Sunday 31 July 2011

Sunday July 31st

Really nice to spend weekend with my girls instead of just a few hours! Although the twat at crapcass must be pulling her hair out knowing we are doing this without her interfering! Funny how this is what the girls want and yet the person who is supposed to work in their interests does not want what they want and what makes them happy! never mind I guess she can try ruining some other family now.

After shopping, swimming and more shopping yesterday we had a fairly easy morning watching TV and playing on the computer. My eldest even managed to make me a couple of cups of coffee this weekend using my machine which is something my mother cannot even grasp how to use. After we had our roast dinner, we walked over to the Green Taverners Fun Day at Home Park, where we watched part of a charity match and met up with Romain Larrieu who the girls had their photo taken with. They then went on a few of the attractions there and had their faces painted. 

To be honest for the past couple of days I have not seen a news programme, it is nice to watch Something Special again with Justin and Mr Tumble among other children's programmes, so without looking on the BBC news pages I have no idea of any world events this weekend. I do know that Jenson Button won the Hungarian Grand Prix to keep the championship still alive for at least four if not five drivers. I am also aware that a moment of controversy threatened to wreck a fairly good test match, but during the tea interval common sense prevailed and order was restored. Apparently and England batsman thought the ball had gone for four and stopped running to talk to his colleague when the Indian team appeared to then run him out. The Indian team and umpires were booed off the pitch and back on again after tea but then a loud cheer went up when they "run out" batsman was able to carry on his innings. Nice how common sense can prevail. If only it could so in other sports and indeed in more important aspects of life! 

Friday 29 July 2011

Friday July 29th
Well well well! Maybe Rebekah Brooks will find a new position after all!

There is some good news though..............
Would be nice to think that LC2 would follow suit and apologise for her corrupt nature and false reporting! Would be even nicer to see her RESIGN OR SACKED! 

Thursday 28 July 2011

Wednesday July 27th

Another glorious day here in Plymouth. I met up with the girls this morning and we had a great day just walking around the shops. I don't think I have ever spent so much time looking in shops as I have done today. We made plans for the rest of the holidays. 

This evening I went to see Plymouth Argyle's friendly match with Truro. It was strange given the fact that half of the team of Truro were once players at Argyle! I think the loudest cheer of the night actually went to Barry Hayles, Truro's number 10. The fact that half the Truro players once wore the green shirt of Argyle showed when they took the lead and a lot of the 2,000 crowd cheered and applauded the scorer. In the end the result was Plymouth Argyle 2-1 Truro. The Argyle goals coming from Carl Fletcher and new arrival. Conor Hourihane. 

Monday 25 July 2011

Sunday July 24th

While the mourning continues in Norway, today is the 6th anniversary of the day my daughter was born sleeping. I met my ex and the girls at the hospital and we went up to the chapel and wrote our cards and lit candles for our angel. My eldest daughter got very emotional and that started me off. Then my youngest came over and we had a group hug. I walked back from the hospital and stopped off to buy a cake for this evening. 
We met up in the park at 9.00pm to light our lanterns and share some cake. 

The day itself was emotional enough but it was made even more so by the fact that my eldest daughter has started writing poetry and songs and she wrote one for this evening. She is definitely a daddy's girl! 

Sunday 24 July 2011

Saturday July 23rd
More devastating news coming in all the time regarding the terrible events in Norway yesterday. Current reports suggest that 92 people have died. 

This evening we also hear of the death of the troubled singer Amy Winehouse who was just 27. Although I could never claim to be a fan, nor can I say I liked her in any sense, the fact that at 27 she is dead is also a sad event. 

Took the girls to Tavistock for the day. The weather was gorgeous. On the Moors you could see for miles. It is much better having them for longer times now but still not the same as having them overnight or even for more than a day or two as it was last year. Let's hope all the mess is soon sorted out and we can all start looking forward to spending real quality time together. After all, we have all been reminded this past two days that LIFE IS TO SHORT! 

Friday 22 July 2011

Friday July 22nd

Not much that needs to be said today other than how terribly shocked the world is to see the events unfolding in Norway. It would appear (not confirmed) that a man set off a car bomb and killed a number of people outside Government offices and then went to a youth camp where he shot and killed a number of young people. 

