Sunday 3 April 2011

Sunday April 3rd

As it is Mother's Day here in the UK I would like to take a few moments to wish all the mothers out there a very Happy Mother's Day............!


Given that today is Mother's Day here in the UK I thought it would be a timely reminder to the local crapcass staff of the damage they have done with their corruption. So I went along and stuck a United Parents Society poster, a copy of the recent report damning the organisation and recommending that it be abolished, just in case they had not had a chance to see it before, and a simple message that I also posted on my Facebook page this morning.....

The United Parent’s Society is thinking especially of the mothers separated from their children because of the corruption of the family law system. Put the needs of the children first instead of your careers!

Together We Can Make A Difference!

As they did not actually remove my last poster until late the next day, and even then only after I had emailed them from outside their office and watched two of their staff smoking as I took photos of it still on their door, I wonder if they will leave these there as long tomorrow when they get back to work! Perhaps I should go early in the morning with my camera or take a walk over there in the afternoon to see if they are all in place still!  

You would have thought that as my ex has "bumped" into my mother a few times recently and told her how she was going to her solicitor to "sort things out" that she would have made the effort to get the children to come and see her on Mother's Day, or at the very least send a card and or gifts. After all, it is not as if she does not know where my parents live, we see her drive past the window often enough and have also seen her look up a few times. I can only assume that her words to my mother about getting things sorted were just more lies and to be honest I expected nothing more from her than lies! 

Tonight parents will once again be lighting sky lanterns for the children they will not be with today and we especially think of the mothers who are separated from their children because of this corrupt system. Things need to change fast so that this does not have to be repeated next year! 

We only wish that the government would seize this opportunity now, given the recent report, to do what is right and put the needs of the children first for once instead of allowing corrupt organisations such as crapcass to carry on doing the damage that they do. We live in hope that this hell will end soon. We pride ourselves in sending soldiers to countries that are not our concern and put servicemen's lives on the line in the name of freedom  and justice and yet we treat our own children and parents with complete contempt! Time to put our own house in order before telling others how to do theirs!

And finally.......from the Daily Telegraph.


Time to call upon those who can, to DO!

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