Thursday 31 March 2011

Thursday March 31st

And even more news that I am keeping an eye on. And YES I do intend on making checks about certain people who have access to my children now!

I feel like a kid leading up to Christmas, knowing all these gifts are waiting under the tree to be unwrapped! Is it too much to ask that no burglar breaks in before the day and steals each of them before they have a chance to be opened???

And as for this one..... Tell us something we don't know!

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Wednesday March 30th

Wow! Half way through the week and for each day this week I have been encouraged by what I have read and hear in the media about family law. Today was not going that well to be honest. It started off as yesterday ended with pouring rain outside and my mother asking me to help her look for some furniture in a shop that she did not really know where it was or what it was called. She left to get her bus into the City centre to get her connecting bus to the place she told me the shop might be. I left shortly after she did in the rain. I had already got to the area she said the store was in before she arrived and phoned her on her mobile. It was then that I found out that she was chatting to friends in the shopping centre at the same time as she was supposed to be meeting me. So while I was getting soaked through she was nice and dry and gossiping! 

Eventually she arrived with dad too. The shop we were looking for was no good anyway and we decided to go back into the City centre anyway. While they both got their bus I walked in and I had already been to the bank and was heading for the coffee shop when they rung to tell me they were again in the mall and would be at the coffee shop soon! While we were sitting eating and drinking we worked out where to start looking for furniture. In the end I walked along Exeter Street and met them at a store then we all got on a bus and went to Sugar Mill at Plymstock. As we got off the bus we saw a store with furniture in the window and the three piece suite there was perfect! So they ended up buying it there and then and it is being delivered on Friday. All we have to do is get the old furniture sorted so that it can be taken away at the same time.

While they were both talking about the furniture to the chap in the store I got distracted by the radio. By the time they had actually paid for the furniture and organised delivery I was almost in tears listening to the radio. The subject today on Jeremy Vine's show was "Impact of divorce on parenting!" 

There were times when I almost shouted at the radio "Why can't you people get this message over to my ex and her legal team of twats!" "How come these people are so sensible about it and yet when it comes to my ex it is just about getting revenge and using the children as a weapon?"  

I found myself asking the question in my head "I wonder if she is listening to this and this is pricking her conscience!" Silly really as I know from her lies and actions that she does not have a conscience. Then again I wonder if that lying piece of scum from crapcass was listening and maybe if they both heard what was being said they might just both be stabbed by the realisation that what they had been doing was wring and damaging the children. Well we can live in hope that maybe with all this media attention this week, my ex might actually keep her word to my mother or crapcass might start to realise they got it wrong, or the judges involved in our case may wake up to the real world and figure out that they all fucked up! 

Then again I might win the lottery tonight and wake up tomorrow a multi-millionaire and this will all be a nightmare and my children will be with me at the weekend! We all have to have a dream don't we? 

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Tuesday March 29th
Do my ears deceive me? A politician that talks sense! Let us hope that this gets somewhere and not shoved to one side or hijacked by certain people. Maybe at last there is an end in sight to this unjust, one-sided and corrupt system.

That piece of news was about the highlight of the day for me today. The weather here took a step backwards and to be honest I was not too motivated to go anywhere anyway so messed about on FB and did a few bits of paperwork. Actually ended up watching a few old films throughout the day.

The evening was not get much better and although England were playing and the match was on ITV, as it was a friendly I did not go out of my way to watch it. In the end it was a 1-1 draw against Ghana and I have to say a bit more entertaining than a lot of other useless friendlies I have watched.

I ended the night watching one of my favourite films. P.S. I Love You, yes I know it's best described as chick flick but I actually like it! The soundtrack ain't half bad either. I know I have seen it a dozen or so times before but I dare say I shall watch it dozens more in the future. 

Monday 28 March 2011

Monday March 28th

As you know, I am never one to say "I told you so!" BUT I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO! As have many thousands before me and I suspect many thousands after me, before this corrupt organisation has been closed and those working for it made redundant at the very least. It doesn't take a body of professionals or multi agencies to tell the Government that this corrupt service is broken beyond fixing. All they had to do was ask parents and children affected by the twats who have ruined their lives! Chances are that all they will do is come up with a brand new name run by the same old corrupt workers who have their own agendas and not the interests of the families as their main priority. However, given the substantial flaws in this organisation and the fact that many of those working for it came from the forerunner of crapcass I would hope that the government would learn from past mistakes and start from scratch with a new breed of worker who is untouchable and remembers what they are there for and not for what they can get out of it! 

