Monday 17 October 2011

Monday October 17th

Well although the personal family law court saga is finally over and done with, there is still a battle to be won in regards to fairness to all parents (obviously from my own personal aspect I will highlight Father's Rights but will still campaign for EQUALITY and if there is injustice to a other then that will also be fought for. Top of the list is waiting to see what is going to be the outcome of the Government report. With all the cutbacks I have a great idea for the Prime Minister. Instead of reducing our armed forces, NHS and vital services to the communities why does he not instruct the powers that be to get rid of crapcass and all the corrupt staff that work in it? It would save the country £Millions and also save many many families from lengthy legal cases and torture. Surely that is worth it anyway! 

As this blog will carry on until crapcass is deceased, it means that TWAT OF THE WEEK AWARDS carry on with it. Already the leading nomination is Plymouth Citybus who int their infinite wisdom now charge children full adult fare to get to school unless they all want to be at least 45 minutes late in which case at 9.30 they can get child fare!!! Some really intelligent twat thought that idea up obviously! 

Friday 14 October 2011

Friday October 14th

It is finally all official and today I received the order that awards Shared Residence. Good things come to those who wait. And believe me I have waited long enough for this good thing to come. Despite the interference of the twat from crapcass trying to wreck all the good that was being done last year with her false accusations and elaborate story telling. Just shows that in the end common sense does prevail. However, I still want to see that evil good for nothing twat out of a job. 

I was wondering if I named her here and she took me to court for defamation or whatever then all the reports would have to come out and finally the court system would realise that there is a scumbag inside it's system. Worth thinking about. Facts are facts and she committed perjury and openly lied and deceived people in and out of the court and on the fringes of this case throughout the time she was asked to work on it. 

You know who you are, I know who you are and pretty soon EVERYONE will know who you are. YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO YOUR PROFESSION! YOU ARE A LIAR! 

There that is that off my chest. 

Sunday 9 October 2011

Sunday October 9th

My mood today has been ruined by some disturbing news from my eldest daughter! I was starting to put the events of the past three years firmly behind me and look forward to the future with my SHARED RESIDENCE ORDER granted by the court last Tuesday. However, today during our lunch my daughter started talking about a few things that happened to her whilst she was kept from seeing me. 

My daughter tells me that the twat from crapcass met with her and her maternal grandmother at least once and that her grandmother told her afterwards that she saw a recording device under the table which had been activated. My daughter tells me that nobody told either her or her grandmother that such a device existed or that she was being recorded. I am fucking angry and if this is true I will demand further action be taken against that evil lying child stealing twat once and for all. YOU ARE FUCKING SCUM AND WORSE THAN I EVER THOUGHT OF YOU! ROT IN HELL! 

Email will be in my solicitor's possession as soon as he gets into the office tomorrow! 

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Wednesday October 5th

Yes I know I have been quiet lately! Would have thought that certain people would be grateful that they are not being slated daily on here!The simple fact is that - as I have stated previously - I have been spending more time with the two girls and have not has the time to post daily updates of what has been happening. 

Yesterday was the most satisfactory day in the past three years. The fact that both my ex and I had actually made agreements outside of court made it even easier. However, we had been in this position over a year ago and look what happened when crapcass made their threats and told lies to various people which turned the hearing into a farce and ultimately led to my 79 day hunger strike. 

So if you remember, for the past three years I have stood firm and let it be known that Shared Residence would be the only outcome I would accept. Yesterday the judge gave us that Shared Residence Order. How after three years of arguing and tit for tat (and at times completely unfounded allegations) and don't forget the fabricated crapcass reports, did we reach this agreement? SIMPLE!


Actually having the judge "CONGRATULATE" both of us for doing what we did gave me a huge sense of gratification. Out of the corner of my eye I could see LC of crapcass look like she had been hit across the face with a wet rotting kipper. AND IT FELT GOOD! I am sure that subconsciously I may have even sat there a few seats away and propped my head up using two fingers on the side of my face. I do remember having a itch on the side of my face that needed scratching!

My ex sat to my right a few seats away and for the first time in three years of attending these hearings we were actually smiling at each other instead of either blatantly ignoring the fact we were in the same room or smirking sarcastically. 

