Sunday 21 August 2011

Saturday August 20th

There is a food festival in Plymouth this weekend and as part of my eldest daughter's birthday weekend celebrations I told her all the food would be provided by free samples! As events elsewhere have overtaken us a joint decision was taken  to hold off on a "big party" and instead just have a small one with me and another one with her mum.

My daughter decided that, as last year, she wanted to go swimming. So when the weather brightened up we set off for the pool. I had woke up with a heavy cold but to be honest throughout swimming and for a long time after I felt great. Little did I realise that I would suffer later on.

Elsewhere in the world of sport things do not seem to be improving for my football teams! First it was Arsenal who lost 0-2 at home to Liverpool and then later in the afternoon the same fate awaited Plymouth Argyle. Now I know that the season has only just started BUT, as I have often said about those within the family law system I really need to urge those behind the farce at Plymouth Argyle to "SORT IT THE FUCK OUT!" The way things are going the team won't actually survive through it's 125th Anniversary year and there is a danger that they could even slip into non-league status if this mess is not sorted out in the very near future! I thought that the board that got them into this mess was bad enough but these Administrator and potential new owners are taking the piss to the extreme! 

Later this evening I started to feel rougher and rougher. Could this cold be turning into "MANFLU?" 

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