April 3rd is Mother's Day, so it will bring a new batch of sky lanterns during the evening. The last time we lit lanterns I also posted a UPS poster on the crapcass office which was still there a the following day until I emailed them to thank them for publicising the society that was determined to see them abolished. I think I should do the same along with a print out of the story above!!! As I know they read my blog avidly I wonder how long this will stay on their door this time! You cannot say you were not warned! 

Sunday March 27th

Another lazy Sunday for me. I did intend watching the Australian Grand Prix live which started at 7.00am but despite setting the alarm clock and waking up in time, I promptly fell asleep again and missed it so had to watch the highlights. Race was won by Vettel with Hamilton coming second.

I did manage to watch Brazil take on Scotland at the Emirates Stadium in and International friendly. Brazil ended up 2-0 winners. To be honest apart from a few sparks of magic it could have been any old game played by any two sides! International friendlies do not usually get my enthusiasm, even the England ones. 

This evening I walked along the Hoe and to the Barbican. With the warm weather we have had, a few youngsters decided to take some disposable barbecues on to the Hoe and as I walked up to the promenade the smell of burning charcoal from various areas made me feel a bit hungry. 

Sunday 27 March 2011

Saturday March 26th

Today was a mixed day for me in various aspects. The weather outside started a bit duller than previous days and I could not motivate myself very much. I am trying to find some good out of the whole situation regarding my dealings with the corrupt family law system. The recent meetings between my mother and my ex-wife in local shops has got me thinking about a lot of things. I really want to believe my ex-wife and give her the chance to sort this mess out, but in the back of my mind I keep thinking of the lies and deceit she has been responsible for for the past three years. She tends to say things to people's faces and then when she speaks to her legal advisers at Trash & Co and also to Dawn Bishop at crapcass she "changes her mind" again! May is slowly approaching and there does not seem to be much going on with anyone involved in this case. Despite sending a number of emails to my own solicitor I have not had any reply for a number of weeks. 

I have started to doubt the legal system again and do not hold out much hope at all for justice for my children. I have watched on the news and read in papers etc many other stories recently of where the resident parent has kept the children away from the absent parent for so long thanks to the services of crapcass and other agencies that when the children are reunited with the absent parent there is no longer any bond between them. Those responsible for these cases should hang their heads in shame. 

All over the world we are seeing change, today in London there was a mass protest at the recent changes that the government have made to most everyday things, working hours, wages, taxes, benefits, pensions.......(the list is endless) Yet despite a very good natured peaceful protest by the many, a few cannot protest without causing damage or injury. Who in their right mind would give change to a mob? 

I was asked for my skype address yesterday and told that someone would be contacting me regarding my personal dealings with the family law system, as yet I have heard nothing. 

In the sporting world, there was good and bad for English teams in their relevant sport. England cricket team crashed out of the world cup with a 10 wicket defeat by Sri Lanka. To be honest given the very long amount of time that the team have been away from home it was no surprise that they were all jaded and just looking forward to flying home. 

The English football team however, put the recent headlines behind them concerning on and off the field topics, and beat Wales in their Euro 2012 qualifier. Two goals in the first half by Lampard and Bent was enough to beat the Welsh but even the final score Wales 0-2 England did not reflect the way that a much improved England team played. My only moan is the fact that a "local derby" was not shown on terrestrial tv and I had to listen to it on the radio. 

As far as the National Lottery tonight, well I had FOUR numbers come up! Unfortunately though it was two numbers on one line and two on another so I have to wait for that big win still. Oh well. To make matters even worse, we lose an hour's sleep tonight as the clocks go forward to herald British Summer Time. 

Friday 25 March 2011

Friday March 25th

At last the front room is finished. The coving is now up around the ceiling and I am exhausted. Given the fact I have been climbing up down a ladder most of the week, it really does not surprise me that just prior to writing this entry tonight, I got a bad case of cramp in my left calf muscle.

Thursday March 24th

What a surprise! Still not a word from my solicitor despite a number if emails which have not been replied to for a couple of weeks now and nothing from my ex-wife to let me see she was telling my mother the truth! Oh well, I didn't have my hopes built up anyway. In fact I am looking forward to our court hearing in May now so that the lies from both my ex-wife and that twat from crapcass can be brought out into the open at last. 

