Monday 4 July 2011

Monday July 4th

I am absolutely sick to my stomach today. I will never read another newspaper as long as I live. I can remember a long time ago journalists got a bad name for unethical practises. It seems even today they think they are either above the law or that the law does not apply to them. What good does the person responsible for this think they could possibly gain from what they did! SHAME ON THEM. SHAME ON THIS COUNTRY!

I have said often enough that the system is broken! I am way off target. The whole fucking world is broken!

Today was another fine day here but it promises to bring rain tomorrow. Not good for sun worshippers but great for the gardeners and the yellowing grass of the park and Hoe. The Hoe was particularly busy today and when I got there I was able to get a photo of one of an aircraft carrier as it was heading out past the breakwater. Fortunately there was a lovely breeze which made the weather a bit more bearable than yesterday. 

Following on from Wimbledon being shown on the giant screen in the city centre for the past couple of weeks there is a live broadcast tonight of Madame Butterfly from the Royal Opera House. I did toy with the idea of going to see it but after being out for a few hours today when I got back and had had something to eat I just settled down to watch TV instead. There is another opera next week which I may go to as it is one I have not seen yet. It is called Cendrillon so will be new to me! 

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