Thursday 30 December 2010

Thursday December 30th (One Day More!)

ONE DAY MORE! Until the end of a crap year and a crap decade. it is hard to believe that we have already gone through the first ten years since the Millennium. It seems like only yesterday that we were watching the festivities from the Dome in London! hasn't time flown by so fast. So what has the past ten years brought us? 

Well in ten years I have been married and divorced. I have seen the birth of two daughters and the stillbirth of another and watched as my ex murdered another baby she was carrying inside her. Then she blamed me for having an affair for her decision to have an abortion although I did not have my affair until after she had the abortion! Another lie by her. 

Then after losing a daughter to stillbirth and my ex aborting another things just got worse by the day and in the end I have ended up fighting a two year battle to have the right to be called a father by my daughters all because the liar I married. I don't remember anywhere in her court papers where she admitted to her affairs. Or her abusing my children, assaulting my mother and stealing from both of and assaulting me live on webcam on more than one occasion! Funny how the truth was hidden all this time! Funny how liars have had their way for the past decade. 

A while back I promised change and I meant it. People who have stood in the way of my happiness will now face the consequences of their actions. People who have lied and cheated and deceived the law will be shown up for the lying scum they really are. The system that has for too long let my children and many many more others will be shown up for the corrupt system that it is. A tide of truth is flowing that will consume all those in it's path and those who refuse to accept the truth and admit to their lies will be drowned in it's wake! 

For too long the system has let far too many children and parents down and now is the time to change it. I told you if you were corrupt, if you were not fit for purpose, if you were acting immorally I was coming for you! You have one more day to start putting right the wrongs you have done to people. One Day More that is all you get now. The Dawn Bishops and Nash & Co's of this world you are on notice! I am coming for you! The law makers who have let families down. I am coming for you. The people are coming for you. This is The Year For Change! 


YouTube - [Les Miserables] 10th anniversary - One Day More!

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Wednesday December 29th

The fog that spoilt the viewing of the Argyle match yesterday had still not vanished today. Walking around the Barbican and then to the Hoe meant that it was pretty hard to see very far. In fact at one point where usually I could get a clear photo of the lighthouse I could see nothing. I walked back for my usual coffee and then had a spicy chicken pasty. Lottery tonight so I purchased my ticket in the hope that this year might end on a bit of a high note. Didn't win although I did have 4 numbers and the bonus ball, just a pity they were on 2 different lines! 

This evening I watched a programme about Matt Lucas of Little Britain fame who had always had a fondness for musicals. he had the chance to star in the 25th Anniversary production of Les Miserables which has always been a favourite of mine. Until I saw the programme i had no idea that he had been in the recent production at the O2 in London. 

I had a letter from my Solicitor today that was obviously posted a while before Christmas and as always when i get something to do with the court case I get moody and upset. As I walked around Plymouth I suddenly dawned on me how stupid these exes are that refuse contact and when in court admit that the other person is good parent and yet comes up with pure crap reasons why they should not have joint residence! Then it really dawned on me that they have put themselves in a very stupid position. Like I said things are going to change next year. So just to let you all know and get you all thinking. If your ex does not want you to have full parental rights and joint residence then maybe they would not mind not having the money that they have from us. After all, if we are not expected to have full rights and responsibilities then surely that cancels out the demands for money! BRING IT ON! I actually think that my ex is motivated by money. The fact that she owes my mother some and has said in paperwork that she does not intend giving it back, the fact that she stole 176.00 of mine in February 2009 and the fact that she has told me she did not get all of my stuff out of the old house because she was threatened by the old landlord and yet told other people that "All of my stuff was safe in her house and in her aunty's too, and the fact that she suddenly had a complete turn around of what she wanted thanks in part for the pressure put on her by the twats that represent her and by the evil twat at cafcass and also came after she told me she wanted shared residence and that she would go to the people who pay child benefit and notify them of her intentions! maybe it was realising she would have to share the money with me that scared her off. I said previously it was ok for her. She had them during the week when they were at school! She did not have them at weekends when money needed to be spent out and they had to be entertained all day! oh well her loss. She wants to be a 24/7 7/7 12/12 mother good luck to her but let's see how she does it with no money from me! 

Today Show: ‘Teen Mom’ released from jail

Today Show: ‘Teen Mom’ released from jail

Hmmmm! So in America this mother can be jailed for slapping her ex partner in front of their child, in this country we are told "to forget it!" Watch this Dawn Bishop and tell me to "forget it!"

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Tuesday December 28th

Well still loads of bargain hunters filling the stores in Plymouth today. Although I cannot quite work out why most banks were closed on a Bank Holiday but Barclay's was open! I went around briefly before lunch and then headed off to Argyle for the home game against Notts County.

