Monday 23 January 2012

January 18th 2012

It has been a long time since I wrote anything here. I know some have missed me as they cannot help but look for a reason to have me locked up and my children taken away again. Special message for you....FUCK OFF it ain't happening! 

Fact of the matter is plain and clear, the stress of splitting up is bad enough but made even worse by the intervention of the legal system. People within it do not give a shit about the happiness of the children involved and sometimes the bitterness between the two parents after the blame games start are just fuel for those who earn money making sure such cases are dragged out as long as possible and those who are there to work in the best interests of the children have more important things to do so find it very easy to make names for themselves by making up a load of shit and lies to enhance their chances of promotion or keeping their jobs. They are a little like the traffic warden who gets a bonus the more tickets they issue for parking, so it does not matter that the car is parked legally they will start put a ticket on the car and wait for appeals etc before claiming they made a mistake! YES YOU KNOW I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU Ms D.B! 

So how do you get around the interference of the do-gooders and scum bags that would do their best to make sure that the best interests of the children are not taken into account? 


Yes I know when families break up there is a lot of bitterness and blaming each other for the way it broke down. Children are used as pawns in a game of tit for tat and usually the system sides with the mother despite the fact that in some cases the mother is a lying deceitful evil person.

Anyway enough of the muppets in the family law system that don't actually give a shit for those they are supposed to be working for we have more important matters to address!

I refer to the lovely people at the Child Tax Credit Office. Especially Mrs K Bamber with whom I have had numerous correspondence with and at least one telephone conversation! You see I have a big problem with people telling me I am wrong when in fact I know I am right. Especially when I have undeniable proof and legal documentation to support me. This has happened continuously over the past three years obviously with those fuckwits at Crapcass and in the court system who continued to falsely accuse me of things and events that never happened! Not the only people to have done so and I am sure they won't be the last.

The Child Tax Credit people however are probably playing in the same league as the lying retard in crapcass. Apparently they have information that the children's mother and I separated in August 2008! Which comes as a bit of a shock to all of us seeing as all of the recent court paperwork categorically states (signed and sealed with the numerous solicitors, witnesses and judges we dealt with) and VERY CLEARLY shows we separated in February 2009! How can I be so sure about the date. Because I moved into my parents on that day and only a few weeks before we went to London all together for a weekend where my eldest daughter and I attended the Arsenal v Plymouth Argyle FA Cup match at the Emirates! So over this past weekend I have gone through the box files of paperwork accumulated over the past three years for the courts and dug out a few examples of letters and statements that clearly show the actual date of separation. I wonder how long it takes them to get back to me now and what excuses they will think up to get out of this mess!

I kept the receipt of posting and am working out cost of ink and photocopying and man hours of course as I think if I am doing their job for them I should be compensated for it! Only fair I think!

So my first TWAT OF THE WEEK AWARD for 2012 must go to Mrs Bamber and her staff at the Child Tax Credit office!

Happy New Year everyone and remember if you are about to go through the rather traumatic family court system, do yourself a big favour and talk to each other then work it out between you and think of the children then go to your solicitors and the twats who work in the system, stick your two fingers up at them and tell them to go find some other flesh to feed from as you are not interested in their corrupt system. 

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