Wednesday 15 December 2010

Wednesday December 15th

I would like to thank everyone who visited my blog in relation to my hunger strike and my own personal fight against the corrupt and unfair Family Law system in the UK. I would not have got this far without you and I am humbled by some of your comments as you followed by protest. With over 4000 visitors previously I was shocked to read of both fathers and mothers and in some cases grandparents who were going through similar experiences.

As when my daughter was stillborn in 2005, I never believed that anyone else can possibly know how I felt! Surely this kind of thing just does not happen in these modern times! How wrong was I then and how wrong am I now!

I am obviously a father and with that I tend to take notice of other fathers who have experienced similar situations as I am right now. However I am a parent too and it breaks my heart to hear of mothers who find that the law is failing them too, and not only in this country! it seems to a worldwide epidemic. Time for healing folks. Time for change!

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