Things looked to be going OK when just after the 3rd minute Argyle scored. I would like to tell you who the scorer was but unfortunately there was heavy fog covering the far end of the pitch so it was hard to see the goal let alone who scored it! Things were not made better by the fact that the ref wore a shirt that was a lot similar in colour to Notts County. A few dubious decisions by him made me think the shirt was on purpose. Just a few minutes after Argyle scored Notts County levelled and after that the match did not get any better. One Argyle player was judged to have kicked high and dangerously. However with two of the County players about the same size as Happy and Doc, it was pretty hard not to be past head height to them! A few nasty challenges went unpunished and a few less so were rewarded with yellow cards. No surprise then when the ref was booed off the pitch.

Tonight I intend to listen to Test Match Special in the hope that England can win their test and therefore retain The Ashes.

Weighed myself tonight and on the day I ended my Hunger Strike I was 152 lbs. I am now back up to 165.8lbs. Christmas has definitely helped put it back on.

Monday 27 December 2010

Monday December 27th

Whilst most of the sporting fixtures over the past few weeks have been postponed due to the cold weather bringing ice and snow, it is pleasing to see that in Australia the weather is especially good for the England cricket team. In fact it is possible, unless there is a complete collapse by the England team that they could retain The Ashes with a win in this test match. Would be nice! Also today there was Premier League action and a lovely home win for Arsenal against London rivals Chelsea. Arsenal winning 3-1 and going back into second spot behind Manchester United in the league. As far as Argyle are concerned the news reports say that the Chairman has stood down and that there is a new chance that former Leeds and Cardiff City chairman Peter Risdale may now have some role in the future of the club. 

I took a stroll around Plymouth today to watch all the people who were eager to snap up the bargains on offer in the post-Christmas Sales. The Mall itself had people queuing from about 1:00am this morning and they decided to open the car park an hour later to allow people to get in the warmth! More fools them I say. have these people not heard of internet then? According to the news earlier there was over £300 million spent on the first day of the sales yesterday! 

On the TV tonight there is a programme on BBC Three "MOST ANNOYING PEOPLE 2010!" So what are the chances of seeing representatives from cafcass and Nash and Co on there, along with the ex! I am definitely nominating each of them for LIAR OF THE YEAR AWARD! Not sure there will be an outright winner though so they will have to share the prize! I know a lot of people find Justin Bieber one of the most annoying people of 2010 but don't let my eldest daughter hear anyone say that!!

I really cannot wait to put this last year, in fact last few years behind me and start the new one as I mean to go on from now. You cannot say you have not been warned. 

Sunday December 26th

It has been a long day today and yet I have done nothing other than watch the TV from the time I woke up to the time I shall be going to bed very shortly. The Argyle match away at Bournemouth was postponed due to the weather as was a number of other sporting fixtures throughout the country today. There were a few films on TV which kept me occupied along with getting involved in a highly addictive application on Facebook called Puzzled Hearts. I knew a few puzzled hearts myself!

I had the place to myself all day as my parents went to a meeting at their Salvation Army this morning and then spent the rest of the day at their friends. It meant a very quiet and relaxing day for me. I ate the usual Boxing Day meals of left over meats and various other bits and pieces. I have discovered a new ( new for me anyway) snack. Belgian Waffles which are toasted and then topped with banana and clotted cream and then whipped cream to finish off and a dusting of chocolate powder. If anyone can question my weight now I would like to see them try!

Bringing Home Baby… | An interactive domain which provides information and resources to those involved with the Local Authority

Bringing Home Baby… | An interactive domain which provides information and resources to those involved with the Local Authority

Saturday 25 December 2010

Saturday December 25th

A Christmas Message

Christmas 2010, and this is the time we think of children. In particular we are encouraged to think of one very special baby. A baby that would grow up and bring peace and love to everyone. Yesterday afternoon I watched Miracle on 34th Street. During the trial of Santa a little girl produced a Christmas Card with a dollar note inside and gave it to the judge. Knowing how the law system works today and how unfair and unjust it is I was surprised the little girl was not incarcerated for bribing a court official! Then again.............................! 

On the top of the note it clearly says "IN GOD WE TRUST!" Well let me tell you something about that statement. Well we all know that we should not trust judges, lawyers, social workers, cafcass workers, and more importantly we should never trust the other parent. 

This year I was promised that there would not be a repeat of last year and that I would have my children with me this Christmas. This year I was promised that the past was to put locked away and that "We should work together for the children!" This year I was promised that things would be better for everyone! 

I was promised all of that not by a court, not by a solicitor, not by a useless and corrupt cafcass worker, not by a psychic or fortune teller. I was promised that by my ex-wife and mother to my daughters. "IN GOD WE TRUST, BECAUSE THE EX IS A LIAR!" 

