Wednesday 21 September 2011

Wednesday September 21st

Awwwww it's my mum's birthday today!

OK enough of the sentimental crap. We have been looking at potential secondary schools for my eldest daughter. Yes that is right I use the term "WE!" Just in case dipshit from crapcass is reading this (well we all know she does!) WE are looking at schools TOGETHER, that means my eldest daughter obviously, my ex-wife and myself. and most of the time we are accompanied by our youngest daughter, who for the majority of the time is well behaved and makes an impression on the staff and pupils we have come across. 

And now for the usual shit..............

I have to nominate several people for TWOTW Award. Pisses me off when crapcass are not the outright winners all the time! 

So this week we give the award to......

The people at Children's Tax Credit. Apparently we had an overpayment in 2008 because we had separated????? News to us as we only separated in Feb 2009 and have all the court paperwork to prove it. OOOOPS Another fuck up with a government agency. Whp would have guessed it? 

Dipshit at Crapcass as always trying to overturn the good work being done without her interference! No doubt some fictional event will occur between now and October which she can make up and report and take us back another year in time and undo all the good that has happened this year! 

Those behind the mess at Plymouth Argyle. With the shit that is still going on there and the farce dragging out even longer it is like someone from crapcass is working behind the scenes there! 

And Facebook developers for giving us the worst ever version of the site that has ever been possible for them to dream up! Actually, I had another thought....Dipshit from Crapcass should work for Facebook when her contract is ripped up. That way she could piss off millions instead of just a few! 

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