Sunday 3 July 2011

Sunday July 3rd

I was having a big problem thinking of who to nominate for this week's TWAT OF THE WEEK AWARD! After yesterday's conversation with the children's mother I felt I could give her the award and if I am correct in the feeling I had then I may not be able to nominate her again! We shall see though. So I looked through the post I had this week and through emails and finally newspapers and other media. I swear the current government are more like MUPPETS everyday! First there was David Cameron on FATHER'S DAY slagging off absent fathers and ignoring the fact that the family law system is fucked up! Then today we have Iain Duncan-Smith! These pair remind me of Waldorf and Statler! 

Now I could have given the award to David Haye for his poor excuse after losing a boxing match that he hyped himself up to win saying he was in full fitness and then upon losing claimed he had a broken little toe! 

I could have resorted to giving the award to LC2 for the fact she is still employed by crapcass and therefore still in the wrong profession, for me and I suspect a few other parents and families in the area she is actually in the wrong fucking country too!

BUT..........................this morning in the Daily Mail I found my search over.
Again the point is missed! Many absent fathers want to be able to provide for their children. Many fathers are prevented from so doing because the system is FUCKED! I have long been of the mentality that I would not walk into a supermarket and hand over the contents of my wallet for a trolley load of items then watch as the cashier takes my money and deposits it into the till but then also takes my trolley back and places all of the items back on the shelves! Who in their right mind would do that? NOBODY! Why then should those fathers who desperately want to spend time and money with their children but are prevented from doing so by the fucked up system and bitter ex's be forced to pay for something they cannot enjoy the benefit of! 

Have any of these people stopped to think that in their interviews and reports they are damaging the way people think? Have they stopped to think that there are cases where the mother is the absent parent? Why not make the statements to read ABSENT PARENTS? Why because the system is broken and stuck in the last century! 

Make it fair and equal for all and we might start feeling a bit more supportive of these fucked up ideas! 

And so it is that Mr Iain Duncan-Smith is awarded this week's TWAT OF THE WEEK AWARD!

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