There is a saying "Just because you go to church that does not mean you are a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a mechanic!" Likewise "Just because you gave birth to children it does not make you a parent!" In some cases the parent in question is a mere egg donor! The qualities of motherhood do not exist! NO loving parent would use a child as a weapon. NO loving parent would hurt a child, physically or emotionally. NO loving parent would lie to their child. A loving parent would do what is right for their children irrespective of how they felt personally about the other parent. A loving parent would want what was best for their children. That is what parents do. Therefore anyone who does not put their children first cannot expect to be called a parent! 

If you are effected by anything I have said then you would want to change the way not only the system works but how we as parents work! Sometimes we need to remember that because our relationships breakdown with out partners. We hurt the ones that matter the most. 

It's time to start putting the children first people. Stop fighting each other and for God's sake put your children first. Fathers respect the mothers. Mothers respect the fathers. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, allow your children to be children and have the best of both worlds. The love of both parents. You know what folks. The  only people happy when people break up are lawyers and social workers and cafcass morons. As soon as there is a relationship breakdown somewhere a solicitor's eyes light up with the £'s sign! Both parents get unhappier as they fight each other. Solicitor's rub their hands with glee. Both parents get angrier with tit for tat accusations flying through the courts. Solicitor's work out what their bonuses are going to be! 

WAKE UP PEOPLE! 2011 is coming! The Year For Change! Let's start making a change and put some of these solicitors, social workers and cafcass scum out of work and next Christmas we can look forward to happier times. 

If you have been nothing more than an egg or sperm donor in the past then it is time for you also to wake up to your responsibilities! You were big enough to make a baby. Be big enough to accept the consequences. I am sick of hearing about parents who do not want to see their children while 1000's of them would die to have that luxury. 

A Happy Christmas to EVERYONE! 

Parental Alienation At The Holidays

Just so there are no illusions here. ANYONE who is guilty of this practise is not fit to be a parent or work in an agency supposed to support parents. Those who take pleasure in alienating a parent from their children are less then SCUM! And 2011 will see a clean up! BE READY! 

Friday 24 December 2010

Friday December 24th (Christmas Eve)

Tonight was Light Up The Sky 2010. At 22:00hrs thousands of parents throughout the UK and a few other countries around the world, lit sky lanterns to highlight the plight of the 1000's of children who will be separated from one or other parent and in a number of families both parents this Christmas. 

My day started fairly normally. I did not sleep very well during the night as someone had tried to cause a lot of trouble on Facebook for not only myself but a few of my friends. The person also kept phoning my home number and screamed abuse at both of my elderly parents. It is not the first time this has happened. Despite this and the aftermath on Facebook I did manage a little sleep. 

The post arrived quite early compared to normal delivery. I was very disappointed that my ex had not made the effort to post any cards for either myself or the grandparents from my children. BUT I was not too shocked or surprised as that is the selfishness of the woman, but I bet if I had not sent my cards she would have been on to her solicitors as soon as the Christmas break was over. Sad that she has become so bitter and selfish in recent years as well as a liar. talk about personality transplant. 

I went into the City to have a walk around and see all the many shoppers who had left their shopping till the last minute. To my surprise there were not as many people as I had anticipated. I had my usual coffee and again met up with my parents and we went to dinner in Debenhams. After lunch we walked up to Sainsbury's to get a few last minute extras, this was where the crowds were obviously waiting!! It was packed. Grapes and ice creams! Freezing cold weather but I got a craving for ice cream. 

When I came home, I wrote my messages on the sky lanterns for tonight. Two lanterns containing my daughter's names and the message "victim of family law injustice!" The other lantern was for my angel daughter who was born sleeping five years ago. Tonight at least one of their parents will be thinking of all of them. The lanterns took some lighting and for a while I was shouting to anyone who would hear me to "Give me a break and help me light these things! I had planned to light four but settled in the end for the three I originally anticipated lighting. I have a couple more that I shall send up on New Year's Eve. I have been tagged in quite a few photos on Facebook which is a lovely feeling. A feeling of solidarity. 

As I write this it is 30 minutes to go until Christmas Day. I am not sure I shall be celebrating much later. Although I have had two rather nice things happen today and along with the lanterns lighting up the sky it has been a better day today than I expected. 

I just want to wish those who have followed my blogs, a very Happy Christmas. If you happen to be reading this because you are a nosey troll who works for Nash and Co or Cafcass, I actually hope your Christmas is peaceful too. I wish this especially for this year because I am putting you and all your corrupt colleagues on notice! 2011 is coming upon us and it is the time for change! The parents you have wronged are coming for you and we are going to expose all of your corruption and injustice. You think you had a problem with Fathers 4 Justice? Wait till you get a load of PARENTS! Try not to choke on any turkey bones or coins in your Christmas Puddings, we want you alive! 