Thursday 21 July 2011

Wednesday July 20th

While the rest of the nation are still getting over the events of yesterday and that have carried on today in an extended debate in Parliament, it was good to be able to go and pick my eldest daughter up from school and spend the evening with her, along with over 5000 other people who attended the Romain Larrieu Testimonial match at Home Park against newly promoted Premier League side QPR. Very emotional evening for most fans anyway but for me even more so as it is almost a year since we were at the football together.

Having spoken to my daughter this evening we have decided not to renew our season tickets this year as we will not be able to attend the evening matches during term time because this is her last year before senior school and will have to start concentrating hard if she wants to go to the school she has told her mother and me that she wants to attend. I am also going to pay half of the money for her school trip to France so the money for the season ticket will be added expense that I cannot afford right now. 

Just for the record it was a pretty entertaining evening and the match was played out by both teams but ended with a final score of ARGYLE 0-1 QPR although to be fair a draw would have been fairer and actually Argyle could have scored one themselves if not more. 

Meanwhile Matt O'Connor continues his hunger strike and here is an update and a more in depth article explaining why he continues! 

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Tuesday July 19th

Ok so the weather has not been great lately. Who wants to go out with all the drama on the TV anyway? I am not talking about the soaps or films either! Today for most of the day we have been able to follow the delights of the Parliamentary Committee Enquiries being shown live on TV. First of all this morning it was the turn of the three from the Metropolitan Police. 

But they were just the warm up acts for the main event! After lunch it was the turn of Rupert and James Murdoch and then finally this evening Rebekah Brooks! Having watched all day long I have to say I am still unsure who knew what and when! It seems very strange that nobody knew of any wrongdoing until very recently, despite money having to change hands for evidence that based many stories etc! 

Highlight though did not come from any hot questions that could not be answered, although a few were left with a lot more to be discovered than was admitted to! NOPE the highlight came towards the end of the questioning of the Murdochs. Apparently someone stood up and was able to plant a custard pie on Rupert Murdoch. Now just seconds before I thought I heard a loud "SSSSSHHHHH!" must have been when the man was squirting the foam onto the plastic plate! At this point Rupert Murdoch's wife stood up and landed a swift right hand across the guys's face!

NOW excuse me for thinking this whole thing had been a bit of a farce to start with but, how come you cannot take a bottle of water on board a plane (national or international flights) BUT you can take a can of foam into a parliamentary committee hearing? As if the police were not already under any scrutiny this has to leave a lot of unanswered questions into security in Parliament again!!!!

I spoke to the two girls tonight as I wanted to know what my eldest wanted for tea tomorrow. I am meeting her from school and bringing her home so we can attend the football match tomorrow night! During my conversation I found out again that LC2 has in fact mislead the court and all concerned with a recent report and made another monumental error in misreporting her facts! Hmmmmm another coincidence to today's events??? 

Monday July 18th

All quiet today, but then again the weather has not been conducive to spending much time outdoors and there was little else happening today. Most of the news revolves around the goings on with those connected to the News of The World scandal. More to come from there in the next few days! Tomorrow being a big day for committee hearings and supposed grillings of the primary players involved! 

Monday 18 July 2011

Sunday July 17th

And the phone hacking scandal just keeps rolling on......More arrests and resignations and we are left thinking who could possibly be next and how deep does it go? Even the chief of the Metropolitan police was forced to resign for his mistakes. 

As I didn't have the girls today I spent most of it watching TV, the weather was not very inviting anyway. This year for the first time ever I managed to watch quite a lot of the golf. I actually found it enjoyable to watch which is a first. I played a few rounds when I was much younger and occasionally enjoy the pitch and putt in various places I visit and of course with the children even play crazy golf sometimes but to be honest I never really got into it too much. This week however I found myself glued to it. I think the warped streak inside me was wishing to see a "Father Ted" like incident. The eventual winner was Darren Clarke who after a number of years of personal heartache and tragedy finally had some good happen for him. Even I had a tear in my eye at the end as he made a speech and lifted the Claret Jug! 

