Tuesday 19 July 2011

Tuesday July 19th

Ok so the weather has not been great lately. Who wants to go out with all the drama on the TV anyway? I am not talking about the soaps or films either! Today for most of the day we have been able to follow the delights of the Parliamentary Committee Enquiries being shown live on TV. First of all this morning it was the turn of the three from the Metropolitan Police. 

But they were just the warm up acts for the main event! After lunch it was the turn of Rupert and James Murdoch and then finally this evening Rebekah Brooks! Having watched all day long I have to say I am still unsure who knew what and when! It seems very strange that nobody knew of any wrongdoing until very recently, despite money having to change hands for evidence that based many stories etc! 

Highlight though did not come from any hot questions that could not be answered, although a few were left with a lot more to be discovered than was admitted to! NOPE the highlight came towards the end of the questioning of the Murdochs. Apparently someone stood up and was able to plant a custard pie on Rupert Murdoch. Now just seconds before I thought I heard a loud "SSSSSHHHHH!" must have been when the man was squirting the foam onto the plastic plate! At this point Rupert Murdoch's wife stood up and landed a swift right hand across the guys's face!

NOW excuse me for thinking this whole thing had been a bit of a farce to start with but, how come you cannot take a bottle of water on board a plane (national or international flights) BUT you can take a can of foam into a parliamentary committee hearing? As if the police were not already under any scrutiny this has to leave a lot of unanswered questions into security in Parliament again!!!!

I spoke to the two girls tonight as I wanted to know what my eldest wanted for tea tomorrow. I am meeting her from school and bringing her home so we can attend the football match tomorrow night! During my conversation I found out again that LC2 has in fact mislead the court and all concerned with a recent report and made another monumental error in misreporting her facts! Hmmmmm another coincidence to today's events??? 

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