It was nice both before and after the hearing to talk to both solicitors and feel at ease. It was very noticeable that neither the twat from crapcass nor her solicitor made any attempt to converse with either of us! We laughed afterwards when we went to the car park and saw them both standing looking at us and fearing not to go to their cars in case we said or did something! Awwwwwww you do have to feel sorry for some people don't you? No fucking way! 

I have taken a number of orders for the crapcass t-shirts and even been told I am not charging enough! When I can get a t-shirt for about £1.50 and the transfers for another £2-3 I don't think I could dare charge anything over £10 per shirt which includes p&p! Cheap I reckon. AND the satisfaction of doing a public service is far more gratifying than being paid for it! Has given me an idea though. Maybe set up a business in the future and mass produce t-shirts and other stationery and gift items in the crapcass range! I particularly like the crapcass boxers or y-fronts idea. Would be even better for sufferers of diarrhoea, they could actually shit on crapcass for a change instead of having done to them! 

Then we have crapcass toilet rolls and umbrellas, baseball caps, note-paper etc etc etc..... oh the possibilities are endless! 

Seriously, people take it from me as I have journeyed to hell and back for almost three years. If you want what is best for your children then do what is best for your children!

When you think your relationship is breaking up do not use the children as bargaining tools. Do not use them as weapons! Do not use them as a way of tit for tat accusations and arguing! Do not use them as a way of getting back at your partner for something they did wrong to you! 

The world lacks clear law when it comes to Family Law. It also lacks a moral code! Some people who work in the system do do a fantastic job there is no doubt about it BUT there are others (like LC of crapcass) who would be better off working in a public convenience clearing up shit after other people rather than them shitting on others. 

My personal battle for justice is over! Then gain it was NEVER about me or my ex wife (and I do have to admit I slated her enough when I felt let down by this system, even though I knew she was being persuaded by outside influences!) Right from the very start it was about my children! My stance on that never changed because it was not just about me and what I wanted or needed it was always about them! 

Will I stop this blog now.....................? If crapcass sacks that twat or I get a public apology maybe! If crapcass is closed down forever and it's staff redeployed to bin collectors or toilet attendants possibly! If the law changes to reflect it is now the 21st Century and FATHERS are given equality and the right to have an active role in their children's lives then YES! So guess I will be carrying on for a while yet then! Maybe not about me anymore or my dispute with the Family Law system but I will highlight any others who have to endure the kind corruption and lies I have witnessed first hand! 

So with that said......And I know this please a couple of people I have spoken to recently TWAT OF THE WEEK AWARD lives on! The news style reporting of local, national and international events will still remain. The fight for a level playing field for fathers will continue. 

If you have experienced or are experiencing the effects of the unfair Family Law System please do get in touch. I would highlight and support your story via this blog. This invite goes out to BOTH PARENTS! I will not publish your names or any identifying photos but I will most definitely tell the world about the scumbags you are dealing with who are supposed to put the children first but instead put their careers and reputations before everything.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Saturday September 24th

Happy birthday brother! Just days after my mum had her birthday it is now my brother's.

So that is the pleasantries over. Today was a kind of special day for Plymouth Argyle after the ongoing farce or saga of going into administration and finding the club worse off than ever with promises of money and takeovers that never actually materialised and selling the majority of players and then in recent days sacking the manager due to poor results! The day started with the girls and I meeting their brother and heading over to Home Park to attend a meeting that included a Q&A session with the man we are all pinning our hopes on following the empty shambles of a bid by Bishop International. James Brent has now taken up the challenge (although he did before but the twat of an administrator chose to prefer the Bishop International bid). After the very impressive meeting and the members of the press taking quite a few photos of the children and I, we then had a picnic in the park. 

Then it was time to go to the match. We got there very early but it was not long before the thousands turned up to support Argyle. Yes I said thousands! As part of Fans Reunited there were representatives from almost every club in the country and some even further away. The majority of visitors supporting Argyle were from Brighton and Hove Albion who themselves had gone through a similar situation  a few years ago. 

So following the positive meeting in the morning and the extra support you would think that the team would want to put on a decent display. The fact is that they put on a much better display than even I expected. The whole 90 minutes' atmosphere was electric and the noise from everyone was virtually non-stop. Pretty impressive, especially given the fact that Mr Brent himself was sitting just behind us and at times even stood up to take an ovation and loud cheers! 