The more guilty they are of inflicting the pain and suffering of my children due to Parental Alienation the more intent I become on having the truth brought out into the open. 

We have seen recent uprising throughout the Middle East and for me here this is the first time I have mentioned the problems in Libya. Although there have been a number of countries to embrace change or had change brought upon them by the people Libya is a different scenario altogether. There are signs that Libya will be the new Iraq or Afghanistan and with air strikes taking place daily to defend Libyan people from their own soldiers things could take a whole lot longer before a solution is anywhere close there. Then again I know how that feels! Someone promising one thing but lying and stalling for time while doing something they should not. Maybe if Gadaffi is overthrown and sent in exile, the UK will welcome him with open arms and make him a judge for family law or better still put him in charge of crapcass! 

Thursday 24 March 2011

Wednesday March 23rd

So after a few weeks off because of my broken toes the front room is now complete apart from the coving around the ceiling edges. 

Yesterday my mum was approached by my ex-wife in a shop just as she was a few weeks ago. This time however, due to the fact it was during school time she only had my youngest daughter with her. My ex's boyfriend was also close by and in fact toe start with he was carrying my youngest in his arms. He told my mum they had "Had a good few night's sleep this week!" My ex then said she was going to call her solicitor "To get things sorted!" I shall believe it when I see it. So desperate to get things back to normality that she has not done so since she last "bumped" into mum a few weeks ago. So much for "These two are the ones suffering!" 

Monday 21 March 2011

Monday March 21st

Well a few weeks ago I started decorating the front room for my parents but had to stop after only completing one wall when I had an accident and broke a rib and two toes. Thankfully the removal of the dreaded woodchip has been a lot easier and quicker this past few days. I have now removed all of the paper in the front room and painted three of the four walls. The first wall as I reported here previously, has been painted in a biscuit, or light coffee colour. The latest two walls, as will be the last wall by the window, are a mint crisp colour. These latest two walls have been quite fast to finish not only using a quick drying one coat paint as the first wall, but by using a revolution in painting, which you may have seen advertised on the TV. If you need to do some decorating it is well worth purchasing the Paint Perfect. All you do is pour the paint into what looks like a boat and then roll the sponge part of it over the rotating tube which covers the sponge in the required amount of paint and simply spread on the wall. Job done in a fraction of the time it takes for you to use a brush. I must point out that there are other similar products available on the market and in fact I went looking for one of the other products and found this by accident. 

Saturday 19 March 2011

Saturday March 19th

An absolutely glorious day today here in Plymouth. Walking to Home Park for the Plymouth Argyle match against Rochdale and there seemed to be a few more people around than usual. Although when the attendance was announced it proved that it was no bigger than previous matches. Argyle were by far the better team and had so many chances to score I cannot work out how the final score was Argyle 0-1 Rochdale. Despite the loss the majority of the crowd gave the team another standing ovation. There was also an ovation before the match when a little boy aged 7 years old gave a heartbreaking speech over the p.a system and a good many fans both male and female were visibly moved by his appeal to make sure that this club has a future. In the Premier League Arsenal could only manage a 2-2 draw away to West Brom but at least they are still within reach of Manchester United. 

Although I was keen for an England win in the Six Nations against Ireland, as I was up and down a ladder painting a wall I did not really get into the match too much and was not too downhearted when Ireland won 24-8. With France beating Wales later in the evening it meant that England were crowned Six Nations Champions anyway. 

There was a "Super Moon" tonight as the full moon corresponds with it being at it's nearest point to the earth. Some actually relate this phenomenon to the events that have occurred recently such as earthquakes and tsunamis and to be honest given what happened last week it is understandable how they can think this way. Although for many it will be a momentous sight, as the photo above shows, it was not that clear here in Plymouth as to coincide with the "Super Moon" we had a super cloud cover! 

It has been a week since my mum saw my eldest daughter and my ex-wife and was told by the ex-wife that she wished all this was over and done with and that the children could get to see their dad again and get back to some normality as it was them that were suffering. I think a week is long enough to make contact with your solicitor and put your money where your mouth is! Obviously again they were empty words and just lies, but then again those in the system have been sucked in by her lies for almost three years now so this does not surprise me. No doubt upcoming appointments will just prove me right yet again. 

