Thursday 23 December 2010

Thursday December 23rd

ONE DAY MORE to Light Up the Sky 2010

As I write this we are just over 24 hours away from Light Up The Sky 2010. Thousands of children will be represented tomorrow with the lighting of sky lanterns by one or other of their parents and other family members. But if people think this is a one off event they are very much mistaken. 

2011 is almost upon us and we are all going to see change. If the system won't listen then we will shout louder until our voices are heard. For too long the family law system has failed the people it is designed to help! for too long certain people have been allowed to coerce, bully, lie and cheat the system. To those of you who I am referring to you need to enjoy this Christmas and new year because in 2011 the people you have let down are coming for you! 

Today was clear and cold and although there was no fresh snow overnight the ground was still very slippery with ice. What makes it worse is the fact that big kids, think it is funny to "skate" and thus instead of the ground being safe to walk on they make it more hazardous by arsing around on it! I saw a couple of elderly people slip on ice today and it did not make good viewing. 

I have put my son's money into his account and let him know so he can use it when and how he likes. Spoke to him earlier today as I was sitting in my usual place having a coffee and he told me he was bag packing with his cadets. Unfortunately I did not hear "packing" and thought I heard "piping" and for a while I pictured my lad blowing into a god awful instrument and winding up tons of shoppers! I hate bagpipes usually, almost as much as violins! 

After I had my coffee I walked around a few of the crowded shops, imagine what it will be like tomorrow! I ended up in Sainsbury's with mum and dad and walked around with them getting even more stuff in for Christmas! Anyone would think that we were organising an extended family festive banquet and the sad truth is that there will only be three of us here, and for most of the day I do not intend moving too far from my firmly closed bedroom! 

I had an email delivered to my phone while I was out, from my solicitor and it would appear that although somebody saw something in the street a few days ago unless they are willing to come forward and write a statement then the court will not accept any form of report! Which kind of surprised me seeing as Dawn the fat troll Bishop found it very easy to enter hearsay into her report which is why my ex-wife has run scared! So it would seem hearsay is OK if you wear an ID badge but if you are the separated parent it is useless. No biased there then I see??? And apparently the court has "no intention of changing residence" as I have never asked for it to be changed! I must have been going to the wrong fucking court then and heard a completely different case to my own. Oh wait, no I have been turning up regularly, even after spending weekend in hospital I got out and travelled to Exeter to the last hearing which makes it Mr Oliver's attendance 100% and Ms Whateverthefuckshecallsherselfnow's attendance 75% and on two separate occasions when she was supposed to suffer from "flu" she was seen walking or driving around! The first time she even told someone "Oh but you don't realise the stress I am under when I go to court I just cannot face it!" And the second occasion she was seen clearly manhandling my youngest daughter to the point of dragging along the pavement outside of my eldest daughter's school! So yet another instance to be swept under the carpet by Dawn "Oh I think we need to forget that" Bishop! 

2011 is going to be THE YEAR FOR CHANGE! I hope you lot are ready because I sure as hell am!

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