» Fatherless Christmas

» Fatherless Christmas

The Press Association: More children caught in parent rows

The Press Association: More children caught in parent rows

Boyzone - A Different Beat

Thursday 23 December 2010

Parents' rights over children 'should be automatic' - The Irish Times - Tue, Dec 21, 2010

Parents' rights over children 'should be automatic' - The Irish Times - Tue, Dec 21, 2010


Thursday December 23rd

ONE DAY MORE to Light Up the Sky 2010

As I write this we are just over 24 hours away from Light Up The Sky 2010. Thousands of children will be represented tomorrow with the lighting of sky lanterns by one or other of their parents and other family members. But if people think this is a one off event they are very much mistaken. 

2011 is almost upon us and we are all going to see change. If the system won't listen then we will shout louder until our voices are heard. For too long the family law system has failed the people it is designed to help! for too long certain people have been allowed to coerce, bully, lie and cheat the system. To those of you who I am referring to you need to enjoy this Christmas and new year because in 2011 the people you have let down are coming for you! 

Today was clear and cold and although there was no fresh snow overnight the ground was still very slippery with ice. What makes it worse is the fact that big kids, think it is funny to "skate" and thus instead of the ground being safe to walk on they make it more hazardous by arsing around on it! I saw a couple of elderly people slip on ice today and it did not make good viewing. 

I have put my son's money into his account and let him know so he can use it when and how he likes. Spoke to him earlier today as I was sitting in my usual place having a coffee and he told me he was bag packing with his cadets. Unfortunately I did not hear "packing" and thought I heard "piping" and for a while I pictured my lad blowing into a god awful instrument and winding up tons of shoppers! I hate bagpipes usually, almost as much as violins! 

After I had my coffee I walked around a few of the crowded shops, imagine what it will be like tomorrow! I ended up in Sainsbury's with mum and dad and walked around with them getting even more stuff in for Christmas! Anyone would think that we were organising an extended family festive banquet and the sad truth is that there will only be three of us here, and for most of the day I do not intend moving too far from my firmly closed bedroom! 

I had an email delivered to my phone while I was out, from my solicitor and it would appear that although somebody saw something in the street a few days ago unless they are willing to come forward and write a statement then the court will not accept any form of report! Which kind of surprised me seeing as Dawn the fat troll Bishop found it very easy to enter hearsay into her report which is why my ex-wife has run scared! So it would seem hearsay is OK if you wear an ID badge but if you are the separated parent it is useless. No biased there then I see??? And apparently the court has "no intention of changing residence" as I have never asked for it to be changed! I must have been going to the wrong fucking court then and heard a completely different case to my own. Oh wait, no I have been turning up regularly, even after spending weekend in hospital I got out and travelled to Exeter to the last hearing which makes it Mr Oliver's attendance 100% and Ms Whateverthefuckshecallsherselfnow's attendance 75% and on two separate occasions when she was supposed to suffer from "flu" she was seen walking or driving around! The first time she even told someone "Oh but you don't realise the stress I am under when I go to court I just cannot face it!" And the second occasion she was seen clearly manhandling my youngest daughter to the point of dragging along the pavement outside of my eldest daughter's school! So yet another instance to be swept under the carpet by Dawn "Oh I think we need to forget that" Bishop! 

2011 is going to be THE YEAR FOR CHANGE! I hope you lot are ready because I sure as hell am!

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Wednesday December 22nd

Two days to go until the LIGHT UP THE SKY EVENT takes place and people all over the UK and beyond will be releasing their lanterns into the sky to represent the children they will be missing over Christmas. Today because of the vindictive actions of an individual who acts out of spite and pure bitterness and jealousy I have removed myself from the group on Facebook as they are starting to poison the good in the group and detract people from the reason the group exists. As I have said for a long time some people are not happy unless they are hurting others and causing misery to deflect their own misery inside.

Although I have left the group I shall be lighting my lanterns for my children and today emailed ITN NEWS with a detailed message about the group and the event. Hopefully if enough people phone the news desk or email them they may actually cover it somewhere in the country.

I was told something very shocking today and have had to report it to my solicitor as it relates to my youngest daughter. I am appalled that the person at cafcass has yet again failed her but why does that not surprise me! Let's see her try to cover this up! 

A few things have happened recently that have brought some relief to me and I am feeling more confident and happier about the future. Like I said previously, 2011 is THE YEAR FOR CHANGE! 

I have met some really decent people through such traumatic circumstances and I am amazed with some of their inner strength. I am looking forward to working together with all of these people and bringing the change that we are all crying out for! 

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Tuesday December 21st

If I had continued with my hunger strike this would be day 100. I am so glad I am eating again. Actually the weight is going back pretty well. When I ended my 78 days without food I weighed 152lbs. As of today I weigh 165.6lbs so I guess that is another lame excuse that they cannot use against me! Still they have just over a month to think of something new and let's face it if you put all the minds of  my ex, Nash & Co and their CAFCASS stooge together you probably would not find anything other than the line up of the Muppet Show! Then again it is pantomime season.