Friday 18 March 2011

Thursday March 17th

St Patrick's Day today and because of my links to Ireland for obvious reasons, I decided to wear green today and also for my dinner I made my very own Irish Stew. I even followed it up with a pint of green apple juice. The hat by the way was bought for my mother who was going to an evening social meeting at the Salvation Army and the theme was St Patrick. I also bought one for my dad too! 

Speaking of things green.....the players and back room staff at Plymouth Argyle have been offered contracts that you have to sign to say that they will work without pay for the foreseeable future until a perspective buyer has been found who will settle the financial situation. The other option seems to be that if they do not accept the contract, which effectively takes Argyle through to the end of the season, the administrator could literally close the doors and put padlocks on the gates and in doing so kill off the club. There is a meeting of the supporters trust on Saturday in which the administrator has been invited to attend and explain what is going on. 

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Tuesday March 15th

After the devastating news about Japan and the ongoing threat of a nuclear incident following the earthquake there it is good to see a few reports coming through of survivors being found among the rubble of the flattened towns and cities that took the full brunt of the events last week. Perhaps the most emotional photo of the day shows a baby girl being found in the ruins of a building.

Plymouth Argyle have had a number of bids to take over according to local media reports and it is hoped that more news will come tomorrow. It will follow a 1-1 draw away to Carlisle after a hard fought match in which for the majority of the game Argyle played the better football. In fact by half time it could have easily been 1-3 to Argyle. This really is the business end of the season and according to Peter Reid the Argyle manager, for the team it will be like playing 10 cup finals! 

Monday March 14th

Tonight there are fresh reports of another explosion at the nuclear plant in Japan that was damaged by the earthquake and tsunami. There are reports of many more bodies being found after the mass clear up and rescue operations carry on. 

Whilst all these people are dying in the world, on Facebook there are people more interested in scoring brownie points from their friends than they are about the real important things in life. So sad to see people who should know better, bickering and fighting and bitching among themselves and not concentrating on the things that really matter. Sad reflection of the times we live in I guess.

As yet I have not heard from my ex-wife in relation to the conversation that she had with my mother on Saturday. I am not entirely surprised with this as her actions in the past have been of the "say one thing to one person and a completely different thing to someone else" kind of mentality. We wait and see. If she is truly seeking some sort of resolution between us then she knows what she needs to do and I shall wait to see how this develops. Otherwise we go to court and exchange mud slinging via the solicitors in May. I have written in my diary what I expect to happen and so far with my predictions regarding this whole sorry state have all been quite accurate! I noted right from the first time I had dealings with the cafcass twat that she was out for one thing and it was not the needs or welfare of the children and so far I have been right. As far as my ex-wife is concerned I have also been mainly right in what she was going to do next. Who knows? Maybe one day I might be pleasantly surprised. Then again I might win the lottery too! 

Monday 14 March 2011

Sunday 13th March

So after the mixed day of sporting results yesterday it was England's turn to lift the spirits. They took on Scotland at Twickenham in the Six Nations. Despite a brave fight by the Scots, England managed to produce a 22-16 win but it was tough going. This result means that if England win their final match against Ireland they will be crowned Six nations Champions and will also claim the Grand Slam. That would be a good omen for this year's Rugby Union World Cup.

As it was Sunday and there was no need to go out for anything I decided to spend the day firmly indoors. At least I would not have to put too much pressure on my broken toes by walking too far. For the majority of the day apart from watching the rugby union on BBC I was glued to the ongoing events in Japan and the surrounding area following the earthquake and tsunami. Reports say that a nuclear reactor is close to meltdown and there is threat now of the natural disaster being made even worse should the condition of the plant worsen. When I woke up the first morning after the initial earthquake there were reports of 40 dead and the toll rose to 100's by the next morning. Today the death toll is in the 1000's and is rising. 

Saturday 12 March 2011

Saturday March 12th

The world is still reeling from the devastating events in Japan and the surrounding areas following the massive earthquake and tsunami. Yesterday I felt it wrong to be playing the usual games on Facebook and continue having a fun time with my friends while so many were dying or losing their homes. 

Today was a huge day in the sporting calendar with Rugby Union Six Nations matches, FA Cup Quarter Finals and Plymouth Argyle's fight for survival. Yet with other events going on elsewhere these things were today seen for what they really are. Sport and nothing more. 

