Tuesday 21 December 2010

Tuesday December 21st

If I had continued with my hunger strike this would be day 100. I am so glad I am eating again. Actually the weight is going back pretty well. When I ended my 78 days without food I weighed 152lbs. As of today I weigh 165.6lbs so I guess that is another lame excuse that they cannot use against me! Still they have just over a month to think of something new and let's face it if you put all the minds of  my ex, Nash & Co and their CAFCASS stooge together you probably would not find anything other than the line up of the Muppet Show! Then again it is pantomime season.

The shortest day and longest night of the year. It also coincided with a total lunar eclipse which is the first time in 372 years, so not much chance of seeing it again in this lifetime then! Yes there will be other solar and lunar eclipses but not this special. So what did I do for it? I set my alarm for 6.00am so I could get up in time and walk over to the park or even the Hoe to get some good photos of it. I woke up at 6.00am and took a look outside at the freezing cold snow which was now turning to ice. The news came on and I watched that until 7.00am and then I got up and made a coffee, went to the front door, opened it and swiftly went back to bed to watch it on the TV! I vividly remember the last full solar eclipse and the fact that here in Plymouth we saw absolutely nothing due to dark clouds in the way anyway. So I did not think risking breaking any bones to get across to the park was particularly worth it! It did look good on TV though.

More news today comes from the Royal family again. So imagine waiting for a London bus for ages and ages and ages and then all of a sudden one comes along and then no sooner has it gone but another one pulls up in it's exhaust fumes! Well with the announcement of a Royal Wedding for HRH Prince William and Kate Middelton, it has now been followed with the announcement that another of HM The Queen's grandchildren is to get married. HRH Zara Phillips is to marry her long term boyfriend and England rugby player Mike Tindall. I hope The Royal's can afford all these parties in this cash strapped recession. 

I was given my first Christmas presents today in the form of cash from my parents. They knew I wanted a new Senseo coffee machine as my old one has still to be returned by my thieving ex, along with the majority of my belongings and approximately £200! (Does not include the money she still owes my mother!) Luckily Comet have the Senseo machines on sale for a bargain £29.00. Which is the cheapest I have seen it anywhere. So not only have I got a new Senseo machine I got a bargain too and am able to put a few £s in the bank. Lovely!

My walk was slippery today as was to be expected given the state of the weather. I made it in and out of the City centre once, during which time I grabbed my normal coffee and then my Senseo bargain. The second I went to the Hoe where it was fairly warm despite the ice under my feet! On the way back I stopped off at Sainsbury's to get a few packs of Senseo pods for the machine and also stock up on a few bits of food to keep me going for a day or two. As I was walking under the underpass I caught a glimpse of a group of people struggling with their cases on the icy pavement. I looked over to see one woman in the group let go of her case, grab a railing and miss and fall flat on her backside. I was paying so much attention to her as she tried to get back up that because I was concentrating so hard on not laughing I took my eyes off the ground and slipped myself. Luckily I did not fall over but I did note that the poor woman was crying whilst all her friends were laughing at her! According to the local weatherman it looks like the cold weather is staying with us until after Christmas, although the threat of snow is unknown. Maybe a White Christmas is on the cards after all. 

The financial problems at Plymouth Argyle are still causing concern. Some fans have set up a fund so that players and back room staff can get paid.their November salaries. An online appeal has seen money coming in from all over the world and even someone in Exeter! Let's hope this mess can be sorted out very soon otherwise this bleak mid winter will turn into a bleak new year and uncertain future for the club I have grown to love over recent years thanks to taking my daughter along! It strikes me as a strange coincidence that Argyle's problems started around the time that I last took the children to a game! I can blame my ex and that CAFCASS twat for a few things but surely I cannot blame them too for the mess at Argyle!!! Or can I????? Maybe not! 

Three days to go to LIGHT UP THE SKY! Watch the skies on Christmas Eve all you Family Law affiliated workers, especially you CAFCASS people who should be doing a F@@@@@G better job of putting the children first instead of working for one of the parents and their legal teams! 2011 not so far away. Not sure what official name it has but I name it 2011 The Year Of Change! 

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