The shortest day and longest night of the year. It also coincided with a total lunar eclipse which is the first time in 372 years, so not much chance of seeing it again in this lifetime then! Yes there will be other solar and lunar eclipses but not this special. So what did I do for it? I set my alarm for 6.00am so I could get up in time and walk over to the park or even the Hoe to get some good photos of it. I woke up at 6.00am and took a look outside at the freezing cold snow which was now turning to ice. The news came on and I watched that until 7.00am and then I got up and made a coffee, went to the front door, opened it and swiftly went back to bed to watch it on the TV! I vividly remember the last full solar eclipse and the fact that here in Plymouth we saw absolutely nothing due to dark clouds in the way anyway. So I did not think risking breaking any bones to get across to the park was particularly worth it! It did look good on TV though.

More news today comes from the Royal family again. So imagine waiting for a London bus for ages and ages and ages and then all of a sudden one comes along and then no sooner has it gone but another one pulls up in it's exhaust fumes! Well with the announcement of a Royal Wedding for HRH Prince William and Kate Middelton, it has now been followed with the announcement that another of HM The Queen's grandchildren is to get married. HRH Zara Phillips is to marry her long term boyfriend and England rugby player Mike Tindall. I hope The Royal's can afford all these parties in this cash strapped recession. 

I was given my first Christmas presents today in the form of cash from my parents. They knew I wanted a new Senseo coffee machine as my old one has still to be returned by my thieving ex, along with the majority of my belongings and approximately £200! (Does not include the money she still owes my mother!) Luckily Comet have the Senseo machines on sale for a bargain £29.00. Which is the cheapest I have seen it anywhere. So not only have I got a new Senseo machine I got a bargain too and am able to put a few £s in the bank. Lovely!

My walk was slippery today as was to be expected given the state of the weather. I made it in and out of the City centre once, during which time I grabbed my normal coffee and then my Senseo bargain. The second I went to the Hoe where it was fairly warm despite the ice under my feet! On the way back I stopped off at Sainsbury's to get a few packs of Senseo pods for the machine and also stock up on a few bits of food to keep me going for a day or two. As I was walking under the underpass I caught a glimpse of a group of people struggling with their cases on the icy pavement. I looked over to see one woman in the group let go of her case, grab a railing and miss and fall flat on her backside. I was paying so much attention to her as she tried to get back up that because I was concentrating so hard on not laughing I took my eyes off the ground and slipped myself. Luckily I did not fall over but I did note that the poor woman was crying whilst all her friends were laughing at her! According to the local weatherman it looks like the cold weather is staying with us until after Christmas, although the threat of snow is unknown. Maybe a White Christmas is on the cards after all. 

The financial problems at Plymouth Argyle are still causing concern. Some fans have set up a fund so that players and back room staff can get paid.their November salaries. An online appeal has seen money coming in from all over the world and even someone in Exeter! Let's hope this mess can be sorted out very soon otherwise this bleak mid winter will turn into a bleak new year and uncertain future for the club I have grown to love over recent years thanks to taking my daughter along! It strikes me as a strange coincidence that Argyle's problems started around the time that I last took the children to a game! I can blame my ex and that CAFCASS twat for a few things but surely I cannot blame them too for the mess at Argyle!!! Or can I????? Maybe not! 

Three days to go to LIGHT UP THE SKY! Watch the skies on Christmas Eve all you Family Law affiliated workers, especially you CAFCASS people who should be doing a F@@@@@G better job of putting the children first instead of working for one of the parents and their legal teams! 2011 not so far away. Not sure what official name it has but I name it 2011 The Year Of Change! 

Monday 20 December 2010

Monday December 20th

There was a heavier fall of snow during the night and the whole country seemed to be grinding to a halt! I wanted to get up to London to see my eldest son before Christmas but that is now not possible. It must be bad if Heathrow Airport is closed. Apparently Eurostar has also been affected as has most other forms of transport throughout the UK. 

Spent a long time out walking around Plymouth today. First of all I dropped my solicitor an email that said I was dropping down to his office with my daughters' Christmas cards but I would not be dropping any presents off. Not giving the ex an excuse to take any tags off and put her own on. I shall give the children their presents in person when I see them next. 

This afternoon I have been trying to unwind by watching a couple of Carry On films on TV but today even they are not cracking a feint grin let alone a hearty laugh out of me. I am completely drained and, I think the phrase best used right now is "Running on empty!" 

It would appear that although many of the football matches at the weekend were postponed due to heavy snow and frozen pitches and other sporting events fell to the weather, tonight's match between Manchester City and Everton is going ahead. If Manchester City win they will go top of the table for Christmas and Arsenal will be third.

