Monday, 17 October 2011

Monday October 17th

Well although the personal family law court saga is finally over and done with, there is still a battle to be won in regards to fairness to all parents (obviously from my own personal aspect I will highlight Father's Rights but will still campaign for EQUALITY and if there is injustice to a other then that will also be fought for. Top of the list is waiting to see what is going to be the outcome of the Government report. With all the cutbacks I have a great idea for the Prime Minister. Instead of reducing our armed forces, NHS and vital services to the communities why does he not instruct the powers that be to get rid of crapcass and all the corrupt staff that work in it? It would save the country £Millions and also save many many families from lengthy legal cases and torture. Surely that is worth it anyway! 

As this blog will carry on until crapcass is deceased, it means that TWAT OF THE WEEK AWARDS carry on with it. Already the leading nomination is Plymouth Citybus who int their infinite wisdom now charge children full adult fare to get to school unless they all want to be at least 45 minutes late in which case at 9.30 they can get child fare!!! Some really intelligent twat thought that idea up obviously! 

Friday, 14 October 2011

Friday October 14th

It is finally all official and today I received the order that awards Shared Residence. Good things come to those who wait. And believe me I have waited long enough for this good thing to come. Despite the interference of the twat from crapcass trying to wreck all the good that was being done last year with her false accusations and elaborate story telling. Just shows that in the end common sense does prevail. However, I still want to see that evil good for nothing twat out of a job. 

I was wondering if I named her here and she took me to court for defamation or whatever then all the reports would have to come out and finally the court system would realise that there is a scumbag inside it's system. Worth thinking about. Facts are facts and she committed perjury and openly lied and deceived people in and out of the court and on the fringes of this case throughout the time she was asked to work on it. 

You know who you are, I know who you are and pretty soon EVERYONE will know who you are. YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO YOUR PROFESSION! YOU ARE A LIAR! 

There that is that off my chest. 

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Sunday October 9th

My mood today has been ruined by some disturbing news from my eldest daughter! I was starting to put the events of the past three years firmly behind me and look forward to the future with my SHARED RESIDENCE ORDER granted by the court last Tuesday. However, today during our lunch my daughter started talking about a few things that happened to her whilst she was kept from seeing me. 

My daughter tells me that the twat from crapcass met with her and her maternal grandmother at least once and that her grandmother told her afterwards that she saw a recording device under the table which had been activated. My daughter tells me that nobody told either her or her grandmother that such a device existed or that she was being recorded. I am fucking angry and if this is true I will demand further action be taken against that evil lying child stealing twat once and for all. YOU ARE FUCKING SCUM AND WORSE THAN I EVER THOUGHT OF YOU! ROT IN HELL! 

Email will be in my solicitor's possession as soon as he gets into the office tomorrow! 

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Wednesday October 5th

Yes I know I have been quiet lately! Would have thought that certain people would be grateful that they are not being slated daily on here!The simple fact is that - as I have stated previously - I have been spending more time with the two girls and have not has the time to post daily updates of what has been happening. 

Yesterday was the most satisfactory day in the past three years. The fact that both my ex and I had actually made agreements outside of court made it even easier. However, we had been in this position over a year ago and look what happened when crapcass made their threats and told lies to various people which turned the hearing into a farce and ultimately led to my 79 day hunger strike. 

So if you remember, for the past three years I have stood firm and let it be known that Shared Residence would be the only outcome I would accept. Yesterday the judge gave us that Shared Residence Order. How after three years of arguing and tit for tat (and at times completely unfounded allegations) and don't forget the fabricated crapcass reports, did we reach this agreement? SIMPLE!


Actually having the judge "CONGRATULATE" both of us for doing what we did gave me a huge sense of gratification. Out of the corner of my eye I could see LC of crapcass look like she had been hit across the face with a wet rotting kipper. AND IT FELT GOOD! I am sure that subconsciously I may have even sat there a few seats away and propped my head up using two fingers on the side of my face. I do remember having a itch on the side of my face that needed scratching!

My ex sat to my right a few seats away and for the first time in three years of attending these hearings we were actually smiling at each other instead of either blatantly ignoring the fact we were in the same room or smirking sarcastically. 

It was nice both before and after the hearing to talk to both solicitors and feel at ease. It was very noticeable that neither the twat from crapcass nor her solicitor made any attempt to converse with either of us! We laughed afterwards when we went to the car park and saw them both standing looking at us and fearing not to go to their cars in case we said or did something! Awwwwwww you do have to feel sorry for some people don't you? No fucking way! 

I have taken a number of orders for the crapcass t-shirts and even been told I am not charging enough! When I can get a t-shirt for about £1.50 and the transfers for another £2-3 I don't think I could dare charge anything over £10 per shirt which includes p&p! Cheap I reckon. AND the satisfaction of doing a public service is far more gratifying than being paid for it! Has given me an idea though. Maybe set up a business in the future and mass produce t-shirts and other stationery and gift items in the crapcass range! I particularly like the crapcass boxers or y-fronts idea. Would be even better for sufferers of diarrhoea, they could actually shit on crapcass for a change instead of having done to them! 

Then we have crapcass toilet rolls and umbrellas, baseball caps, note-paper etc etc etc..... oh the possibilities are endless! 

Seriously, people take it from me as I have journeyed to hell and back for almost three years. If you want what is best for your children then do what is best for your children!

When you think your relationship is breaking up do not use the children as bargaining tools. Do not use them as weapons! Do not use them as a way of tit for tat accusations and arguing! Do not use them as a way of getting back at your partner for something they did wrong to you! 

The world lacks clear law when it comes to Family Law. It also lacks a moral code! Some people who work in the system do do a fantastic job there is no doubt about it BUT there are others (like LC of crapcass) who would be better off working in a public convenience clearing up shit after other people rather than them shitting on others. 

My personal battle for justice is over! Then gain it was NEVER about me or my ex wife (and I do have to admit I slated her enough when I felt let down by this system, even though I knew she was being persuaded by outside influences!) Right from the very start it was about my children! My stance on that never changed because it was not just about me and what I wanted or needed it was always about them! 

Will I stop this blog now.....................? If crapcass sacks that twat or I get a public apology maybe! If crapcass is closed down forever and it's staff redeployed to bin collectors or toilet attendants possibly! If the law changes to reflect it is now the 21st Century and FATHERS are given equality and the right to have an active role in their children's lives then YES! So guess I will be carrying on for a while yet then! Maybe not about me anymore or my dispute with the Family Law system but I will highlight any others who have to endure the kind corruption and lies I have witnessed first hand! 

So with that said......And I know this please a couple of people I have spoken to recently TWAT OF THE WEEK AWARD lives on! The news style reporting of local, national and international events will still remain. The fight for a level playing field for fathers will continue. 

If you have experienced or are experiencing the effects of the unfair Family Law System please do get in touch. I would highlight and support your story via this blog. This invite goes out to BOTH PARENTS! I will not publish your names or any identifying photos but I will most definitely tell the world about the scumbags you are dealing with who are supposed to put the children first but instead put their careers and reputations before everything.