Both Italy and Wales won their respective matches against France and Ireland. The Italian win slightly more of a shock then the Welsh win and both results giving England, who play Scotland tomorrow, the only chance of the Grand Slam! Something I would normally cheer about. It has to be said though that the Welsh win should not have happened as the winning try should have been ruled out by the referee who made a big mistake! 

In League One, Plymouth Argyle put up a brave fight away to Hartlepool but despite doing so came away with a 2-0 defeat and as such go back to the bottom spot in their league. 

After listening to the match on Argyle world on the internet I settled down to watch the Manchester United v Arsenal FA Cup Quarter Final. Again despite being the better team and having the most chances and a couple of refereeing decisions that should have seen Rooney at least booked if not sent off and Scholes sent off lat in the game, Arsenal lost 2-0. This game comes at the end of a torrid fortnight for Arsenal who a few weeks ago had four trophies in their grasp and now only have one left to go for! But again it is only sport and to those who sit and watch weekend after weekend we need to remember that there are far more important things to worry about than a goal or two! 

Whilst out today my mother was greeted by my eldest daughter and then my ex-wife. During the conversation my ex-wife said that she wanted all of this court stuff to be over and that at the end of the day the only ones it is hurting and affecting are the two girls! Well for the legal team who avidly read my blog to find something to use against me because their client keeps calling them BULLIES AND LIARS, I suggest you start taking notice of what your client wants! On the other hand may I suggest that if my ex does want this all over with and want what she said was some "normality back!" then take the bull by the horns, sack your legal team, put your money where your mouth is, stand up for yourself and call me to arrange a meeting to talk about moving on! it is not me who is stuck in the past and stopping our children from being happy and it is not me damaging the girls in any way, All you have to do is pick up the phone and tell your legal twats what you want and stop being told by them what to do! I only call you a liar when you change your version of events other than that I have nothing against you, just your choice in solicitor and your dependency on the lying cafcass twat! 

If you meant what you said then do what is right at last. If not be shown up as a liar! 

Friday 11 March 2011

Friday March 11th

Very sad news as an earthquake in Japan causes a Tsunami that has already claimed 100s of lives and is threatening to spread across many parts of the Pacific. It puts our own personal problems in the shade right now. I am reminded of a song that not only was significant back in 2004 after the devastation caused by the massive Tsunami on Boxing Day which claimed thousands of lives, and also is a quite significant song for personal reasons surrounding my stillborn daughter. 

Thursday 10 March 2011

Wednesday March 9th

Well if you ever want to have a laugh for most of the day and you have no TV or other forms of media available I would strongly recommend a visit to Derriford hospital's casualty department. The first thing you notice there is the change in layout. It looks like a bank with chairs! You do not see the white line and blue rectangle on the floor because unless you are looking to the ground you would not notice it. You do see empty counters and lots of people sitting around waiting. Then you see staff laughing and tapping away an having a conversation with everyone else other than the person waiting patiently behind the white line! They call it the privacy line! The idea being that nobody else can hear what is going on between you and the receptionist past the white line!!!! WRONG! When you sit down in the waiting area you hear everything anyway! 

So you give the receptionist your details and tell her what has happened and she turns that into a one line sentence on a piece of paper and you sit and wait. You wait some more and then you wait some more. Then despite the notice on the tv screen asking people to turn off their mobile phones you even get to hear the multitude of ringtones playing and the occasional "HELLO! I CAN'T TALK RIGHT NOW I AM IN THE HOSPITAL!" being shouted to whoever is on the other end of the line of the various mobiles that have rung while you have waited patiently and your phone is off! 

Finally you are called to the triage section where you get to tell the same story to the nurse and then have to sit and wait and wait and then wait some more. It would not be so bad if the seats were comfortable and there were not so many people in the waiting room not only with their mobile phones constantly ringing but now they are eating and drinking, again despite quite big and bright notices not to. 

At least there is a posh TV for you to watch countless ads for various health products and medical insurance etc to keep you occupied for the next couple of hours after you have seen the triage nurse and wait for the doctor to come and see you. Oh and a lovely clean fish tank with very colourful fish in it. What could be better than that for a quite afternoon and evening? Well you get to see heavily pregnant women and their partners sit with a young baby in a carry seat and then leave it next to you while both go out to answer the phone and have a smoke! Then if that does not cheer you up there is the local loony family all sitting there in the confined space that is the waiting area, all eating pasties, pies and drinking or maybe I should make that a bit clearer and describe it as slurping some kind of beverage. 