I am absolutely astounded at the recent news just days after the Panorama about the mother of Baby P and how she was a manipulative liar. It seems the agencies that are supposed to protect our children are still failing. Someone in an office somewhere must be able to know when a child is in danger! This needs to stop and it needs to stop now! Someone needs to be held accountable in one of these so called child protection offices. But then again when a father informs someone that his wife has thrown his child across a bedroom and he is told he should forget about it, what can you expect? How many more children will die before anyone starts doing something about it!
Mother kills two children.
Mother accused of stabbing four year old child.

Sunday 19 December 2010

Sunday December 19th

Well not only has the weather decimated the sports fixtures this weekend, it has also brought the local Salvation Army to a standstill! I walked past this afternoon and saw the poster advertising the Community Carol Service which was due to take place at 6.00pm. However according to my mum it has been cancelled due to the weather! Gone are the days when we turned out in all weathers!! It is certainly not like it was in my day! Then again what exactly has changed for the better anywhere? Not a lot! 

Then again I did tell my mum a few weeks ago that I might turn up at one of  the Carol Services in  a Santa costume and hold up a banner and stage a protest about the corrupt Family Law system and how it meant that 1000's of children would be missing out on Christmas with one or other parent! Surely they did not cancel it because of that! 

I had a fairly lazy Sunday and did not venture out until late in the afternoon. I caught the sunset in Central Park and then walked up to Plymouth Hoe where I took some more photos of the sunset and snow. 

This evening is going to be just the same as the morning with a mixture of Facebook and TV. It is BBC Sports Personality Of The Year on TV tonight so unless something else grabs my attention I shall be watching that I suppose. Later there is the Father Ted Christmas Special on Channel 4. Having seen each episode more than twice I still find this programme hilarious every time I watch it. 

Pin in the map - mark a spot; attach text; send to others

Pin in the map - mark a spot; attach text; send to others

Having used one of these for Light Up The Sky Event December 24th. It was suggested that we make one that we could keep adding to to highlight the injustice of the family law systems throughout the world. If you want us to remember your child / children all you have to do is add a pin to the map by clicking on the town closest to you and write a message. the password to use is time4change

Saturday 18 December 2010

Saturday December 18th

SO, a week today will be Christmas Day! We should all be getting excited but there are too many like me who are just dreading the arrival of the big man in the red suit! For me, I did not think that the events of last Christmas could actually be topped, but knowing that in August this year my ex-wife said to me that she was looking forward to letting me have the girls for Christmas but was lying through her twisted teeth kind of sticks in my throat! 

I cannot take my frustration out at football today as Argyle would have been playing away anyway today, however both Argyle's match away to Leyton Orient and Arsenal's home game against Stoke have been hit by the bad weather, along with many other games up and down the country. When they announce the results later it will be quicker to announce those games that did go ahead than it will to announce all those that have been called off! 

I went into the City centre earlier for my usual walk and coffee. The Salvation Army Band were once again playing Christmas music outside one of the stores and although not as many people as I thought there would be, it was fairly busy. As we had a heavier fall of snow overnight I was going to see what the Hoe looked like again but instead I turned back toward home. Instead of going back into the warmth however, I headed for Ford Park Cemetery. I have lived in Plymouth for many years now and never visited this cemetery which is a short walk from the front door! I have obviously visited another one a few times, especially on previous Christmas Eves! I don't know what it is about these places but I like the peace there and no matter where I travel I always like to visit the local cemeteries. Kind of morbid for some people I imagine but very tranquil and peaceful for others. 

With no football results to report or even to put photos up the only things to look forward to tonight are the Lottery draw and Strictly Come Dancing Final. If you read my hunger strike blog at all you would know that "Strictly" was one of the programmes that my eldest daughter and I loved to watch together. I wonder who she is picking to win tonight! Glamorous Granny Pamela Stephenson, former Eastenders star and model Kara Tointon and representing the men, former Blue Peter presenter and now Countryfile front-man Matt Baker! 

We are now six days away from the LIGHT UP THE SKY event, which is taking place throughout the UK and beyond, and the numbers of supporters on the Facebook page is slowly rising. Not sure of the numbers that are not on Facebook but it is a sad fact that there will be ONE lantern let alone the 1000's! 2010 is the year we finally said enough is enough and 2011 will see CHANGE one way or another!

Stardust - Take That - rule the world

Victory for the family: Couple fled UK after social workers took their child. Now they have been declared fit parents by Spanish officials and reunited with baby No2 | Mail Online

Victory for the family: Couple fled UK after social workers took their child. Now they have been declared fit parents by Spanish officials and reunited with baby No2 | Mail Online

I am so pleased for this family! The dad is on my Facebook friends list. What a great Christmas present for this family. Now only a few 1000 more families to go!