On the field the team ran out 2-0 winners against Macclesfield. I cannot remember sitting in the ground and not seeing fans leave 5-10 minutes before the end of the match irrespective of the scoreline however today NOBODY wanted to go home. Mr Brent even stood outside the ground after match and people were going up and asking him questions and the children all went up to him to shake his hand. 

Probably the best game we have attended for quite some time! 

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Wednesday September 21st

Awwwww it's my mum's birthday today!

OK enough of the sentimental crap. We have been looking at potential secondary schools for my eldest daughter. Yes that is right I use the term "WE!" Just in case dipshit from crapcass is reading this (well we all know she does!) WE are looking at schools TOGETHER, that means my eldest daughter obviously, my ex-wife and myself. and most of the time we are accompanied by our youngest daughter, who for the majority of the time is well behaved and makes an impression on the staff and pupils we have come across. 

And now for the usual shit..............

I have to nominate several people for TWOTW Award. Pisses me off when crapcass are not the outright winners all the time! 

So this week we give the award to......

The people at Children's Tax Credit. Apparently we had an overpayment in 2008 because we had separated????? News to us as we only separated in Feb 2009 and have all the court paperwork to prove it. OOOOPS Another fuck up with a government agency. Whp would have guessed it? 

Dipshit at Crapcass as always trying to overturn the good work being done without her interference! No doubt some fictional event will occur between now and October which she can make up and report and take us back another year in time and undo all the good that has happened this year! 

Those behind the mess at Plymouth Argyle. With the shit that is still going on there and the farce dragging out even longer it is like someone from crapcass is working behind the scenes there! 

And Facebook developers for giving us the worst ever version of the site that has ever been possible for them to dream up! Actually, I had another thought....Dipshit from Crapcass should work for Facebook when her contract is ripped up. That way she could piss off millions instead of just a few! 

Friday 16 September 2011

Thursday September 15th

After school with my girls watching the action of the America's Cup. Yes that is right LC2, the girls and I spend loads of time together. Time you would not want us to share because of your corruption and false reports! Well go fuck yourself because this is what happens when parents and children do what is right! You want to go on about events LAST YEAR when LAST YEAR you told me to "Forget what has happened in the past!" Take your own medicine and lectures and shove them up your arse. Practice what you preach and do what is right and just and what you should have been doing from the beginning. Oh and just for the record I found a photo just for you.........
Plenty of small pond life to be found in here! Now go crawl under a little rock in this here pool so you don't do any more harm to any other parents or children! That way everyone will be in a safer place! 

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Wednesday September 13th

One year ago today I started a dangerous journey. Yep it is exactly one year since I started my 78 day hunger strike. Why did I do it? I did it to highlight the fact that the family law system in the UK is fatally flawed and needs to be updated to reflect modern times and give rights back to parents and in particular fathers. I could have staged sit ins or roof top demonstrations like some of my have done and still do today!

The fact is though that the only thing I could control was my eating. Sad that many others have been driven to these acts because the system in this country is run by twats who really don't give a shit about the children or the parents and are just out to make names for themselves rather than do the jobs they are paid to do!

For me the fight for equality as a parent is almost at an end. Not because the system has started to become fair and unbiased no longer the corrupt institution it has become, fact is the system has not changed one bit. Truth is that the LC2's of this world will always be corrupt twats and ignore the needs of the children they are supposed to represent and they will always be biased and make up false stories or inflate events to suit their own ends. Why is my own fight resolving? EASY - We are by-passing the system and doing it ourselves. Much to the annoyance of the system and those in it. However the children are happier, we are happier and those in our lives are happier. As for the people in the system that want to drag this out or want to see the children live in misery while they save their careers and faces.........................YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELVES! 

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Tuesday August 23rd

MANFLU is a very serious condition I can tell you! Just when you think that all you have is a nasty cold and then when you think it is getting hits you big time! So here I am drinking the same kind of vitamin water that kept me going through my hunger strike last year and dosing up on the closest thing to MANFLU medication as I can get. I tend not to take any kind of medication unless as a last resort now and usually fight my way through this kind of thing but since Sunday this has definitely grabbed hold of me. 

Obviously I am not American but.....the Mayor of New York, (pictured above) has decided not to make a place available for any of the police, fire department, or other emergency services (that risked their own lives to save others 10 years ago on 9/11) at the 10 anniversary remembrances! Apparently there is no room for them! Personally I think the guy needs a serious kick up the arse and his place should be given up to make way for all those who put their own lives at risk to help those injured during that horrific event! And it is for that reason I have to awarded this guy TWAT OF THE WEEK AWARD! 

