Friday 17 December 2010

Friday December 17th

As those of  you who followed my hunger strike blog from beginning to end will know, I have been looking forward to taking some photos of the snow here in Plymouth. The weathermen have appeared to make the same promises as the ex-wife and cafcass, EMPTY! Today however, it was a different story. (The weather I mean! Surely you didn't for one minute think I meant that my ex-wife and cafcass had stopped lying did you??)

I eventually got out of bed and took a look out of the window when I saw on the news this morning that there were heavy snow falls in many places overnight and this would continue over the weekend! I actually walked to the window fully expecting nothing! To my surprise however there was a good covering of snow, although not as deep as other places, there was enough to see footprints in it! I took my camera and made for my usual spot on Plymouth Hoe.

Last Christmas I sent presents and cards via my solicitor and when I eventually saw my girls in February I am aware that one present in particular that my mother sent for them, my eldest told me "Mummy bought me this!" I do not intend letting the same thing happen again this year! Especially after my ex-wife had told me she wanted me to have the girls this year! I am also aware the cards were opened and ripped off presents last year! If anyone connected to my ex-wife actually reads this (in particular I refer to your lying scum at Nash and Co and at Cafcass!) let me make it perfectly clear in big words so you can understand....

I will hand over my girl's presents to them in person when we see each other again! Whenever that is! 

One week from today will be Christmas Eve and that means we are a week away from the LIGHT UP THE SKY event that is growing in numbers. Parents who have been fighting the corruption and unfairness of the family law system and those also dealing with the failures of social services and other agencies involved with their children, will be lighting lanterns to represent their children who will be away from them this Christmas. Sadly even the sight of one lantern in the sky is one lantern too much but it is a fact of life that there are scum walking this street that are allowed to keep children away from one or other parent and to make matters worse most of those involved get paid to do it! 

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