Friday 17 December 2010

Friday December 17th

As those of  you who followed my hunger strike blog from beginning to end will know, I have been looking forward to taking some photos of the snow here in Plymouth. The weathermen have appeared to make the same promises as the ex-wife and cafcass, EMPTY! Today however, it was a different story. (The weather I mean! Surely you didn't for one minute think I meant that my ex-wife and cafcass had stopped lying did you??)

I eventually got out of bed and took a look out of the window when I saw on the news this morning that there were heavy snow falls in many places overnight and this would continue over the weekend! I actually walked to the window fully expecting nothing! To my surprise however there was a good covering of snow, although not as deep as other places, there was enough to see footprints in it! I took my camera and made for my usual spot on Plymouth Hoe.

Last Christmas I sent presents and cards via my solicitor and when I eventually saw my girls in February I am aware that one present in particular that my mother sent for them, my eldest told me "Mummy bought me this!" I do not intend letting the same thing happen again this year! Especially after my ex-wife had told me she wanted me to have the girls this year! I am also aware the cards were opened and ripped off presents last year! If anyone connected to my ex-wife actually reads this (in particular I refer to your lying scum at Nash and Co and at Cafcass!) let me make it perfectly clear in big words so you can understand....

I will hand over my girl's presents to them in person when we see each other again! Whenever that is! 

One week from today will be Christmas Eve and that means we are a week away from the LIGHT UP THE SKY event that is growing in numbers. Parents who have been fighting the corruption and unfairness of the family law system and those also dealing with the failures of social services and other agencies involved with their children, will be lighting lanterns to represent their children who will be away from them this Christmas. Sadly even the sight of one lantern in the sky is one lantern too much but it is a fact of life that there are scum walking this street that are allowed to keep children away from one or other parent and to make matters worse most of those involved get paid to do it! 

Fathers fight for the right to see their children

Fathers fight for the right to see their children

Thursday 16 December 2010

YouTube - Labi Siffre - Something Inside So Strong

YouTube - Labi Siffre - Something Inside So Strong

This song is becoming an anthem not just for me but for many more like me and not just fathers but mothers too! The system is corrupt and it is time for change!

Thursday December 16th

If you cannot beat them, join them! I was walking around today and thinking of the corruption within the system that means that 1000's of children will be without one or other parent this Christmas! For months now following on from two years of playing by the rules I have campaigned and protested by going on hunger strike which lasted for 78 days. Now it is time for a different campaign! 

I am thinking that with all the disillusioned parents and families in this country that are fed up with the corruption within the family law system maybe the best way to fight it is from within! Those who make the law and as result make it possible for these people to do what they do and lie and deceive, bully and coerce one parent into making decisions they do not want to make at the expense of their children's and their ex-partners best interests! TIME FOR CHANGE! I wonder how hard it would be to bring all these people together under one united banner! The trouble with that is though that with so many people from so many backgrounds as has been evident with a few groups lately we all lose sight of the one thing that binds us together and argue among ourselves. In doing so we lose focus on the important things! 

Wednesday 15 December 2010

The Declaration of Family Rights - The Petition Site

The Declaration of Family Rights - The Petition Site

Wednesday December 15th

Powderham Castle as passed on my journey to Exeter 

OK so having attended court earlier today and bringing my hunger strike blog to a conclusion and deleting it from here I have had time to digest what has been going on, not only today but for the past two years. What amazes me as I sit here now is the craziness of it all.

For 78 days I starved myself and yet nobody from anywhere asked for proof of it. Although the Cafcass worker did ask a couple of people if they had seen me eating! Nobody asked for any evidence of my hunger strike!!! I know the dramatic weight loss was evidence enough for a few people to see I meant what I said but here we are after I ended my hunger strike on November 29th and people are asking for medical proof that I have indeed ended my hunger strike??? No delaying tactics there then!

Again in court today one person was conspicuous by their absence! Nothing unusual there then. Some one is the world's unhealthiest person alive! Come to think of it I was told I would need a doctor's note if I was going to remain in hospital or unable to attend. I wonder where the doctor's note is from someone else today given that out of about 10 hearings they have missed four I think! No delaying tactics there either then!

So I could have faced a court hearing for contempt for publishing an edited version of a report which clearly showed that someone has been telling untruths! However that did not even get out of the other barrister's mouth long enough to digest before my one stood up and scored a few points in my defence. The fact is that should I have faced a case of contempt the hearing would have been in an open court with press able to listen and report on! I wonder why it never came to that then???

Something was said in court by the Cafcass appointed guardian's solicitor, which as I was sitting on the train later that afternoon on my way home, sparked something inside me, and I think I would like to see a transcript of the hearing before I decide what action needs to be taken next!