Sunday 21 August 2011

Sunday August 21st

Happy birthday to my eldest daughter! TEN TODAY. To coincide with all the Justin Bieber things she was given for her birthday, I posted a mocked up photo of her and her idol as my Facebook profile photo for today and also a song of his on my wall! However, it was not the Justin Bieber song that provoked any reaction, it was in fact our Daddy-daughter song that we have made our very own and play every birthday! Bob Carlisle's Butterfly Kisses. She went to Sunday School as she loves to do when she is with me although it is something I do not either encourage or discourage. When she came back she came over to me and put her arms around my neck sat on my lap and as I clicked the song she cuddled right into me and started singing! 

Over the past few weeks we have all had a great time being able to do things without meddling twats getting the way or trying to upset everyone and everything! Actually this time last year we were given a false sense of security! Just days after we had "A really happy great time together as it should be!" We were thrown into turmoil by LC2's shit report which over exaggerated an event at my parent's home! That twat will never learn until they close that fucking agency down and put her into a job she is more suited for. Oh wait. The News Of The World has closed down now! I wonder if retirement or just plain old redundancy and being thrown on the scrapheap of life would be possible! Anyway enough of that crap! We already know that those involved in the case are eager to drag it out longer and cause more pain and anger for all concerned and as have they have all shown lately they don't actually give a stuff about what the children want!! TOUGH SHIT! Go play the bullies in another playground!

I could be sounding off because of what happened last year, then again it could be because this heavy cold I have had brewing for a couple of days has seemed to turned into full blown MANFLU! Great timing! 

Despite having proper contact with the girls again nothing is in writing yet or indeed for that matter official either! Funny how if I was to name LC2 in this blog or anyone associated with the case I would be hauled up in court within days and yet when my ex and I inform our solicitor's "No date" can be found to rush the case through! It is as if the FAMILY LAW system does not actually give a shit about children and families! Oh hang on, we knew that already didn't we??? 

My ex and I are talking of making a pact if either of our solicitors try to advise us against our current plan and wishes! More of that to follow should we need to make it public. 

Saturday August 20th

There is a food festival in Plymouth this weekend and as part of my eldest daughter's birthday weekend celebrations I told her all the food would be provided by free samples! As events elsewhere have overtaken us a joint decision was taken  to hold off on a "big party" and instead just have a small one with me and another one with her mum.

My daughter decided that, as last year, she wanted to go swimming. So when the weather brightened up we set off for the pool. I had woke up with a heavy cold but to be honest throughout swimming and for a long time after I felt great. Little did I realise that I would suffer later on.

Elsewhere in the world of sport things do not seem to be improving for my football teams! First it was Arsenal who lost 0-2 at home to Liverpool and then later in the afternoon the same fate awaited Plymouth Argyle. Now I know that the season has only just started BUT, as I have often said about those within the family law system I really need to urge those behind the farce at Plymouth Argyle to "SORT IT THE FUCK OUT!" The way things are going the team won't actually survive through it's 125th Anniversary year and there is a danger that they could even slip into non-league status if this mess is not sorted out in the very near future! I thought that the board that got them into this mess was bad enough but these Administrator and potential new owners are taking the piss to the extreme! 

Later this evening I started to feel rougher and rougher. Could this cold be turning into "MANFLU?" 

Saturday 20 August 2011

Friday August 19th

Instead of carrying on about the riots and who is or is not to blame or how fair or unfair the legal system is in regards to dealing with those rioters who have been speedily put through the court process already, I have spent my time this week with my girls and that is how it should be. There are people within the system who are trying their hardest to sabotage my family again but they have failed to understand that both my ex wife and I are doing what our children want and consequently what we both want. We are all very happy with how we are doing things and for those of you are really want to throw your legal spanners into the works I have a very special message for you. 


We don't need your meddling and we don't need your falsified reports and stories! Our children are very happy with how we are handling this and if you had done your fucking jobs properly in the first place we would not be here now! 