After a few hours of waiting in that area and still not seeing a doctor but knowing that quite a few people who arrived after you have not only seen the doctor but either been admitted or released you kind of get a bit narky! BUT, you are soon cheered up with the sound of the local loony family talking complete shite! 

"I had a sister once who I was supposed to call me aunty cos nobody knew she was illegitimate from my father, but I let the cat out of the bag when I called her by her name at a party when I was 7 and I was told to not be so rude (stops to slurp whatever had been in the cup for past hour and half!) but she told them straight to mind their own business cos they did not know nuffink and there was family secrets!" (Another slurp) My family is all over the world, Canada, Iceland, Norway, France, and Cornwall and a few places I cannot say. I got lots of family secrets and not allowed to tell anyone! I should have kept that letter but I threw it away the other day. I could make a lot of money with the things I know!" 

Now, by this time the injuries I had gone to casualty in the first place for were joined by my teeth marks in my fingers trying to stop myself laughing and by the team the doctor called my name I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Doctor asks..."Is the pain that bad Mr Oliver?" 

Triple rollover in the lottery tonight. How nice would that be? 

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Tuesday March 8th

I think Plymouth Argyle need to adopt the theme from The Great Escape as their anthem during the home games if they carry on the way they are playing at the moment. The club may still be in trouble and back room staff have been laid off during these sad times, but the team are playing the best I have seen them play for a good couple of years. Rory Fallon scored the only goal of the game for a 1-0 against Swindon. After the match many more supporters than normal stood around the pitch and gave the team a standing ovation. A couple of the players walked over to throw their shirts into the crowd. A few grown men and women were so full of the emotion of the night and the atmosphere that they cried. I even had a moist eye at the end myself. If they keep this up they could finish at least mid table and well out of the relegation zone. Although with the 10 point deduction they are second from bottom right now! 

Last night I signed up for the Plymouth Argyle Supporters Trust and donated £10 and then on the gate tonight as well as showing my season ticket to the guy on the turnstile I also handed in another £10 and put a couple of quid into the staff hardship collection bucket. Times like this it has to be done if everyone does the same and we can have football here next season it means we have all done something. 

Monday 7 March 2011

Monday March 7th

Got to love this story today about a group of protesters who went to arrest a judge!

If only some of these judges and lawyers were actually held accountable for the contempt they show the people! In particular those who sit in the corrupt courts of family law.

BBC News - Judge arrest attempt by protesters in Birkenhead

Sunday March 6th

So the 0-0 draw against Sunderland for Arsenal yesterday was not as bad as many people thought after Liverpool managed to beat Manchester United 3-1 today in a game that saw a bit of controversy and a few yellow cards which could easily have been red. The result must have been bad for Sir Alex as he refused to let any of his team speak to the press afterwards. Also noticeable during the game was an "unjured" Nani fall to the ground as if he had been struck down by a sniper (fair enough the tackle was wreckless) but then after rolling around the ground he got up chased the referee then started crying and fell back down into a heap as if he had been shot for a second time! 

Other than the football the day was not too hectic. I did not go out anywhere and spent most of the day watching TV or on Facebook. I did watch a very interesting programme on BBC about the Wonders of The Universe with Professor Brian Cox. 

Later in the evening I watched Father Ted as I usually do on Sunday night. Still makes me laugh after watching every episode about four or five times over! 

Saturday 5 March 2011

Saturday March 5th

Well it just goes to show that you can't keep a good thing down! The Argyle team definitely do not understand the phrase "lay down and die." Given the troubles the club has gone through lately and the fact that  ten days ago the club were deducted 10 points for intending to go into administration, and that finally happening this week, Argyle have actually won their last two games and already have 6 points back. Today they were away to Sheffield Wednesday. As I listened to the game on the radio it became apparent that the team were eager to put the problems off the pitch well out of their minds. As has happened to a number of clubs in the past that have gone through similar problems it seems that for the team at least, going into administration has spurred them into action. Final score Sheffield Wednesday 2-4 Argyle.

