Wednesday 14 September 2011

Wednesday September 13th

One year ago today I started a dangerous journey. Yep it is exactly one year since I started my 78 day hunger strike. Why did I do it? I did it to highlight the fact that the family law system in the UK is fatally flawed and needs to be updated to reflect modern times and give rights back to parents and in particular fathers. I could have staged sit ins or roof top demonstrations like some of my have done and still do today!

The fact is though that the only thing I could control was my eating. Sad that many others have been driven to these acts because the system in this country is run by twats who really don't give a shit about the children or the parents and are just out to make names for themselves rather than do the jobs they are paid to do!

For me the fight for equality as a parent is almost at an end. Not because the system has started to become fair and unbiased no longer the corrupt institution it has become, fact is the system has not changed one bit. Truth is that the LC2's of this world will always be corrupt twats and ignore the needs of the children they are supposed to represent and they will always be biased and make up false stories or inflate events to suit their own ends. Why is my own fight resolving? EASY - We are by-passing the system and doing it ourselves. Much to the annoyance of the system and those in it. However the children are happier, we are happier and those in our lives are happier. As for the people in the system that want to drag this out or want to see the children live in misery while they save their careers and faces.........................YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELVES! 

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