Friday 25 March 2011

Thursday March 24th

What a surprise! Still not a word from my solicitor despite a number if emails which have not been replied to for a couple of weeks now and nothing from my ex-wife to let me see she was telling my mother the truth! Oh well, I didn't have my hopes built up anyway. In fact I am looking forward to our court hearing in May now so that the lies from both my ex-wife and that twat from crapcass can be brought out into the open at last. 

The more guilty they are of inflicting the pain and suffering of my children due to Parental Alienation the more intent I become on having the truth brought out into the open. 

We have seen recent uprising throughout the Middle East and for me here this is the first time I have mentioned the problems in Libya. Although there have been a number of countries to embrace change or had change brought upon them by the people Libya is a different scenario altogether. There are signs that Libya will be the new Iraq or Afghanistan and with air strikes taking place daily to defend Libyan people from their own soldiers things could take a whole lot longer before a solution is anywhere close there. Then again I know how that feels! Someone promising one thing but lying and stalling for time while doing something they should not. Maybe if Gadaffi is overthrown and sent in exile, the UK will welcome him with open arms and make him a judge for family law or better still put him in charge of crapcass! 

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