As I was listening to the Argyle match on Radio Devon, I also had the Arsenal match on Radio Five. To be honest I was not taking much notice of the Arsenal match although I did hear that Arsenal should have been awarded a penalty. In the end the game ended Arsenal 0-0 Sunderland. A result that does not make much difference to the league table for Arsenal and to be honest for me personally I am more interested in Tuesday's Champions League match away to Barcelona and then next Saturday's away  match to Manchester United in the FA Cup.

Friday March 4th

After months of being on the brink, Plymouth Argyle formally went into Administration. Let's hope that those who drove the club into the ground never show their faces near Home Park again. Then again for the Japanese connections that won't be too hard as they have never attended a game anyway. The promise of the money being released did not materialise until it was way too late and even then it was well short of the promised £2 million. So the team travel to Sheffield tonight to take on Sheffield Wednesday at Hillsbrough tomorrow afternoon. 

The weather here was just as bright for most of the day, as it had been for most of the week, although slightly colder. Maybe it was the fact that I got my hair cut, that my ears felt a lot colder today as I walked around the Barbican eating a large steak pasty. 

Thursday 3 March 2011

Thursday March 3rd

The weather today was fabulous again. Sure sign that Spring is just around the corner. I was able to walk for quite a while today, so took the opportunity to take some photos as I had done towards the end of last year. During my hunger strike last year I had done this walk many times and almost tortured myself walking past the restaurants and cafes etc. Today I stopped and enjoyed a portion of chips and a jumbo sausage. 

Tonight I got quite upset watching a programme made for the upcoming Red Nose Day. Watching four celebrities adapt to life in Kibera which is the world's largest slum and then having to survive as a local. I have watched similar programmes in the past and to be honest I have been able to detach myself from them slightly. Tonight however, it was different in the fact that one of the celebrities was given work in a local hospital and had to deal with the aftermath of a stillbirth which reminded me of the fact that infant death has not respect for colour of skin or background. Then at the end of this first programme watching Lenny Henry in particular break down in tears brought tears to my eyes. 

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Wednesday March 2nd

It was an absolutely glorious day here in Plymouth today. Mum asked me if I fancied a Chinese for lunch so we went into Buffet City for the eat as much as you can offer! I know since my hunger strike I have put on a bit of weight again but there are some people who really should be encouraged to visit such places! 

After the disappointment of the Carling Cup result on Sunday, Arsenal had a chance to redeem themselves tonight in the FA Cup Replay against Leyton Orient. They did so in their own inimitable fashion by winning 5-0 which included a Bendtner hat trick. The reward for winning is an away trip in the next round to Manchester United. 

Plymouth Argyle's Japanese shareholder has after a long delay finally managed to send money via the bank system over from Japan. The local media report it as about £300,000 which is some way short of the promised £2 million he said he was sending over many months ago! Way too late to save Argyle from giving notice of filing for administration but will help to pay some of the staff their wages. The PFA have helped out with player's salaries again this month. The news comes as the crisis deepens and the man asked to steer Argyle out of it's troubles, Peter Risdale is now walking away from the day to day running of the club. 

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Monday February 28th

We live in hope! After Argyle put in a tremendous performance on Saturday we now hear in the news that the Japanese shareholder who has been promising to inject some money into the club to save it from it's financial worries is now in the process of doing so! Maybe in the next few days we shall be able to celebrate the fact that the money is finally in the bank!

Sunday February 27th

Today the weather promised to be bright with a few showers so I hopped on the Cremyll Ferry and took a long walk around Mt Edgcumbe. The last time I was here I was with the girls and my parents so I did not get to explore too far. I decided to venture a bit further today although to start with getting caught in a downpour did not bode well. However the weather brightened up and for the rest of the afternoon it was a warm and sunny. I followed the trail right around the grounds and walked for miles. I have visited this places quite a few times in the past and this was the first time I had discovered the waterfall there. After seeing that I walked on and eventually came to the Deer Park. In the woods a number of deer were strolling and then on the hillside overlooking the bay there were a few more wandering around. I was enjoying the walk so much that I was not too bothered about getting back in time to watch the Carling Cup and to be honest although it was the first chance of silverware in 6 years for Arsenal I cannot really say that for me it is too important. 

As Birmingham beat Arsenal 2-1 at Wembley and the last goal was a comedy of errors by the Arsenal defence I was not too upset or downbeat by the result. I think if it had been the FA Cup rather than the Carling Cup I might have been a bit more gutted. Oh well the quadruple is not to be but the treble is still available.