Tuesday 15 March 2011

Monday March 14th

Tonight there are fresh reports of another explosion at the nuclear plant in Japan that was damaged by the earthquake and tsunami. There are reports of many more bodies being found after the mass clear up and rescue operations carry on. 

Whilst all these people are dying in the world, on Facebook there are people more interested in scoring brownie points from their friends than they are about the real important things in life. So sad to see people who should know better, bickering and fighting and bitching among themselves and not concentrating on the things that really matter. Sad reflection of the times we live in I guess.

As yet I have not heard from my ex-wife in relation to the conversation that she had with my mother on Saturday. I am not entirely surprised with this as her actions in the past have been of the "say one thing to one person and a completely different thing to someone else" kind of mentality. We wait and see. If she is truly seeking some sort of resolution between us then she knows what she needs to do and I shall wait to see how this develops. Otherwise we go to court and exchange mud slinging via the solicitors in May. I have written in my diary what I expect to happen and so far with my predictions regarding this whole sorry state have all been quite accurate! I noted right from the first time I had dealings with the cafcass twat that she was out for one thing and it was not the needs or welfare of the children and so far I have been right. As far as my ex-wife is concerned I have also been mainly right in what she was going to do next. Who knows? Maybe one day I might be pleasantly surprised. Then again I might win the lottery too! 

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