After the golf I watched the Women's World Cup Final between USA and Japan. I thought USA would triumph and for a while it looked like they would, but just like England in the quarter finals with just minutes to go before winning, they let a goal in which tied the match. So it came to extra time and penalties. USA as it happens seem to be worse penalty takers than England. Japan World Cup Winners 2011. I have to say another good news story. When you think of the terrible effects of the tsunami in Japan a few months ago how this must give the Japanese people some hope for the future. Funny how sport can bring so much happiness after such devastating times. 

Sunday 17 July 2011

Saturday July 16th

Fabulous day with the girls at Crealy Adventure Park. The smallest showed no fear and went on everything her big sister went on. Shame the weather was on and off throughout the day and we did not get to see everything there, although we covered a lot! 
..........And still the News International scandal rumbles along! Guess crapcass are not recruiting this week so Rebekah Brooks is still out of work! 
In America, they were preparing for "Carmageddon!" When the severe traffic jams that were predicted following major roadworks did not materialise! Just shows that after the Murdoch scandals there must be little news to report in the UK when the media have to resort to covering a story of an event that never actually took place! I know someone else who does that! In fact I know a few people who do that! Then again at least one of them is out of a job right now! 

Friday 15 July 2011

Friday July 15th

Good news is that Rebekah Brooks has finally resigned. Bad news is I am sure that crapcass are recruiting! She should fit in there though with all the other story tellers and scumbags!
"Our child maintenance system has clearly failed!" - Maria Miller in yesterday's Guardian.
"No shit Sherlock! The whole family law system has clearly fucking failed!" - Nick Oliver in his blog!

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Wednesday July 13th

Well it looks like we are finally heading towards the light at the end of the tunnel. I have no doubt that certain saboteurs will do their best to derail the efforts that are currently going on as other people are also aware now and keeping a close eye on progress and certain reactions! 

Away from the personal stuff, which I have not touched on in too great a depth for the past few days, the News Of The World hacking scandal just keeps rolling on and on. There are a few strange coincidences in regards to liars being found out and more secrets being unearthed! 

Plymouth Argyle appear to be closer to reaching the deal with the Football League that will finally resolve the takeover issues that the club have been waiting for. At least a number of signings have taken place, although these have been equalled with a number of players leaving the club! 

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Tuesday July 12th

The recent News Of The World hacking scandal is taking more twists and turns than a rollercoaster ride at Alton Towers! Now it seems that even Devon & Cornwall police are involved and that one of their own officers has passed on information to private investigators and journalists! Which kind of begs the question....Who the fuck can you trust?

To be honest I am waiting to hear from those investigating the hacking myself! Given the working practice of LC2 nothing would surprise me if my details had not been passed on by her and her corrupt colleagues! Especially now she has been given some very upsetting news as far as she will be concerned but some very welcome and happy news as far as my children, my ex and myself are concerned. I wonder how this will be reported!!!

Monday 11 July 2011

Monday July 11th

I want to thank my parents for bringing back a few extra gifts from Brazil with them last week. Since they returned I have felt an itchy throat and nose and over the weekend suffered a problem with my sinuses. 

Today I was not going to say too much about the case, not because the other side are sending threatening letters to my solicitor and asking for a psychiatrist to report on my blog entries.......

What I will say though is that LC2 is definitely up for TWAT OF THE WEEK award this week and if what I have been told is true then I cannot wait to divulge the information to the ombudsman very soon! Who knows maybe the NOTW will not be the only thing we get rid of this year! I am pretty sure that perjury is still a criminal offence! Making up false reports and telling my ex that my eldest cannot have what she wants! I thought that is exactly what the fucking court was there for!

Sunday 10 July 2011

Sunday July 10th
Having gone through a lengthy hunger strike myself last year I can only wish this man the best of luck. I rarely nominate for a hero of the week but today I should name Matt O'Connor as Hero Of The Week! 

Back to the normal award and as I stated at the start of the week. The staff at News Of The World who were responsible for the disgraceful hacking of innocent victims have won the award by miles! So TWAT OF THE WEEK has to go to Rupert Murdoch! Rebekah Brooks! Andrew Coulson and anyone else connected to these vile acts! 

