asked for any evidence of my hunger strike!!! I know the dramatic weight loss was evidence enough for a few people to see I meant what I said but here we are after I ended my hunger strike on November 29th and people are asking for medical proof that I have indeed ended my hunger strike??? No delaying tactics there then!

Again in court today one person was conspicuous by their absence! Nothing unusual there then. Some one is the world's unhealthiest person alive! Come to think of it I was told I would need a doctor's note if I was going to remain in hospital or unable to attend. I wonder where the doctor's note is from someone else today given that out of about 10 hearings they have missed four I think! No delaying tactics there either then!

So I could have faced a court hearing for contempt for publishing an edited version of a report which clearly showed that someone has been telling untruths! However that did not even get out of the other barrister's mouth long enough to digest before my one stood up and scored a few points in my defence. The fact is that should I have faced a case of contempt the hearing would have been in an open court with press able to listen and report on! I wonder why it never came to that then???

Something was said in court by the Cafcass appointed guardian's solicitor, which as I was sitting on the train later that afternoon on my way home, sparked something inside me, and I think I would like to see a transcript of the hearing before I decide what action needs to be taken next!

When I arrived back in Plymouth from Exeter I was met by my mum and dad and we went to my usual place for coffee. I thought they would have missed my custom today so could not allow that! During our coffee and cakes my mother said something to me which I dearly wished she had done so before I left that morning. I really need to get in contact with my solicitor and together with what was mentioned in court put that with what was told to me this afternoon by my mother made me feel quite sick and angry again!

I have promised not to break any law or to put my ex-wife or innocent children through any heartache, not that I have set out to do so in the past anyway. However at the risk of repeating myself.........I will not be gagged or bullied like other people into giving in and changing my story! Those who continually hide behind their lies do not deserve to  be protected by any law and thankfully those in certain professions are can and will be held accountable!

In some ways I actually relished the thought of having to attend an open court and being able to expose those who have lied and bullied and coerced and used other scare tactics to get their way until now. I have a number of options available to me right now. Maybe using the law against those who have hidden behind it would be JUSTICE INDEED!

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