Monday 4 April 2011

Monday April 4th

Some times you just have to do what is right. So I set up this petition on Mother's Day to highlight the injustice of the family law system. It does not take the needs of the children or parents into account. Those in crapcass work to deadlines and for their own agendas, often to benefit one or other parent and not for the purpose they were set up for. Oh wait, then again we already know the organisation is "NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE!" 

I used to champion organisations and will continue to do so if they do the job they are set up to do and stick to their agendas rather than encourage their employees to enhance their careers. I have no qualms about sticking up for social workers who as a last resort must take a child from it's parents for the safety of that child. I will vehemently stand up against ANYONE who betrays the trust or harms a child they are supposed to be caring for. However, I will never stand up and support an organisation that breeds hatred and contempt and whose employees lie to further their own career or work record and do not work in the interests of a child and, as has been my own experience, has only worked to better the case against the absent parent. Time for change! 

Given the fact that on Valentine's Day I placed a poster of the United Parents Society logo on the door of the crpacass office and it was there until I emailed them to bring their attention and thanking them for supporting the group that were working for their abolition, I took a walk up to the office again this afternoon after I had placed the poster and a statement and also a copy of the recent report condemning crapcass by the government's own review. I noticed a couple of people standing outside but they had removed the stuff I had stuck on their door already. As I walked past I was on the phone expecting to report that the things were still in place and I kind of raised my voice. Pulling a face as if I was standing in a lift when someone had broke wind I said into the phone "Oh my god there is a nasty smell here. Oh no it's ok I just walked past crapcass! That explains that stink! Smells like......CORRUPTION!" 

........And finally as if you didn't already think that we lived in a world of contradiction (where have you been?) First of all we have the family law system which I am sick and tired of talking about and the fact that the people within it continuously contradict themselves, from judges, cafcass workers and solicitors (best not mention the ex!) We have the government now offering "EQUALITY for parental leave at the birth of a baby with up to 6 months for each parent! Then we see the contradiction if the inequality of a family break-up where one parent (usually the father) is denied equality! 

The armed forces today faced up to the cuts that the recent review report advised the government with 1000s from the army, navy and air force being prepared for being made redundant. On the same day we hear about more deployments to the seas off Libya due the conflict there!

In football the FA are so strongly behind their RESPECT campaign with advertising and warnings of more discipline against match officials etc on and off the pitch. Then we see that following Wayne Rooney's foul mouthed tirade at the live TV cameras at the weekend he faces a "TWO MATCH" suspension! Yep that sure teaches the fans "RESPECT!" 

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