Friday 12 August 2011

Friday August 12th

Had a letter or three from my Solicitor which included a letter from Trash and Co and the crapcass worker's solicitor! Needless to say the point is that both my ex wife and I are getting on loads better and it is all to do with us doing things how we both want and because we want what is right for the children. The difference is that now we are doing this together and including the children in all our discussions! AND SHOCK HORROR LC2 is nowhere in sight! Another fucking reason everything is going well for us all! Maybe she should live out the remainder of her life under the rock she crawled out from two years ago before she meddled in our lives! Maybe next time the court ask her to get involved in another family's lives she will do the decent thing and report FACTS and be non-judgemental and non-biased! Maybe next time she will do her job properly and do what is right for the children! Well we live in hope! 

Thursday 11 August 2011

Thursday August 11th

Yesterday all I wanted to talk about was the news about the riots. In the end I thought that there was enough bad news still going around that I did not want to repeat it here. Tonight after a great day in Paignton with my youngest daughter I am here watching Question Time on BBC, which has been brought back to cover the recalling of Parliament in response to the rioting.

Lots of blame has been spread about. Unemployed, Young People. Retaliation, blah blah blah fucking blah! I have heard a lot of arguments about what and who is responsible for the recent events and I have to say that a lot of what I have heard can best be described as complete bollocks! 

One woman tonight did speak up and say that while people are quick to blame the youth of today and the parents of the youth of today, who is it that has reduced the power of the parent? People are calling for stricter parenting yet stricter parenting recently has been frowned upon. Parents can no longer smack their children. Parents can no longer do many things as they fear social services could come and take their children away. 

Fact is that we all need to go back to basics and learn how to be civil humans again. AND yes give the parenting powers back to the parents without them fearing that a knock on the door is going to be to have their children removed. You cannot call for tougher measures without looking back at the fundamentals. This world has gone soft and there are too many do-gooders interfering. Then the same do-gooders complain when we have events like we had these past few days. 

Forget that the Kaiser Chiefs recorded "I predict a riot!" 

I hate saying "I told you so!" BUT..........................


Tuesday 9 August 2011

Tuesday August 9th

So where are these photos from? Iraq. Afghanistan. Libya. Egypt. Sudan. NO these are taken in the UK following three nights of rioting that initially started in London but now widespread up and down the country. And what do these yobs target? Government buildings. Police stations. Not even crapcass offices!!! Instead they target shops and houses and loot. This is not protesting at government or authority. This is pure vandalism and theft. 

A young man was shot by police in London and now the whole country is in chaos. This is the same place that will be hosting the Olympics next year. The sad thing about this whole scenario is that even those responsible for the outrageous behaviour really have no idea why they are doing it. Recent BBC footage has pictures of young people talking about what they plan to steal from a store. Two young girls blatantly laughing about drinking and letting the rich know they can do what they like and destroy their business. 

Do I sympathise with any of those committing these acts? NO FUCKING WAY! I would have more respect for them if they had an agenda. I would have more sympathy for them if they targeted government offices or buildings of organisations that knowingly piss people off, such as crapcass etc. I have backed the government in many things and on this blog alone I have condemned it also but it has my full support today and those who are found guilty of committing these acts or even inciting them need to be locked up and harshly treated. If I had my way the army would be on the streets tonight! Although that might be difficult given the recent cutbacks in military! Sad that we are so busy policing other countries that we cannot police our own.

These people are not heroes or justified protesters. They are SCUMBAGS! 

Sunday 7 August 2011

Saturday August 6th

Had a long day with the girls today. First of all we headed into town and met my parents at M&S coffee shop. After we had a drink there we headed for JUMP, which is an indoor play centre for children. You pay a set price to get in and then the kids stay as long as they want and play on whatever they like. Bouncy slides, assault course, football, giant slides and ball pond etc. Almost every town has one! 

After we spent a few hours there the eldest said she wanted to see Mr Popper's Penguins at the cinema. I didn't think the youngest would sit through a whole film but we went anyway. Although we did have a few dodgy moments with wanting to walk around and go we did manage to sit through what was a fairly enjoyable family film. 

When the film finished we went to Burger King and had our tea before heading home for the night. 

In the world of sport, today is the first day of the football season and Plymouth Argyle were away to Shrewsbury Town. A late Carl Fletcher goal was enough to ensure a point for Argyle and at least they do not have to start at the bottom of the table! 

Monday 1 August 2011

Monday August 1st

Good news today! England won the second test very comfortably and are within touching distance of becoming the top team in the world! 

