Friday 1 April 2011

Friday April 1st

Good news for Cafcass! I have decided to let you get on with what you have been doing and will no longer be against any of your work! Hahahaha FUCK OFF it's April Fool's Day and I am not going to rest until you are extinct!

Most of the morning was spent waiting for furniture to be delivered and then moving everything around to get it to fit in to the front room. Trying to convince my mother about the noble art of compromising with my dad and slowly having my moobs thoroughly pissed off. Eventually though we found a solution to it all and now the front room is completely finished.

I eventually managed to get out in the late afternoon but by then I was so knackered I only got as far as the corner shop for my Euromillions lottery ticket and then headed straight back home again.

The evening was spent watching BBC 4's Top of The Pops Night which bought back many musical memories both good and bad!


  1. wtf would you know about compromise?

  2. A lot! I have done it all my life. Just a shame others cannot say the same. Then again it is very hard to compromise with an anonymous person.

    Although there are certain organisations mentioned in this blog that compromise will never be on any agenda.