Saturday July 9th

Well if the EDL think they can count people attending a protest march in Plymouth I am afraid they are very much mistaken. I knew something was going on at about 10:00am when I went to meet the girls. There was a police helicopter and about 6 vans driving past. When we had spent some time with my parents and they had been given their presents from Brazil we decided to walk into the city centre. On our way we were passed by a number of other police vans and cars and there were a number of officers and community support officers walking around. My eldest held on to my hand very tightly and we laughed at the old "Have you been naughty?" joke! Eventually we got to the middle of the city centre and came across a number of other vans and cars and even a couple of police horses! 

We headed for West Hoe park and to the Hamster balls, trampolines, and tea-cup ride but as we were walking back towards the Barbican area the police helicopter circled above us again! As we headed around by the Citadel we saw a few flags flying and a lot of policemen and vans again. EDL members must have totalled about 120 if that but the police numbers must have exceeded 400-500! To be honest from what I saw the protest was relatively peaceful. In fact if they were there to raise a noise and draw attention to themselves they failed miserably! I have heard more noise at a scout camp! 

When I had dropped the girls back to their mother I went back home to watch the England Ladies take on France at the Women's World Cup. In the end France won on penalties but that came after England had actually scored the first goal. At the end of full time the score was 1-1 with France scoring in the dying minutes of normal time. Scores still level at the end of extra time and as is often the case for the men, the women had to endure a penalty shoot out! I got very hopeful when France missed their first shot and England scored but it was not to be and after scoring the rest of theirs and England missing two of theirs it is France that go through to the Semi-finals! 

Thursday 7 July 2011

Thursday July 7th

Enough said I think! Perhaps those responsible for this disgusting behaviour at this scumbag paper could apply to crapcass! After all they enjoy making a load of shit up too! 

Wednesday July 6th

My parents arrived back from their month long holiday in Brazil! My peace is shattered!

Other than that my only comment today is BOYCOTT THE NEWS OF THE WORLD!
These people need to be jobless and languishing in prison cells!

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Tuesday July 5th

Days after one of it's ministers announces that "We should employ UK workers!" Bombardier is forced to cut about 1500 jobs from it's company that makes trains. WHY? Because the government has awarded a contract for new trains to a GERMAN COMPANY! Now wonder the country is in a fucked up state!

And just when you think people could not stoop any lower than the gutter they belong in along comes this story that sickens me to the stomach just as yesterday's did! Do these journalists really believe they are doing any good when they do this kind of thing to innocent people? When the fuck will people stand up and stop this??? The people behind is are real SCUM!

Well if LC2 ever does lose her job ruining families lives she can always get a job working for The News of The \World. If she ever wanted a reference for that I could definitely do one for her! If ever there was a person so suited for a job somewhere it would be this situation. maybe I should download an application and hand it to her! 

I know it is only Tuesday but.......I have to say that TWAT OF THE WEEK has to go to the NEWS OF THE WORLD! I was looking forward to handing over a certificate to Brittany Ferries for their crap customer service. May have to hand two out! 

Monday 4 July 2011

Monday July 4th

I am absolutely sick to my stomach today. I will never read another newspaper as long as I live. I can remember a long time ago journalists got a bad name for unethical practises. It seems even today they think they are either above the law or that the law does not apply to them. What good does the person responsible for this think they could possibly gain from what they did! SHAME ON THEM. SHAME ON THIS COUNTRY!

I have said often enough that the system is broken! I am way off target. The whole fucking world is broken!

Today was another fine day here but it promises to bring rain tomorrow. Not good for sun worshippers but great for the gardeners and the yellowing grass of the park and Hoe. The Hoe was particularly busy today and when I got there I was able to get a photo of one of an aircraft carrier as it was heading out past the breakwater. Fortunately there was a lovely breeze which made the weather a bit more bearable than yesterday. 

Following on from Wimbledon being shown on the giant screen in the city centre for the past couple of weeks there is a live broadcast tonight of Madame Butterfly from the Royal Opera House. I did toy with the idea of going to see it but after being out for a few hours today when I got back and had had something to eat I just settled down to watch TV instead. There is another opera next week which I may go to as it is one I have not seen yet. It is called Cendrillon so will be new to me! 