At Home Park with only a few days left before the new season officially kicks off the deal to save Plymouth Argyle has still not been sealed. A number of us are growing increasingly concerned with the length delays. It is unbelievable how long this sorry saga has been allowed to drag out and although with promises of it all being in place before kick off on Saturday as we have heard it all before many of us are having serious doubts! 

Sunday 31 July 2011

Sunday July 31st

Really nice to spend weekend with my girls instead of just a few hours! Although the twat at crapcass must be pulling her hair out knowing we are doing this without her interfering! Funny how this is what the girls want and yet the person who is supposed to work in their interests does not want what they want and what makes them happy! never mind I guess she can try ruining some other family now.

After shopping, swimming and more shopping yesterday we had a fairly easy morning watching TV and playing on the computer. My eldest even managed to make me a couple of cups of coffee this weekend using my machine which is something my mother cannot even grasp how to use. After we had our roast dinner, we walked over to the Green Taverners Fun Day at Home Park, where we watched part of a charity match and met up with Romain Larrieu who the girls had their photo taken with. They then went on a few of the attractions there and had their faces painted. 

To be honest for the past couple of days I have not seen a news programme, it is nice to watch Something Special again with Justin and Mr Tumble among other children's programmes, so without looking on the BBC news pages I have no idea of any world events this weekend. I do know that Jenson Button won the Hungarian Grand Prix to keep the championship still alive for at least four if not five drivers. I am also aware that a moment of controversy threatened to wreck a fairly good test match, but during the tea interval common sense prevailed and order was restored. Apparently and England batsman thought the ball had gone for four and stopped running to talk to his colleague when the Indian team appeared to then run him out. The Indian team and umpires were booed off the pitch and back on again after tea but then a loud cheer went up when they "run out" batsman was able to carry on his innings. Nice how common sense can prevail. If only it could so in other sports and indeed in more important aspects of life! 

Friday 29 July 2011

Friday July 29th
Well well well! Maybe Rebekah Brooks will find a new position after all!

There is some good news though..............
Would be nice to think that LC2 would follow suit and apologise for her corrupt nature and false reporting! Would be even nicer to see her RESIGN OR SACKED! 

Thursday 28 July 2011

Wednesday July 27th

Another glorious day here in Plymouth. I met up with the girls this morning and we had a great day just walking around the shops. I don't think I have ever spent so much time looking in shops as I have done today. We made plans for the rest of the holidays. 

This evening I went to see Plymouth Argyle's friendly match with Truro. It was strange given the fact that half of the team of Truro were once players at Argyle! I think the loudest cheer of the night actually went to Barry Hayles, Truro's number 10. The fact that half the Truro players once wore the green shirt of Argyle showed when they took the lead and a lot of the 2,000 crowd cheered and applauded the scorer. In the end the result was Plymouth Argyle 2-1 Truro. The Argyle goals coming from Carl Fletcher and new arrival. Conor Hourihane. 

Monday 25 July 2011

Sunday July 24th

While the mourning continues in Norway, today is the 6th anniversary of the day my daughter was born sleeping. I met my ex and the girls at the hospital and we went up to the chapel and wrote our cards and lit candles for our angel. My eldest daughter got very emotional and that started me off. Then my youngest came over and we had a group hug. I walked back from the hospital and stopped off to buy a cake for this evening. 
We met up in the park at 9.00pm to light our lanterns and share some cake. 

The day itself was emotional enough but it was made even more so by the fact that my eldest daughter has started writing poetry and songs and she wrote one for this evening. She is definitely a daddy's girl! 

Sunday 24 July 2011

Saturday July 23rd
More devastating news coming in all the time regarding the terrible events in Norway yesterday. Current reports suggest that 92 people have died. 

This evening we also hear of the death of the troubled singer Amy Winehouse who was just 27. Although I could never claim to be a fan, nor can I say I liked her in any sense, the fact that at 27 she is dead is also a sad event. 

Took the girls to Tavistock for the day. The weather was gorgeous. On the Moors you could see for miles. It is much better having them for longer times now but still not the same as having them overnight or even for more than a day or two as it was last year. Let's hope all the mess is soon sorted out and we can all start looking forward to spending real quality time together. After all, we have all been reminded this past two days that LIFE IS TO SHORT!