Tuesday 5 July 2011

Tuesday July 5th

Days after one of it's ministers announces that "We should employ UK workers!" Bombardier is forced to cut about 1500 jobs from it's company that makes trains. WHY? Because the government has awarded a contract for new trains to a GERMAN COMPANY! Now wonder the country is in a fucked up state!

And just when you think people could not stoop any lower than the gutter they belong in along comes this story that sickens me to the stomach just as yesterday's did! Do these journalists really believe they are doing any good when they do this kind of thing to innocent people? When the fuck will people stand up and stop this??? The people behind is are real SCUM!

Well if LC2 ever does lose her job ruining families lives she can always get a job working for The News of The \World. If she ever wanted a reference for that I could definitely do one for her! If ever there was a person so suited for a job somewhere it would be this situation. maybe I should download an application and hand it to her! 

I know it is only Tuesday but.......I have to say that TWAT OF THE WEEK has to go to the NEWS OF THE WORLD! I was looking forward to handing over a certificate to Brittany Ferries for their crap customer service. May have to hand two out! 

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