Wednesday 15 December 2010

Fathers Should Have Rights Too

Since September 13th 2010 I kept a daily blog highlighting my personal protest at the Family Law Court system here in the UK. My own protest took the form of a peaceful hunger strike which lasted for 78 days. During that time I highlighted the lies and corruption I saw with my own eyes in and out of court by people that the system employs to bring fairness to it!

My children and I have been disgracefully treated by CAFCASS and the law system that I have been proud to advocate and stand by for all my life. In particular one CAFCASS worker in Plymouth and most definitely a firm of Solicitors have acted without any dignity, morals or ethics. They have continued to badger, coerce and bully potential witnesses and people related to this case.

People have lied and continue to hide behind their positions of "power" and try to justify their actions with more lies! This is not good enough and needs to be stopped.

I will not be kept silent when it comes to injustice. I will not keep quiet when my children are affected by those people's lies. I will not stand by and let a biased and unfair system protect people who lie and bully!

So be sure that if you hold a position of authority and you should be acting in the best interests of children and parents and you are not doing so I will expose you and your lies.

You may be a politician, you may be a judge, you may be a barrister, you may be a solicitor, you may be a doctor, you may be a policeman, you may be a social worker, you may be a CAFCASS worker. You could be anything, even a parent. However the moment you show that you are corrupt or use lies to do do your job I will expose you!

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