When I arrived back in Plymouth from Exeter I was met by my mum and dad and we went to my usual place for coffee. I thought they would have missed my custom today so could not allow that! During our coffee and cakes my mother said something to me which I dearly wished she had done so before I left that morning. I really need to get in contact with my solicitor and together with what was mentioned in court put that with what was told to me this afternoon by my mother made me feel quite sick and angry again!

I have promised not to break any law or to put my ex-wife or innocent children through any heartache, not that I have set out to do so in the past anyway. However at the risk of repeating myself.........I will not be gagged or bullied like other people into giving in and changing my story! Those who continually hide behind their lies do not deserve to  be protected by any law and thankfully those in certain professions are can and will be held accountable!

In some ways I actually relished the thought of having to attend an open court and being able to expose those who have lied and bullied and coerced and used other scare tactics to get their way until now. I have a number of options available to me right now. Maybe using the law against those who have hidden behind it would be JUSTICE INDEED!

Blog « A Family's Heartbreak: A Parent's Introduction to Parental Alienation

Blog « A Family's Heartbreak: A Parent's Introduction to Parental Alienation

Fathers 4 Justice - The Official Campaign Organisation

Fathers 4 Justice - The Official Campaign Organisation

Wednesday December 15th

I would like to thank everyone who visited my blog in relation to my hunger strike and my own personal fight against the corrupt and unfair Family Law system in the UK. I would not have got this far without you and I am humbled by some of your comments as you followed by protest. With over 4000 visitors previously I was shocked to read of both fathers and mothers and in some cases grandparents who were going through similar experiences.

As when my daughter was stillborn in 2005, I never believed that anyone else can possibly know how I felt! Surely this kind of thing just does not happen in these modern times! How wrong was I then and how wrong am I now!

I am obviously a father and with that I tend to take notice of other fathers who have experienced similar situations as I am right now. However I am a parent too and it breaks my heart to hear of mothers who find that the law is failing them too, and not only in this country! it seems to a worldwide epidemic. Time for healing folks. Time for change!

YouTube - Loy Krathong, San Sai, Thailand.

YouTube - Loy Krathong, San Sai, Thailand.: ""

Would love to see this scene recreated across the skies of the UK and beyond to highlight the corrupt Family Law system we have here!

YouTube - [] Eco Coloured Sky Lantern Review Footage HD

YouTube - [] Eco Coloured Sky Lantern Review Footage HD

Sky Lanterns and Sky Lantern Packs - Night Sky Lanterns

Sky Lanterns and Sky Lantern Packs - Night Sky Lanterns

Light Up The Sky 2010

There is a growing movement on Facebook that is gaining pace daily. People from across the UK and beyond are pledging to light up the skies with lanterns (similar to those featured in the photo above) in protest at the unfairness of the Family Law Court system.

Christmas Eve at 22:00hrs will see the skies of the UK lit up with these lanterns. Each lantern will represent a child that is denied access to one or other parent this Christmas time. Many intend to light these lanterns outside of court buildings or other offices that have been influential in determining where a child spends Christmas. Social Services, Cafcass and solicitors offices will not be immune. However it is not compulsory to release these lanterns outside of these offices and they can be let off wherever you might find yourself at 22:00hrs on Christmas Eve.

The costs of these lanterns varies from store to store and wherever you may live. They range from £1 to approximately £5. It is hoped that the majority of these lanterns will be biodegradable and therefore not harm the environment!

If you are reading this and you live in the Plymouth area and you do not want to light your lantern on your own, please let me know and if possible we can arrange to do this together somewhere. How about Plymouth Hoe or Central park if not outside the court buildings? 

Fathers Should Have Rights Too

Since September 13th 2010 I kept a daily blog highlighting my personal protest at the Family Law Court system here in the UK. My own protest took the form of a peaceful hunger strike which lasted for 78 days. During that time I highlighted the lies and corruption I saw with my own eyes in and out of court by people that the system employs to bring fairness to it!

My children and I have been disgracefully treated by CAFCASS and the law system that I have been proud to advocate and stand by for all my life. In particular one CAFCASS worker in Plymouth and most definitely a firm of Solicitors have acted without any dignity, morals or ethics. They have continued to badger, coerce and bully potential witnesses and people related to this case.

People have lied and continue to hide behind their positions of "power" and try to justify their actions with more lies! This is not good enough and needs to be stopped.

I will not be kept silent when it comes to injustice. I will not keep quiet when my children are affected by those people's lies. I will not stand by and let a biased and unfair system protect people who lie and bully!

So be sure that if you hold a position of authority and you should be acting in the best interests of children and parents and you are not doing so I will expose you and your lies.

You may be a politician, you may be a judge, you may be a barrister, you may be a solicitor, you may be a doctor, you may be a policeman, you may be a social worker, you may be a CAFCASS worker. You could be anything, even a parent. However the moment you show that you are corrupt or use lies to do do your job I will expose you!