Saturday 25 December 2010

Saturday December 25th

A Christmas Message

Christmas 2010, and this is the time we think of children. In particular we are encouraged to think of one very special baby. A baby that would grow up and bring peace and love to everyone. Yesterday afternoon I watched Miracle on 34th Street. During the trial of Santa a little girl produced a Christmas Card with a dollar note inside and gave it to the judge. Knowing how the law system works today and how unfair and unjust it is I was surprised the little girl was not incarcerated for bribing a court official! Then again.............................! 

On the top of the note it clearly says "IN GOD WE TRUST!" Well let me tell you something about that statement. Well we all know that we should not trust judges, lawyers, social workers, cafcass workers, and more importantly we should never trust the other parent. 

This year I was promised that there would not be a repeat of last year and that I would have my children with me this Christmas. This year I was promised that the past was to put locked away and that "We should work together for the children!" This year I was promised that things would be better for everyone! 

I was promised all of that not by a court, not by a solicitor, not by a useless and corrupt cafcass worker, not by a psychic or fortune teller. I was promised that by my ex-wife and mother to my daughters. "IN GOD WE TRUST, BECAUSE THE EX IS A LIAR!" 

There is a saying "Just because you go to church that does not mean you are a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a mechanic!" Likewise "Just because you gave birth to children it does not make you a parent!" In some cases the parent in question is a mere egg donor! The qualities of motherhood do not exist! NO loving parent would use a child as a weapon. NO loving parent would hurt a child, physically or emotionally. NO loving parent would lie to their child. A loving parent would do what is right for their children irrespective of how they felt personally about the other parent. A loving parent would want what was best for their children. That is what parents do. Therefore anyone who does not put their children first cannot expect to be called a parent! 

If you are effected by anything I have said then you would want to change the way not only the system works but how we as parents work! Sometimes we need to remember that because our relationships breakdown with out partners. We hurt the ones that matter the most. 

It's time to start putting the children first people. Stop fighting each other and for God's sake put your children first. Fathers respect the mothers. Mothers respect the fathers. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, allow your children to be children and have the best of both worlds. The love of both parents. You know what folks. The  only people happy when people break up are lawyers and social workers and cafcass morons. As soon as there is a relationship breakdown somewhere a solicitor's eyes light up with the £'s sign! Both parents get unhappier as they fight each other. Solicitor's rub their hands with glee. Both parents get angrier with tit for tat accusations flying through the courts. Solicitor's work out what their bonuses are going to be! 

WAKE UP PEOPLE! 2011 is coming! The Year For Change! Let's start making a change and put some of these solicitors, social workers and cafcass scum out of work and next Christmas we can look forward to happier times. 

If you have been nothing more than an egg or sperm donor in the past then it is time for you also to wake up to your responsibilities! You were big enough to make a baby. Be big enough to accept the consequences. I am sick of hearing about parents who do not want to see their children while 1000's of them would die to have that luxury. 

A Happy Christmas to EVERYONE! 

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