Sunday 3 July 2011

Sunday July 3rd

I was having a big problem thinking of who to nominate for this week's TWAT OF THE WEEK AWARD! After yesterday's conversation with the children's mother I felt I could give her the award and if I am correct in the feeling I had then I may not be able to nominate her again! We shall see though. So I looked through the post I had this week and through emails and finally newspapers and other media. I swear the current government are more like MUPPETS everyday! First there was David Cameron on FATHER'S DAY slagging off absent fathers and ignoring the fact that the family law system is fucked up! Then today we have Iain Duncan-Smith! These pair remind me of Waldorf and Statler! 

Now I could have given the award to David Haye for his poor excuse after losing a boxing match that he hyped himself up to win saying he was in full fitness and then upon losing claimed he had a broken little toe! 

I could have resorted to giving the award to LC2 for the fact she is still employed by crapcass and therefore still in the wrong profession, for me and I suspect a few other parents and families in the area she is actually in the wrong fucking country too!

BUT..........................this morning in the Daily Mail I found my search over.
Again the point is missed! Many absent fathers want to be able to provide for their children. Many fathers are prevented from so doing because the system is FUCKED! I have long been of the mentality that I would not walk into a supermarket and hand over the contents of my wallet for a trolley load of items then watch as the cashier takes my money and deposits it into the till but then also takes my trolley back and places all of the items back on the shelves! Who in their right mind would do that? NOBODY! Why then should those fathers who desperately want to spend time and money with their children but are prevented from doing so by the fucked up system and bitter ex's be forced to pay for something they cannot enjoy the benefit of! 

Have any of these people stopped to think that in their interviews and reports they are damaging the way people think? Have they stopped to think that there are cases where the mother is the absent parent? Why not make the statements to read ABSENT PARENTS? Why because the system is broken and stuck in the last century! 

Make it fair and equal for all and we might start feeling a bit more supportive of these fucked up ideas! 

And so it is that Mr Iain Duncan-Smith is awarded this week's TWAT OF THE WEEK AWARD!

Saturday 2 July 2011

Saturday July 2nd

Wimbledon Ladies Final day and my favourite and thousands of men's too, Maria Sharapova got well and truly beaten by Kvitova. So no more grunting or porno groaning for another year then! Not that I watched any of it. 

I was out for the day with the girls at the local park. The girls went on the swings, slides, climbing frames and just about everything else. The water system was on so my eldest had to run around like many of the other children there. Once my eldest was soaked through we went to sit down for our picnic. I cooked some chicken dippers for us all and we went to the shop to get some crisps, and juice and a doughnut each. When we had our picnic we played football and had a run around, with the weather as gorgeous as it was, my eldest didn't take too long to dry out anyway, although before we went back to the drop off point we did stop off at home to dry her socks and shoes a bit. We also had time for my eldest to do a bit of Riverdance in the park and my youngest to sing "Twinkle Twinkle...." to me.

This morning when my ex dropped the girls off I told her we needed to talk sometime. When I dropped them off I asked the ex what she wanted to do about our little angel's birthday and if she wanted to do anything or was she doing something on her own? I was a little surprised by her response and while the ice has been broken I won't go into any more detail. I will say though that I hope this time she keeps her word and maybe "We can start putting the children first!" Then again I did remind her I had been saying that and doing that myself for the past three years!

Friday 1 July 2011

Friday July 1st

I would like to wish LC1 a very happy birthday as I know she is an avid reader of this blog! I said I would like to wish but unlike her I don't lie so I won't!

Saw this on Facebook today and thought I had to share it here! 

I have spent the day in conversation with Brittany Ferries regarding their 2 for 1 offer. I am aware there is a website with the full terms and conditions of the offer but when you personally visit the port and speak to a member of staff face to face and ask a specific question, the very least you expect is a straightforward and proper answer! Or is that just me expecting a member of staff to be able to give you a precise answer?

Off to meet Oliver Colvile MP for a discussion on recent events and crapcass complaint! Report to follow!

OK so this morning Andy Murray was Britain's hope for a men's champion at Wimbledon. Now though after crumbling under the pressure he is now the Scottish tennis player who lost to Nadal thus ending British hopes for another year!